So who came up with the HT Cafe?

Well yeah, of course he is, after all he's the one who started a thread FOUR YEARS after the fact, whining about the use of the word Cafe. :rolleyes:

I'm not whining. I just asked why another name wasn't chosen. I do see that he starts most of the threads in here. I guess that's why he is a little :(sensitive.:( But he doesn't have to call me names.
writerdom quoth:
i'm not whining. i just asked why another name wasn't chosen. i do see that he starts most of the threads in here. i guess that's why he is a little sensitive. but he doesn't have to call me names.
in point of fact: i'll call you whatever the hell i feel is appropriate, just as you surely will yourself vis a vis myself.

but here's the thing. i'm not calling you names. i'm calling you precisely what you are. you're being a pompous ass. you backpedaled and instead of acknowledging that you suffered from a moment of "head up your ass-itis" (which would have been both understandable, intellectually honest and laudable), you instead attempted to dismiss your own idiocy and the wholly-merited response it's drawn, thereby compounding your error.

for me to be sensitive would imply that your opinion, whether good, bad, indifferent or whatever the hell else, matters to me. and the fact of the matter is that it does not. your opinion means has exactly as much significance to me as a bit of sagebrush blowing in the background of a film that i'm not watching.

i would invite you to review my posting history, which demonstrates that i have a documented history that supports my statements, but i somehow doubt that you'd take me up on it.

If anything you should thank me for bringing some life to this place. But, I shall leave. The coffee here sucks and the service is bad.
Interestingly enough, I've mentioned to a friend that perhaps the Café ought to be merged back into the HT.

It might have been a knee jerk reaction or better idea four years ago (can't believe it's been that long). I don't know if it's needed or even causes confusion about the board (regardless of LadyG defining it in the sticky).

Anyone have any thoughts on this? No, WriterDom, not the name.;)

What Erika said!

I honestly can't think of another place on Lit where people could post about college troubles, relationship issues, surviving abuse, therapy questions and issues, et all without them being lost in the general noise of the forums. And if we tend to not have as much thread turnover as other boards, who cares? If that's what people seek, there are other areas that cater to that. Me personally, I'll take quality discussion over quantity any day. The solution is clear : if you like HT Cafe, sit and stay awhile. If not, you are free to leave.
bailadora said:
Although it wasn't aimed at me, thanks for the link Eilan. Its kinda cool to see how one of my fave hangouts came into existence.
You're welcome. It was slightly before my time, but I remember the thread from my creepy lurker days. :)

I think the HT Cafe was probably most active in mid-to-late 2005 and 2006. I know I wasted a lot of time here when I was a lot less busy IRL.
writerdom: i will permit you to have the last word, o self-important one.

bailadora: funny, isn't that the default for why folks wind up here? :>

I read only the first few posts, but WD, apparently the hunter has become the hunted. Time to find a hole. You'll have to hide.
i always find it amusing when people insist they're leaving [site/forum/subforum] but you still see them participating after their dramatic announcement.

i always find it amusing when people insist they're leaving [site/forum/subforum] but you still see them participating after their dramatic announcement.


I'll be happy to let it go when the rest of you do. Like done_got_hypocrite attacking me for defending myself after your childish comment.
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no, this means that your dramatic flouncing was really just a desperate bid for attention. i probably ought not to reward your bad behavior by acknowledging it, but what the hell, i'm feeling magnanimous.

you still don't get it, so i will stop extending the courtesy of thinking you might be reasonably intelligent: the evidence clearly rules out that little delusion.

i pointed out exactly what you did and how patronizing and contemptible it was. that you lack the capacity for the self-awareness needed to understand that is ultimately not my problem though: it's yours.

you're clearly laboring under the misapprehension that you're a blameless victim in all this. you are not.


I was intelligent enough to come up with the whole Cafe concept. I guess I should be proud you people copied it.
Boys will be boys but I think you're both men, I may be wrong but...

WD, I am glad we used the cafe idea you'd already coined here. Thanks.

I also think it's been fun to have some lively something going on here -- note I used 'something' as I don't know quite how to define it -- so maybe we can all take a little effort to add some life to the HT and HT Cafe. It can be revived, and be a lot of fun again.
Boys will be boys but I think you're both men, I may be wrong but...

WD, I am glad we used the cafe idea you'd already coined here. Thanks.

I also think it's been fun to have some lively something going on here -- note I used 'something' as I don't know quite how to define it -- so maybe we can all take a little effort to add some life to the HT and HT Cafe. It can be revived, and be a lot of fun again.

Yeah I'd like to see it do better. I didn't mean for it to come off as if I were waging war with the HT gang. I think you are a little too nice here at times.

Pompous ass!


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I think you are a little too nice here at times.

Honest question: What's wrong with being nice? It's possible to heatedly debate a topic, vehemently disagree with someone or make one's point without name calling and hurling personal insults. If HT'ers wanted that kind of backbiting and drama, we'd be hanging out on the GB. *shrug* Just my 2 cents....
Honest question: What's wrong with being nice? It's possible to heatedly debate a topic, vehemently disagree with someone or make one's point without name calling and hurling personal insults. If HT'ers wanted that kind of backbiting and drama, we'd be hanging out on the GB. *shrug* Just my 2 cents....

Nice is good. It's just a little more interesting if you stir the pot at times. We have a lot of heated discussions in our cafe and manage to be civil to one another most of the time. It can be done.
I have "The Curse" called nice, which is better than sweet. I have no energy to rid myself of this impairment to a greater extent. Some years back I wore the moniker "But I'm not always an asshole," but even that barely covered that nice thing. I suppose I ought to be happy that the two identifiers are not placed together. But if they are...kaBOOOOOOM.

So, what kinds of topics, events, etc might generate traffic and participation?

There's always the standby "Getting to know you" thread that poses interesting, quirky, funny and dull questions. Those might generate separate topics for discussions.

There is so much in the news that can be put up for opinions, etc.

And as always, we can discuss our own personal thoughts, ideas and interest.

Other ideas: Or we can just go ahead and begin a thread. If creating a thread makes you nervous, like the "I hope it doesn't die or ..." no biggie, it's not a character flaw on your part, it just might not have hit a nerve of whatever at the time, please don't look it as personal.

Start a thread or even two...

btw, that's an ass for sure but I didn't see anything pompous! ;)
I think it's harder here because there is no "How to" culture. Nothing to really bind you together.

The main difference I see in the Cafes is that we have a lot of threads that people post to everyday and all day. That generates more traffic. And once in a while we'll have an interesting topic that gets a lot of people involved and we have a lot of very bright people on our board.