So who came up with the HT Cafe?

Nice is good. It's just a little more interesting if you stir the pot at times. We have a lot of heated discussions in our cafe and manage to be civil to one another most of the time. It can be done.

So I've seen. Your thread on Southern Culture was really interesting.
I think it's harder here because there is no "How to" culture. Nothing to really bind you together.

The main difference I see in the Cafes is that we have a lot of threads that people post to everyday and all day. That generates more traffic. And once in a while we'll have an interesting topic that gets a lot of people involved and we have a lot of very bright people on our board.

As I understand it, there was a fairly active core group a few years ago that has since dwindled. I know I've seen it mentioned in other locations that these things tend to be cyclical. Honestly - I haven't been part of an online forum long enough verify or deny that.

HT has some really bright people as well and I know some of 'em have been around a lot longer than I have. This may just be my perception, but I think the longer your tenure, the more sensitive your bullshit meter becomes and you (you in the general sense) get tired of answering the same questions over and over again. I know my tendency is to lurk and only emerge when there is something I feel compelled to respond to.
As I understand it, there was a fairly active core group a few years ago that has since dwindled. I know I've seen it mentioned in other locations that these things tend to be cyclical. Honestly - I haven't been part of an online forum long enough verify or deny that.

HT has some really bright people as well and I know some of 'em have been around a lot longer than I have. This may just be my perception, but I think the longer your tenure, the more sensitive your bullshit meter becomes and you (you in the general sense) get tired of answering the same questions over and over again. I know my tendency is to lurk and only emerge when there is something I feel compelled to respond to.

I like the pace of ours. Though it could be better. I'd rather have a slow moving forum than something like the playground. It's really slow here. Only 3 active threads today.
We could do with some more interesting/ in-depth topics. There's only so much one can do with the polls (although you do learn fun stuff about people that way). *wanders off pondering*

(PS - feel free to start one here. There's no rule saying you can't "belong" to more than one board.) ;)
i actually agree with writerdom that we're a bit too nice here sometimes. i feel there's a certain implicitly-understood avoidance of confrontation here on HT cafe, when the truth is that confrontation need not be destructive or harmful*.

i understand the reasons for that, though. HT regulars are a self-selecting group of people who want to be helpful, and part of that is necessarily the desire to be conciliatory and convivial. that the cafe reflects that general tone then is understandable.


*hell, one of my other online haunts has a prominently displayed disclaimer in my favorite forum explicitly stating "this forum is not for the thin-skinned! you have been warned."
silverwhisper said:
i actually agree with writerdom that we're a bit too nice here sometimes.
Should I stir up some shit in a cock size thread?
i actually agree with writerdom that we're a bit too nice here sometimes. i feel there's a certain implicitly-understood avoidance of confrontation here on HT cafe, when the truth is that confrontation need not be destructive or harmful*.

I'm not sure about that, Ed. If someone's acting stupid, there are plenty here who will come right out and say so.
I'm not sure about that, Ed. If someone's acting stupid, there are plenty here who will come right out and say so.

What Adora said.

No one needs to be nice or mean or anything they don't want. You chose your behavior. People will respond as they want too.

I don't want to be seen as part of a closed group. I have made friends here, some I know better or that are included in my off line life. I really would love to see this place livelier but it'll only happen with effort, so I'm going to call my brain to make sure it works and if possible it could step up on production.