some random poem of mine

What do you think? See how many different poems you can squeeze out of the same words? I find it fun and a good exercise as well :)

thanks. i shall try that. hope every one has a happy new year.
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Life Eternal

Theres no time
No time for anything
For Anything worth doing

Everything is so complacated
To complacated because of everyone
Of everyone not taking their time

To many people to meet
To meet fully, to appreciate
To appreciate who they are inside

So many people to please
To please because of their social status
Social status that has gone to their head

What is left for me
FOr me to hang on to
On to for life eternal
Hang on to Time
guard it close
squander it not
its all you got

and in Time
you will be
in control
of how your Time is used

then you'll have
all the time in the world
at your disposal
to use in a Timely manner!

Hey Kid! How you doin'?
There are times when we can't go on
But we go on any way
We may be hated
But thats okay
Take the time to get to know us
We don't bite hard
The word teenager to most adults
It's in the league of the word fuck
Every one is a teenager at least once
For some a few times a day
All I'm trying to say is give us a try
You won't regret it.
Pencil Fight

The crash of wood on wood
The yells of battle
Your entire life pending on the outcome
Blood trying to be spilt
Sweat stinging your eye
A commotion around you
Its the teacher
The fun's ended
Till another day
Step for step

Step for step
I get closer

Step for step
I try to run away

Step for step
I cry out

Step for step
I get hurt

Step for step
I lose myself

Step for step
I slowely die

Cold surrounds
Closing in
Crushing life
Suffocating everything
Ever friendless
Cold smothers
Killing everything
Re: Cold

zell19861986 said:
Cold surrounds
Closing in
Crushing life
Suffocating everything
Ever friendless
Cold smothers
Killing everything
O.K. Zell, Now write "Warmth"! :)
Re: Warmth

zell19861986 said:
Warmth abound
Glowing radiating
Forever beauty
Love everlasting
Now isn't that a much happier thought? ;)

They whisper ever on
Alway's whisper
never caring

They ruin lives
They laugh with glee
Suffering is their joy

Forever more they go on
Spreading their whisper
never caring


I can't go on
Everything goes wrong

Why can't I just stop
Why can't I just end everything?

No one seem's to care
They turn a blind eye to my plea's for help

The gun is to easy
I turn to the knife instead

I cry out against myself
I can't stop myself

The blood flows freely
Drains me out

Nothings left that was me
Life goes on with out me

The echo of my life
Empty of everything
Everything except memories

Nothing's left for me
Everything's taken away
I can't hold on
Everything out of reach

My mind grabs out
Everything's hidden from me
I can't help but break down

Nothing's left for me
Everything's taken away
I can't hold on
Everything out of reach

The screaming's silent
Nothing can be heard
I want out of it

Nothing's left for me
Everything's taken away
I can't hold on
Everything out of reach

The tears flow down
Nothing can make me stop
I just want to be normal

Nothing's left for me
Everything's taken away
I can't hold on
Everything out of reach

I'm always the freak
Nothing I do is right
I can never fit in were i want to

Nothing's left for me
Everything's taken away
I can't hold on
Everything out of reach

Nothing I can do to change
If I can't fit in
I shouldn't be there

Nothing's left for me
Everything's taken away
I can't hold on
Everything out of reach

I'm me
Nothing can change that
I'm me and thats all that matter's....
all that matter's to me....

The tears of soft
Fall for the end
Nothing stops them
Falling endlessly on

Crying on, never ending
Never again, what was
No one move's for fear

Nothing is the same
Can't go on
Air stolen away
Breath lost on the wasted

Fear take's hold
Muscle's freeze
Eyes cloud over

Blood runs freely
Red, sweet nothing
Life splashing away
Cold takes over

Hands are grasping
Grasping at everything

Hands are reaching
Reaching for love

Hands are void
Void of life

Hands are numb
Numb from hatred

Hands are holding up
Up into the sky

Hands are offering
Offering thing's they can not give

No One

Away your taken
Never to be seen

Hidden away
No one finds you

Their search hopeless
They don't know you

They think they do
From moments spent

No one know's you
Not even I

The calling of my name
Worry filling it

My breathing shallow
I don't want to be found

Their hearts call out to me
My heart shuts them out

They despair for me
Wanting me to come back

I cry for their sorrow
I can't go back

I won't go back
I never can go back
One Hit

She takes a hit
The world dims away
Nothing can get to her

Everything is so loud
No one can hear anything
Smoke is heavy in the air
Nothing anyone can do to stop it

He takes a hit
The world fades out
Nothing can break through to him

Everyone puts reality away
They try on dream worlds
Anything to get away
Anything's better then reality

You take a hit
You lose yourself
Your lost to everyone

Something happens to someone
It seems serious
Everyone's to high to do anything
Even if they cared

I take a hit
I hide in myself
I run away from all my problems

The Bottle

The bottle calls
He can always hear it
His hands itch to answer

He can't control himself
He's out of control
All his friends left hours ago
Only the bottle left to keep him company

They try to stop him
He won't be stopped
He dive's into the bottle

He can't control himself
He's out of control
All his friends left hours ago
Only the bottle left to keep him company

He staggers around
Everythings swaying and splitting
He can't see straight any more

He can't control himself
He's out of control
All his friends left hours ago
Only the bottle left to keep him company

The cement rushes up to meet him
Every one freaks when he never gets back up
He had a one way ticket to hell
(warning. the poem Get Out of My Way was written in anger.)

