So...whose Wheaties did I piss in now?

This is happening to Judo, Risia, Lauren, Angeline, and me. What do we have in common? We are all extremely desirable women who write fantastic poetry.

That's why we're under attack! :D
New avatar

Don't mean to sidline the thread...just wanted to say I like the new avatar Eve.:)

Sweetwife, you shouldn't be talking about AVs on a pissed wheaties thread! :D
JUDO said:
RS -

Just got nailed, too. My poem I Want A Girl just received four 1 votes since yesterday. Somebody's got access to multiple computer addresses.

Pretty cool, huh? First time it's been off the list since I posted it. Ah, well.

- Judo
This is getting ludicrous. I like your poem, Judo, a lot, but I can give U only one 5, which I just did. Your poem is nicely structured, I think in your own original way or at least not in a common way (6-line stanzas, aabccb), nice rhymes. And the poem is witty. It has only minor drawbacks, in my opinion. The exact repetition of the first line is a little tiring, makes the reading of the whole poem more difficult, the poem feels long. I would slightly vary the first line each time, just slightly. This would create additional potential, and then I would read your poem in one breath. But this is a minor misgiving.

I like "Bill" (meaning Bill Gates) in the first stanza. In future, years ahead, your poem will need a little note explaining who the Bill is, but that's perfectly alright.

So, U want not too much, U want a girl-lover who is rich, thoughtful and considerate toward U, sexy, witty, good natured (U may correct a typo, I assume: have yin &yang spelled consistently starting with a lower case letter or upper) -- I prefer lower case :)); so, she should be stable but wild in & around the bed! and multiorgasmic... (Does it have to be a girl? I guess so because U want your lover to have exquisite tits too. Too bad for many of us, tits challenged, here on Literotica)

I don't care much for the last stanza (many poems can be improved by cutting something at the end, sometimes at the beginning, and on occasion by cutting out everything, which is NOT, I repeat NOT, the case here!) but the last line is less trite, it is moving, is ok. Alll together I like your poem a lot.

(It is clear that F.U.C.K. competitions can promote poetry way better than the present Literotica votes+views system).


WickedEve said:
This is happening to Judo, Risia, Lauren, Angeline, and me. What do we have in common? We are all extremely desirable women who write fantastic poetry.

That's why we're under attack! :D
Go thru a sex change operation and your rating will skyrocket again! It's so simple that I am embarrassed to mention it.

On the other hand... Oh, never mind,
Senna Jawa said:
So, U want not too much, U want a girl-lover who is rich, thoughtful and considerate toward U, sexy, witty, good natured [...] so, she should be stable but wild in & around the bed! and multiorgasmic...
Damn, Judo!

I told you not to do any more poetry about me :p
Last edited:

I just fived you, as well. How did I miss that poem in "Freakin' Good Titles!"?

I liked the poem at least as much as Senna, so don't come on the boards saying you just got 1'ed thinking you'll get an automatic 5. Not you people, of course, but others might get ideas.
Thanks, everybody. And kudos to Senna. Could be one of the first times in a while since that poem was reviewed.

Yesterday, it was at 4.11 with 36 votes and this morning, a 3.8 with 40. If you do the math, it's four "1s" in a day. So, no, KD, no fooling.

I was surprised, but no matter. It has been nailed before and sprung back with more voting. Usually, like a cork in the water, the poems find their level over time.

Thanks for voting and helping. You're all very nice for doing so.

- Judo
Hey, Wicked! I just noticed you're getting close to your 1000th post! Way to go, girl!

What're you gonna be now?

Mistress of Something?
Goddess of Something?
Sneakin Up Behind You?
Strap-on Mistress?

Tell. Tell! Inquiring minds and all that.
JUDO said:
Thanks, everybody. And kudos to Senna. Could be one of the first times in a while since that poem was reviewed.

Yesterday, it was at 4.11 with 36 votes and this morning, a 3.8 with 40. If you do the math, it's four "1s" in a day. So, no, KD, no fooling.

I was surprised, but no matter. It has been nailed before and sprung back with more voting. Usually, like a cork in the water, the poems find their level over time.

Thanks for voting and helping. You're all very nice for doing so.

- Judo
I gave it a 5 this morning when I saw your post. If a few others vote, it should be back to where it was.
JUDO said:
Hey, Wicked! I just noticed you're getting close to your 1000th post! Way to go, girl!

What're you gonna be now?

Mistress of Something?
Goddess of Something?
Sneakin Up Behind You?
Strap-on Mistress?

