Spirit song: the elven wanderer finally has a home.

She looked back at him running a silky soft hand over his check as if trying to cheer him up again when he winked down at her she smirked and giggled Some

I see....I love singing and listening to someone else making music or singing themselves as well...

“I love to play,” he said and summoned the guitar with a thought. Gently setting her beside him as he strummed a chord as he slid his arm around the maple of the instrument.

Even as the first few notes flowed out he heard a joyful melody floating on the air. He knew that laugh. Had she come here to his home too? Finally she would see his place as he had seen hers. He stood from the swing to look down at the grass beside the pool where the lithe woman lay. “Are you well?” He called down to Yeishia.

Turning back to Kitty he put a foot up on the swing to prop up his guitar, fingertips caressing the strings to draw out a minor chord, then a major, testing his tuning. “Do you sing Kitty?”
Kitty smiles as he sits her aside as he takes a guitar in his hand, she sits and crosses her legs to enjoy. When he looks over the porch and calls out to someone she tries to look also but without standing up to see who it was.

When he turns back to her and asks her if she sings she nods and smiles.

Yes I do I love singing.....
Yeishia hated confrontations and was profoundly grateful that his world had protected her from walking in on the Glad while he was in play.

It would have been uncomfortably awkward...

Yeishia smiled gently there was no blame to be found. They had not discussed in detail the parameters of their relationship and she doubted that the young girl was was even aware of her existence. Silently she slipped away....
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Kitty smiles as he sits her aside as he takes a guitar in his hand, she sits and crosses her legs to enjoy. When he looks over the porch and calls out to someone she tries to look also but without standing up to see who it was.

When he turns back to her and asks her if she sings she nods and smiles.

Yes I do I love singing.....

Glad turned back out to the grass below and realized what he thought he had seen hadn’t actually been there. He realized he had misunderstood her writing. Yes, he had read it counter to her question to him elsewhere, but apparently he had been unclear on where she had fallen through to. There afterall had never been a barier around his home, for all were welcome to come and enjoy the peace. He blew out a sigh. Apparently she did not wish to join them in the sppirit of friendship.

Still facing the pool, Glad backed until he was seated on the swing once more. “Apparently Yeishia was here briefly but departed, I thought she was still here,” he said softly. He strummed the guitar again. “I too love to sing, what sorts of things do you enjoy singing most?”
Kitty sighs some watching his movements his eyes as if searching for something that wasnt there and then as he sat down and said that about Yeashia she tilted her head some looking out to where he thought she might have been and said softly.

"I hope im not the reason for her not to visit you Glad... that would be the last thing I would have wanted..."

she takes a deep breath and as he asked her what she likes to sing about she smiled and said.

"Well I love to sing old songs Irish or Scottisch but also ones that just mirror my feelings i also love country....! and you ?!"
Kitty sighs some watching his movements his eyes as if searching for something that wasnt there and then as he sat down and said that about Yeashia she tilted her head some looking out to where he thought she might have been and said softly.

"I hope im not the reason for her not to visit you Glad... that would be the last thing I would have wanted..."

she takes a deep breath and as he asked her what she likes to sing about she smiled and said.

"Well I love to sing old songs Irish or Scottisch but also ones that just mirror my feelings i also love country....! and you ?!"

“It’s not really what I wanted either. I appear to have stepped on toes and that’s me, I’m like ice cream good in theory, until you’re not careful and then I cause brain freeze or diabetic coma,” he sighed at himself.

as the topic rejoined music his smile returned. “I enjoy country as well, as well as lots of rock, some metal, though singing the latter is difficult for my voice most of the time.
Ok...I sing that but I listen to most everything but I agree some songs are better just heard as to try and sing along...

She giggles some and can't help to already start to him her favourite song. Her eyes look over him and then she asks

What is tour favourite song that sound you him or sing when you believe no one is watching or listening
Ok...I sing that but I listen to most everything but I agree some songs are better just heard as to try and sing along...

She giggles some and can't help to already start to him her favourite song. Her eyes look over him and then she asks

What is tour favourite song that sound you him or sing when you believe no one is watching or listening

he laughs, “I honestly sing along to almost anything I remember being in a class back in school and the teacher played a song and I was singing along and myfriends pointed it out to me, I remember that as the moment when I stopped denying that I just loved to sing, I used to pretend that I didn’t.
She giggles some and then says as she sits up a bit more turning to look at him better.

Hmm I love singing I sometime forget that not everyone likes listening to someone singing...though alot of people told me i could sing but not sure....
She giggles some and then says as she sits up a bit more turning to look at him better.