Get Out of My Way

I want to kill some one
Doesn't matter who
Just hand me a knife

Get the fuck out of my way
Nothings going to stop me
People are going to die now!
I've been pushed to fucking far!

I've been beat on all my lief
They all thought it was so fucking funny
They're going to pay with their lives

Get the fuck out of my way
Nothings going to stop me
People are going to die now!
I've been pushed to fucking far!

No one ever takes me seriously
They just turn their backs and laugh
They never know what they do to me

Get the fuck out of my way
Nothings going to stop me
People are going to die now!
I've been pushed to fucking far!

I've always hid my feelings
So they wouldn't think i was weak
But no fucking more!

Get the fuck out of my way
Nothings going to stop me
People are going to die now!
I've been pushed to fucking far!

Just hand me a knife and step away
No one's safe any more
Every one is going to pay

Get the fuck out of my way
Nothings going to stop me
People are going to die now!
I've been pushed to fucking far!

I can't take it any more
My life is so fucked up because of them
Why can't they just leave me be?

Get the fuck out of my way
Nothings going to stop me
People are going to die now!
I've been pushed to fucking far!

No one will befriend me
I can;t find any friends for me
I'm just to much of a fucking freak

Get out of my way
I can't stop myself
I'm going to die
I've pushed to many people away

I can't handle myself any more
Nothing can save me
I'm just a sad excuse of a person........
hm......... i dont really think that Get Out of My Way should stay up much longer. who else thinks i should take it down?

There's nothing wrong with you.
Why can't you just say those simple words?
Its not that hard i promise
Just to be kind once in your fucking life

Do you have any idea what you do to me
You chip away at my self esteem
Nothing i do meets your standards
I'm just one big fuck up to you

Nothing i do can stop you
All you do is suck my soul away
You never consider how i feel
What did i ever see in you?

I can't fucking stand you
All you do is take
Why did i ever love you?
Why do i still love you?

I should just break up with you
Your not good for my health
You make me want to kill myself
I should kill you instead
Re: untitled

zell19861986 said:
There's nothing wrong with you.
Why can't you just say those simple words?
Its not that hard i promise
Just to be kind once in your fucking life

Do you have any idea what you do to me
You chip away at my self esteem
Nothing i do meets your standards
I'm just one big fuck up to you

Nothing i do can stop you
All you do is suck my soul away
You never consider how i feel
What did i ever see in you?

I can't fucking stand you
All you do is take
Why did i ever love you?
Why do i still love you?

I should just break up with you
Your not good for my health
You make me want to kill myself
I should kill you instead

Now Zell talk about walking away with a shrug, cast the realization about you that you are better and you can be happier.
Write that.
Re: Re: untitled

echoes_s said:
Now Zell talk about walking away with a shrug, cast the realization about you that you are better and you can be happier.
Write that.

tried that once when i was angry. didn't really work. lol. sorry. i normally just write poetry to let some steam out, so as i won't take it out on someone or thing instead. thats why most of my stuff isn't happy. sorry everyone!
Re: Re: Re: untitled

zell19861986 said:
tried that once when i was angry. didn't really work. lol. sorry. i normally just write poetry to let some steam out, so as i won't take it out on someone or thing instead. thats why most of my stuff isn't happy. sorry everyone!

No sorries, glad you explained it. :rose:
two new poems of mine.


The boy sits alone
Every one gone
No one for him to care about
Nothing he can live for
The world moves on with out him
The man replaces the boy
The man's bitterness bites hard
The man is us



Can't hold it back
Nothing to stop it
Fear hate anger
Nothing is safe
Every one capable
Nothing to stop it
No one left
Nothing to save
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uh uh


erase it

start over

You have so much to say and I KNOW you can say it better than this

Come on baby... for me!!
BooMerengue said:
uh uh


erase it

start over

You have so much to say and I KNOW you can say it better than this

Come on baby... for me!!

sorry. tonight i can't
Jibber Jabber Jibber

Knock Knock Knock
Oh no, sanities at the door
Jibber Jabber Jibber
Or so it tells me
Everything in repeat
Coherency out the window
Sleep in a needle
Jibber Jabber Jibber Jabber
em sllet ti os ro
I'm comin to your house and checkin on you


Glad you're back writing, dear friend of mine!