Tell. Tell! Inquiring minds and all that.
I have something picked out. A couple of days ago I was talking with one of the lit poets that I gab with occasionally, and I said something about there always being time for a dildo. Then it hit me! (not the dildo) I thought about the expression "there's always room for pie." So I'm using "there's always room for a dildo."
That's the best I could come up with. lol
WickedEve said:

I have something picked out. A couple of days ago I was talking with one of the lit poets that I gab with occasionally, and I said something about there always being time for a dildo. Then it hit me! (not the dildo) I thought about the expression "there's always room for pie." So I'm using "there's always room for a dildo."
That's the best I could come up with. lol
If you want to, you can borrow my Goddess Of Wet Pussy title, but you must return it later on... :p
Lauren.Hynde said:

If you want to, you can borrow my Goddess Of Wet Pussy title, but you must return it later on... :p
You are so sweet!

Why don't you poets out there that are so good with words, help me think of something! Please...
WickedEve said:

You are so sweet!

Why don't you poets out there that are so good with words, help me think of something! Please...
make a thread for it, put the word challenge in it, and i'm there...
Okay, it's there. Come up with something good! I don't want to end up with my stupid dildo one.
JUDO said:
Thanks for voting and helping. You're all very nice for doing so.

- Judo
Your poem, Judo, in addition to eroticism & sex-bang-bang (long live Literotica!) has voice, a very pleasing, friendly, warm voice. Your whole poem is humane.

Best to U,
10 Votes

I have found that as soon as my poetry submissions get more than 9 votes they get beaten down to no more than 4.0.
This, so far, is only for poems. My one story [that explains a poem] has not [as of yet] been attacked.

Today's Update

Well, now the disease is spreading to my stories. I also got this email today as an anonymous feedback:

This message contains feedback for: RisiaSkye
About the submission: Melting Point
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


Not only did you piss in my Wheaties, you crapped in my Cocoa Puffs!

*DO NOT hit the REPLY button to respond to this email.*

Whoever you are, get a life, you fuckwit.
My poem Back Door Baby got nailed today by four 1s again. 4.4 yesterday with 11 votes and 3.53 today with 15. Three and a half months to reach the list and banished in moments.

Whoever is doing this must have a lot of time on their hands.
Thanks for the heads-up on this. This will be cleaned up soon.

For those unaware, vote fraud is grounds for removal from the site.

There were some interesting voting patterns that points to specific people. You know who you are: Stop it now. I'm giving you a chance to quit now and save face.
one more quick thing...

If you suspect that someone might be trying to fraud the voting by multiple downvotes or upvotes, rather than trying to "fix" the balance with your own upvoting or downvoting, PM me with your concerns and I will look into it quickly. By trying to "fix" the voting, you are making yourself guilty of fraud and making things messier than they need to be. Thanks, and respect your fellow poets! :)
Re: one more quick thing...

Laurel said:
If you suspect that someone might be trying to fraud the voting by multiple downvotes or upvotes, rather than trying to "fix" the balance with your own upvoting or downvoting, PM me with your concerns and I will look into it quickly. By trying to "fix" the voting, you are making yourself guilty of fraud and making things messier than they need to be. Thanks, and respect your fellow poets! :)

Thanks for the info, L. I won't upvote again.

- Judo
Re: Re: one more quick thing...

JUDO said:

Thanks for the info, L. I won't upvote again.

- Judo
Somehow this thread went nowhere. Instead of limiting ourselves to fixing a symptom, the system itself should be improved. Voting on poems can really be open, not secret. We are not talking about nuclear technology and other military and security issues.

The idea behind anonymous voting is weak, it has as we see more drawbacks than advantages. In the other thread I have suggested a different kind of competition, the kind which would promote poetry, which would stimulate discussions. I think that it is important to set the priorities right. No voting can truly establish which poems are better and which are worse, that's a nonsense. If there are outstanding poems it will take forty and more years before they are properly appreciated, and even then it's still ify. There is hardly such a thing like a good evaluation, and it is certainly not a democratic matter.

Conclusion. Competitions r for fun, not for real. And their main purpose should be the promotion of poetry. The secret votes + views system is clearly deficient in this respect. And that made me come up with something which would serve (the interest in) poetry better.

Perhaps we should continue this discussion in a separate thread. Here let me only mention the data base issue. We could really take advantage of knowing the posting date for each poem, so that poems can be grouped according to their Literotica entry time. (I have sent these days 2 emails to Laurel about this post dating problem. I hope that Literotica can provide this feature easily since it keeps the dates in its system anyway; also, for many archives other than Literotica this is the most standard feature).

BTW, RisiaSkye, about the anonymous email which U've got. One of the ugly thing about anonymity is that U really know nothing, it's just ugly. U don't know if this is the same anonymous ugly person or another who thinks that s/he is oh so smart and has a joke at your expense. The problem of anonymity certainly deserves a separate thread :). Here I can only suggest: don't pay any attention to such letters, do not respond, ignore them.