Hmm I love singing I sometime forget that not everyone likes listening to someone singing...though alot of people told me i could sing but not sure....

Yes it is hard when someone tells you that they do not like your singing or do not appreciate it. Though it is also rewarding when someone does care about it.” He lets his eyes close as he begins to pick a melody, not really anything with words or familiar yet just getting the feel for the instrument as it were.
Kitty smiles hearing him hum slightly and pulls her knees up to her chest and rests her chin on her knee and just listens while her arms wrap around her legs.

Yeah it is nice when someone tells you what your doing is nice or good but mostly you have to feel good in what your doing then it shouldn't matter what others think...though it is harder done as said I know
He hummed as he played and then seemed to tilt his head to the side.an expression of sorrow washed over his head, clearly the elf was receiving a message from the real world and this form was paused while he did so. Finally he opened his eyes and sat down on the swing. The instrument seemingly was forgotten in his arms. Idly setting it aside he laced his fingers together and looked out over the water. Clearly the news was not good. “2020 strikes again,” he said, his voice soft. “How many more victims will it claim?” He asked, clearly a rhetorical question. “I lost yet another family member last night. Neither have been to corona fortunately but they’re still gone.”
Kitty watched him with a smile but as he then grew sad, she sighed some wondering what was wrong. When he sat down next to her, she cuddled up to his side some as she listened to what he said.

“I’m sorry to hear that… “

Kitty knows that feeling and would like to say more then what she did but should could or should not one say in a moment like that and since she always does end up stepping in the bed pan she likes to say she better just leave it to that. She tilts her head to lay on his shoulder and looks out over the porch with him.

She even has a urge to sing a song she always did when someone left her side into the unknown place but doesnt.
Kitty watched him with a smile but as he then grew sad, she sighed some wondering what was wrong. When he sat down next to her, she cuddled up to his side some as she listened to what he said.

“I’m sorry to hear that… “

Kitty knows that feeling and would like to say more then what she did but should could or should not one say in a moment like that and since she always does end up stepping in the bed pan she likes to say she better just leave it to that. She tilts her head to lay on his shoulder and looks out over the porch with him.

She even has a urge to sing a song she always did when someone left her side into the unknown place but doesnt.

He lets his hand rest on her knee briefly as she moves closer. “Thank you,” he looks out over the water. “You’ll forgive that I’m not the best company at this time,” he says softly.

He stands slowly to walk to the rail looking down from the porch. He felt the pull of the ocean, it was calling him, the waves, the sollace, the peace. “You’ll excuse me,” he says quietly. “I am just a bit overwhelmed at this time.

With that he lets himself fade from his home. He emerged in the waves, the cool water a shock to his heated system. He stood firm and let himself ground in the real feel of the water, the reality of the water.
Kitty nods understanding and not saying anything letting him go without trying g to keep him there or going with him. When he was gone she sighed softly feeling sorry anybody has to go through such things.

She looks.around some finding a blanket she takes it walks.off the porch and takes a small walk to a nice place out in the open with grass and some trees she lays the blanket down and lays down on the blanket so that her bare feet are in the nice green grass to feel the nature as she lays on her back and looks up in the sky.

She wanted to give glad room and knows if he wants to talk or whatever he would find her.
With that he lets himself fade from his home. He emerged in the waves, the cool water a shock to his heated system. He stood firm and let himself ground in the real feel of the water, the reality of the water.

The remnants of waves lapped at Angelica's bare feet and ankles as she walked along the sand to where the elf stood in the surf, looking out over the water. She waded out into the waves in her shorts and t-shirt, not really caring how wet she was getting. She slipped her arms around Glad's chest from behind as she placed a soft kiss between his shoulder blades. Resting her cheek against his back, she continued to embrace her dear friend as they stood together amongst the waves. She knew he was strong, but wanted to remind him that she would have his back, always, no matter how the waves might batter him.
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The remnants of waves lapped at Angelica's bare feet and ankles as she walked along the sand to where the elf stood in the surf, looking out over the water. She waded out into the waves in her shorts and t-shirt, not really caring how wet she was getting. She slipped her arms around Glad's chest from behind as she placed a soft kiss between his shoulder blades. Resting her cheek against his back, she continued to embrace her dear friend as they stood together amongst the waves. She knew he was strong, but wanted to remind him that she would have his back, always, no matter how the waves might batter him.
He feels the arms slide around him. He knows their feel, and the sound of the voice behind him. His hands cover hers, reveling in the connection. "This year just won't quit," he says softly. "I just learned if losing a family member was not enough, my favorite author died today.
Kitty laid there in the grass just enjoying the sun beating down on her though she couldnt help but wonder if she should have gone to find Glad to try and give him consolation but feared he might not wish that or so and thought it might be better just to wait till he comes to her to give him room and space since each living creature has their own way.

