speaking of canes

dang, my very first post here, I'm sure I'll be breaking a few rules I haven't stumbled across yet, apologies in advance. Nice to meet you all :)

This thread caught my eye because I have a very strong love of this implement, and unfortunatly, a recent hard lesson learned from it as well. I thought I'd pass on that info and maybe save someone else having to learn it the hard way.

I have a couple of rules when it comes to the cane and safety that I've followed since my first introduction to the implement. I never let anyone cane me unless I have seen them cane someone else first. I never get caned in punishment or discipline (the cane alone takes me to incredible heights...add the emotional weight of discpline to that and it's just too much for me). I expect the person caning me to know how to handle the cane and not harm me. They can hurt me all they (and I) want, but not harm me.

I broke all of these rules for some reason I'm still struggling to understand and come to terms with, during a recent meeting with a Dom. It's been nearly two months now and I still have very vivid marks. Some I think will end up scarring, where the cane wrapped to impact my hip and cut into my flesh. That added to the complete lack of emotional aftercare made for a situation I hope I never allow myself to get into again.

So, that pretty much sums up how dangerous the cane can be in the hands of someone that doesn't understand what it can do, or doesn't have the skills and practice necessary to use it safely. Emotionally and physically.

A good friend taught me a lot about the cane, and he gets all of his canes raw from Hansons as well. As he puts it, Hansons canes are disposable...they last long and hold up well if taken care of, but if you break them, no big deal. He stores them in a dry place and soaks them a few times a year to preserve their flexibility and prevent premature cracking.

On a sidenote, I do love Hansons products, but plan to order about 6 months before I actually need an item. Ah well, it's worth the quality when you do get it.

PBW: I find, on the receiving end of the cane, that I prefer the heavier ones. They have a deeper burn to them that I just love, compared to the sharp sting of lighter, whippier canes. Different sizes of canes bring very different results...all of which I love *grin*

navarre said:

You could use PVC or CPVC but they would not have the action of rattan or nylon. PVC is very rigid. A lot of damage could be done VERY quickly.
Take care.

Yeah... that's why I thought you'd want to stick to the really narrow one's... so it has some give to it. Course, I don't know how narrow they get, so they just might not get narrow enough. I just though of them because they wouldn't spliter or break on you.

Re: Re: speaking of canes

P. B. Walker said:

I was wondering. What are the differences in canes? What makes one cane hurt more than another? Are there differences in canes that make them easier to use?
There are many different materials (rattan, acrylic, other woods, fiberglass, etc.), sizes (length, circumference), levels of polish (will it splinter? Is it treated?), and other differences.

Thickness helps them penetrate the tissue with a blow, creating bruising. Thin, flexible whippy canes sting more than they hurt lastingly, but they can leave a nasty red stripe. Stiffness also makes them hurt more--the acrylic winder for window shades can be used as a cane, for example. That 3/8" acrylic strip hurts a *lot* more than a 5/8" rattan cane.

How do you judge a cane? How can you tell it is a quality cane?
I'm still learning this. I've just recently gotten into them. We're working on it.

With all toys, though, I look at the finishing. The connections that hold it together are a pretty good indication of the overall workmanship, in my opinion.

Thanks Risia...

I'm getting the impression that you can give some very mixed types of sensations with canes... from the whippy sting to the thudding bruising.

I would also think you can use a cane in more areas... just because they are slightly smaller than say a wooded paddle or a flogger... you can concentrate on one very small patch of skin if you like.

Plus.. depending on your array of canes... I get the impression that you can use them virtually anywhere on the body. True?

P. B. Walker said:

Plus.. depending on your array of canes... I get the impression that you can use them virtually anywhere on the body. True?


I've had my bottom, thighs, inner thighs, breasts, pussy lips, palms and soles of my feet caned, so that comment is definatly true. The amount of skill it takes to do that safely though, is really amazing, and very impressive when acomplished. Probably the most painful was the bottoms of my feet...incredibly intense pain.
P. B. Walker said:
Thanks Risia...

I'm getting the impression that you can give some very mixed types of sensations with canes... from the whippy sting to the thudding bruising.

I would also think you can use a cane in more areas... just because they are slightly smaller than say a wooded paddle or a flogger... you can concentrate on one very small patch of skin if you like.

Plus.. depending on your array of canes... I get the impression that you can use them virtually anywhere on the body. True?


