So...whose Wheaties did I piss in now?

I'd like to make clear that I am still for the existing "views+votes". I like statistics & trivia. I just want to complemet them with the kind of a competion which will have higher status. (Possibly name F.U.C.K. was not such a great idea? What do U think? :))

Just an interesting thread I found.... from over 2 years ago. I knew there had to be one.

The history of the 1 bomber, just so those of us who are new to the phenomonon do not feel alone....

I do not want to stir up things, I have my own opinion on the one bomb thing, I just thought it might be interesting to see what the more seasoned poets at lit felt about the whole thing when things were a little more new to them as well.


how does one keep track and know if they are bombed or not? Is this just related with H poems?

this is coming from someone who has problems keeping track of her keys in the car while it is running, warming up. Couldnt find the darn things for half an hour and here I already started the car :kiss: :confused:
echoes_s said:
how does one keep track and know if they are bombed or not? Is this just related with H poems?

this is coming from someone who has problems keeping track of her keys in the car while it is running, warming up. Couldnt find the darn things for half an hour and here I already started the car :kiss: :confused:

Depends on the person, echoes. Ask Lauren. She keeps charts, if I recall...;)
minsue said:
Depends on the person, echoes. Ask Lauren. She keeps charts, if I recall...;)

or you could ask anna...she has had some key location issues recently...:)
tarablackwood22 said:

Nice lips, Min. :kiss:

(lurking benevolently again :) )


They ain't mine, but thanks. They do look, erm..., tastey, don't they? :p

(good to see you, sweets :kiss: )
Laurel said:
Thanks for the heads-up on this. This will be cleaned up soon.

For those unaware, vote fraud is grounds for removal from the site.

There were some interesting voting patterns that points to specific people. You know who you are: Stop it now. I'm giving you a chance to quit now and save face.
Curious, does Laurel still do that?

Any way, thanks anna for da bump, it was interesting to see Eve whine way back then :D

- neo
neonurotic said:
Curious, does Laurel still do that?

Any way, thanks anna for da bump, it was interesting to see Eve whine way back then :D

- neo

Yup. If you get bombed, just drop her a PM or better yet tell her using the "report this story" button on your submission. They can find it easier that way.

I checked my submissions page once after a snide comment was made about one of them in a post by someone I was arguing politics with on one of the other boards. Brand new shiny ones all the way down. Laurel took care of it quite quickly. :)
tungtied2u said:
or you could ask anna...she has had some key location issues recently...:)

ha ha ha

all the time, man, it is so so sad. I even started carrying a PURSE for the first time since Jr. High and I still cannot keep myself organized.

I can't keep track of my poems. I look at a title and forget what the poem is. Or I read a poem and completely forget writing it (mostly in the passion thread, which is how I wound up in the past anyway, wanting to look at the original Live Poetry thread pre-all of a sudden passion suddenly....)

What I think is bizarre is reading the "old" posts and seeing the new AV's there with them. Crazy!

alright gotta go write a poem or something crazy like that.

I feel weird posting in this thread, like stomping on hallowed ground or something.

annaswirls said:
Just an interesting thread I found.... from over 2 years ago. I knew there had to be one.

The history of the 1 bomber, just so those of us who are new to the phenomonon do not feel alone....

I do not want to stir up things, I have my own opinion on the one bomb thing, I just thought it might be interesting to see what the more seasoned poets at lit felt about the whole thing when things were a little more new to them as well.


This is funny as hell
This is funny as hell
funnier than mine
When I was on yesterday, I could have sworn, I saw new poems, and then I didn't. Who puts them up Lauren?
Can't be the same as who hands out "E"'s is it?
Do you know how many theads, there have been about this? Also how many complaints about "harsh" but real critism. I tried to draw a distinction between the two.
"get over it" and seconded.
I posted two things that have a real emotional closeness; one got the most amazing set of comments, only one of which was an unqualified validation. Those comments I received I will treasure. That then got zero bombed, along with my "E", I knew what that was worth.
Another, what I consider to be my best, written at a time of no hope, got zero bombed, with few comments, that hurt.
Yeh, I admit it that one hurt, bad.
I will not post anything here, that has that degree of emotional closeness, again. So "Last Man" did have a message in it, for you, whoever you are.
As far as the comments, T.B. and anna,
those comments, because they where critical, really touched me. Both of you blasted me for one thing or another, but the time spent, what you pointed out as the beauty of...
Those, I carry forever and doubt that anything that will ever be said about my work, will ever approach the value of those to me.
Some opinionated ramblings about numbers.

I'm an independent business consultant, and a good deal of my work requires crunching and extrapolating numbers. That background tells me the following:

The ratings (votes) are useful for just two things... a very general feedback in terms of the "marketability" of a poem, and specific feedback in terms of judging one poem of mine against the body of my work.

Using the numbers outside of that context is folly! My highest rated poem on the Top List is "Stone" (presently at number 5). Is that the strongest poem I have posted here? No. Is it a good poem? Maybe. Is it marketable to the general masses? Yes.

Judo commented that he had received 36 votes on a single poem. That's awesome. The most I have received is 17. Does that mean his is better, or worse than mine? No. As a matter of fact, there is absolutely no conclusion that can be drawn, because there is no way to qualify the numbers. (i.e., who voted and why). To do so is a waste of time.

I track my numbers, because I am interested in knowing how the "audience" is viewing my work. I want to know how one poem stacks up against another. It is a useful tool that way. I made the decision to drop one of my poems from the chapbook I'm working on. It scored a 4.25. It only got one comment and just 4 votes. Does that mean the poem sucks? No. It does mean, however, that it is not as strong as some of my other work.

What else can I learn from tracking the numbers? Well, my highest rated poem has a score of 4.92, and my lowest is 4.25. What does that mean? The only thing I can determine is that in general, I am pretty consistent.

Of the 61 poems presently posted, eight have scores of less than 4.50. What does that mean? Only that my voice is fairly strong, (and to the extent that I have been tinkering with poetry for close to 40 years, my voice should be strong!). It also means that those 8 poems might be deserving or more work.

The averages tell me little. My average score is 4.67. (Means nothing). My average number of votes is 9.97... one shie from getting an H. What's that mean? Simply, I need to strengthen my work if I want more votes, and therefore more "Hs". (Duh!)

As of today, the average number of reads is 232 per poem. Consider that many respected journals only publish 500 to 1000 copies. Readership averages tell me that any specific poem is only read by 25 to 50% of the circulation of a literary digest... which means that any given poem of mine at Lit is receiving the number of reads it would get at any specific journal... and in some cases, even more!

(Remember, Lit is a site for erotic stories... not poetry!)

Two last things on "numbers". I have 17 poems that have 9 votes, and have scores above 4.50. What's that mean? That I have to ask you all to read my stuff, and vote! :D

Finally, the most important number? The total number of reads. My stuff has been read a total of 13,135 times since coming here in July. That's the cat's ass! After all, why write poetry if it isn't going to be read!

Fretting over the plight of a single poem is a waste of time. Judging the strength or weakness of a poem by using the numbers at Lit is simply wrong... witness the one-bomber, and all the votes we have received from "friends".

The Top List, and the votes, and all that hoopla, are simply tools. Writing poetry is not a contest. There are no winners, or losers. There is nothing more than a consortium of struggling poets, writing and sharing. At Lit, that consortium is strong.

What more could we ask?

By the way, I just pasted this into a new thread: ("On numbers and votes and such...") Consider replying there.
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