son of the isolated blurts thread!

Hey stranger! How's things?
omg the new kittens are absolutely adorable!


Ed, this is a serious thread about serious, adult issues. Can't we please have one lousy sanctuary where there are no cats? You'd think this was the Internet or something, where cats, by law, must appear on every page. :rolleyes:
yank quoth:
ed, this is a serious thread about serious, adult issues. can't we please have one lousy sanctuary where there are no cats? you'd think this was the internet or something, where cats, by law, must appear on every page. :rolleyes:
i don't get this concept of "no cats". ?!

My oldest, who was seven when I started wasting time on this site, goes to prom tonight. I'm not ready!!

That's definitely a different perspective. Mine was ... I need more fingers and/or toes. 5?

She went to her prom last weekend. She found a dress that she liked at a thrift shop, so that saved me a few bucks. She and her girlfriends went stag, and on the way home she told me that "she didn't know that she was allowed to date". She was voted prom queen by the nerds, so that counts for something :)
Jesus, the GB is looking a little like the Playground this weekend.

Even repeated shouts of "n00b" are not stopping the sandboxes and swing sets from appearing.
If the cap fits!

They must acquits? They will get the shits? Or smell their pits? Or lose their wits?

Sorry seem to have been possessed by Dr. Seuss's evil, less talented, twin for a moment.

Game of Thrones and Mad Men make a formidable 1-2 punch!

I'm still 2 whole seasons behind on Game of Thrones. *sigh* I might need a marathon.

ETA: Oh I almost forgot. I might have inadvertantly set off the apocalypse today. I had 2 pair ridiculously slutty pairs of high heels, the whole way up to the check out counter, and then went and put them back without purchasing them. Winter is coming indeed.
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But they're all such great and loyal friends, Em!

Not with each other, that's fer-sher.

I know there are a couple decent folks who occasionally post there, but I tried to navigate through some of the threads on the first page, and I just gave up.

It was like trying to binge watch some bizarre mash-up of GLEE, with Real Housewives of Wherever, with Hell's Kitchen, with To Catch a Predator.

I haven't gone back to check, but I think someone was voted off the island / out of the house.