I prefer to use canes/switches only on the butt and upper thighs. The impact of the cane "radiates" so each stroke should given slowly and seperatly. I only do it hard and fast when his tolerance is high and he begs for it. But unless your sub loves pain and has very thick skin this isn't advisable.

I've tried all kinds of different woods to use as canes and find rattan to be the best. Acrylics are for very very experienced users as they can cause much damage.

As stated by others, never let anyone use a cane, switch, flogger, paddle {or ANY other toy} on you unless they know exactly what they are doing. It is possible to damage the kidneys or back way too easily.

There is an article I will try to find that demonstrates correct use of the cane. I think I posted it on the monster thread ages ago. I'll look tomorrow if I have time.

serijules said:

I've had my bottom, thighs, inner thighs, breasts, pussy lips, palms and soles of my feet caned, so that comment is definatly true. The amount of skill it takes to do that safely though, is really amazing, and very impressive when acomplished. Probably the most painful was the bottoms of my feet...incredibly intense pain.
i have had all of those caned also serijules.... and, i think between my legs was the most intense pain... it was still tolerable, but intense....

My Dom was very good at using the canes... i had marks one time that lasted almost a month... but didn't have any pain or scarring from them. :)
I also think it should be added that just like a new Dom/me, a new sub should also take care. Whereas a new Dom/me maybe not know exactly how to handle a cane... a new sub that has not had extensive spankings/canings/flogging/whippings/etc maybe not have been "toughed" up to take a caning. Your muscles and skin tough up as you get more and more spankings/etc. You are able to take more and more.

It is surprising how much your can hurt the soles of the feet. You'd think... since we walk on them all day and that HAS to be one of the areas on our bodies with the toughest, thickest skin... but yet... a few taps of a cane and we're jumping thru the roof... Wierd huh?

P. B. Walker said:
I also think it should be added that just like a new Dom/me, a new sub should also take care. Whereas a new Dom/me maybe not know exactly how to handle a cane... a new sub that has not had extensive spankings/canings/flogging/whippings/etc maybe not have been "toughed" up to take a caning. Your muscles and skin tough up as you get more and more spankings/etc. You are able to take more and more.

It is surprising how much your can hurt the soles of the feet. You'd think... since we walk on them all day and that HAS to be one of the areas on our bodies with the toughest, thickest skin... but yet... a few taps of a cane and we're jumping thru the roof... Wierd huh?

You are certainly right PBW... things that had been done to me early on, that i thought i would never be able to handle more of, have become almost commonplace to me now... although, i have been privy to the cane since day 1 with my Dom. And, trust me... it was very scary, when i saw him whip those canes out of his bag.... but, now i like canes and the marks they leave :D
P. B. Walker said:
IIt is surprising how much your can hurt the soles of the feet. You'd think... since we walk on them all day and that HAS to be one of the areas on our bodies with the toughest, thickest skin... but yet... a few taps of a cane and we're jumping thru the roof... Wierd huh?


very wierd, I've often thought that too, but think even of stubbing a toe or something...heck, I'd rather get a concussion than stub my toe...(okok, maybe not, but you know what I mean..) It was only two strokes and I was begging and pleading and offering my firstborn just if he would stop....*grin*

Sierra: My cane marks on my bottom always last at least 4-6 weeks too...the marks are so STRANGE...they don't hurt at all after a few days, like you said but they just stubbornly don't fade. I'm really hoping these ones that broke my skin will fade in time, would rather not have battle scars...but the "good" caning marks I wear with pride *grin*
serijules said:


Sierra: My cane marks on my bottom always last at least 4-6 weeks too...the marks are so STRANGE...they don't hurt at all after a few days, like you said but they just stubbornly don't fade. I'm really hoping these ones that broke my skin will fade in time, would rather not have battle scars...but the "good" caning marks I wear with pride *grin*
Yes, they do leave strange marks.. almost like you've been hit twice.. right next to each other... and yes, take longer than any other marks to fade. i also wear my marks with pride!! :D

p.s. welcome to the forum serijules... i hope you continue posting here, i'm sure you can bring alot to the forum!! :)
SierraMoon said:

p.s. welcome to the forum serijules... i hope you continue posting here, i'm sure you can bring alot to the forum!! :)

Thank you! I do intend to stick around a bit *grin*