She hummed softly to herself and the birds and other creatures that might listen and started to softly sing a song she really liked a very old one as to that.
He feels the arms slide around him. He knows their feel, and the sound of the voice behind him. His hands cover hers, reveling in the connection. "This year just won't quit," he says softly. "I just learned if losing a family member was not enough, my favorite author died today.

"Terry Goodkind?," Angelica responds, with surprise and dismay. The elf nods. "Oh Glad, I know how much you love his work," she says sadly. Slipping beside him, she looks up, two sets of green eyes meeting as they have many a time before. She gently strokes his cheek before taking his hand, their fingers lacing instinctively, "Come, dear heart, the water is getting cold. I can feel you beginning to shiver. The sand still holds the heat of the sun, and you can manifest us a blanket upon which to rest for a while."
"Terry Goodkind?," Angelica responds, with surprise and dismay. The elf nods. "Oh Glad, I know how much you love his work," she says sadly. Slipping beside him, she looks up, two sets of green eyes meeting as they have many a time before. She gently strokes his cheek before taking his hand, their fingers lacing instinctively, "Come, dear heart, the water is getting cold. I can feel you beginning to shiver. The sand still holds the heat of the sun, and you can manifest us a blanket upon which to rest for a while."

he follows her from the water, “I don’t even realize how much of his work influences my life until I stopped to think about it but it’s true, so many of my philosophies about life are learned from him and those works. piled onto the loss of my aunt, well,” here he shruggs, pain evident in his eyes.

He obediently follows her from the water as if not even noticing the cool of the water. the harsh temperature proved to him he was still alive.

With a thought the blanket came to him and they went to it, where he sat slowly crosslegged, he folded his hands in his lap. “There really aren’t many words at this time.” he said with a shrug.
he follows her from the water, “I don’t even realize how much of his work influences my life until I stopped to think about it but it’s true, so many of my philosophies about life are learned from him and those works. piled onto the loss of my aunt, well,” here he shruggs, pain evident in his eyes.

He obediently follows her from the water as if not even noticing the cool of the water. the harsh temperature proved to him he was still alive.

With a thought the blanket came to him and they went to it, where he sat slowly crosslegged, he folded his hands in his lap. “There really aren’t many words at this time.” he said with a shrug.

Angelica sits facing him. "I understand...as you understand that I cannot see you in pain and say nothing, do nothing...even if it's just a touch, just a moment. I know that there are questions and concerns that need your attention, so, if you desire, I will leave you with your thoughts," she says with a soft smile, "now that I know you are not going to turn into an iceberg and float out to sea."
Angelica sits facing him. "I understand...as you understand that I cannot see you in pain and say nothing, do nothing...even if it's just a touch, just a moment. I know that there are questions and concerns that need your attention, so, if you desire, I will leave you with your thoughts," she says with a soft smile, "now that I know you are not going to turn into an iceberg and float out to sea."

“No, stay,” he said softly. He scooted forward until their knees touched. unconsciously mimicing a scene in stone of tears, one of goodkind’s novels. He took her hands so they wrested across their knees. “Meditate with me,” he asked softly, “help to ground me if you do not mind.
“No, stay,” he said softly. He scooted forward until their knees touched. unconsciously mimicing a scene in stone of tears, one of goodkind’s novels. He took her hands so they wrested across their knees. “Meditate with me,” he asked softly, “help to ground me if you do not mind.

"Of course I don't mind," she replied, giving his hands a squeeze of affirmation. "You know, the last time we sat like this, you told me it reminded you of a scene from one of The Sword of Truth books...something about transferring or helping to manifest magical power, if I remember correctly," she said, smiling at the memory, "I don't know about magic, but at least I might be able to help you conjure some peace of mind."
“Yes, this is a position where the sorceresses of the palace of the prophets would help the wizards in training to touch the essence of their gift. The wizard would seek inside himself for that power his gift, and the sorceress would use her own gift to guide him to reach it. Since traditionally the male gift should be taught to another male by a male and vice versa, when the female gift was used to educate the males they had to undergo more rituals than say another wizard training a younger wizard.” As he spoke he let his thumbs trace over the backs of her hands. Not really sure why he gave her all that information, but falling back on sharing information about one of his passions to help make him well.
The shock of it was like a punch to the gut. Angelica tried to keep her composure, to hold the tears back, but she just had no strength left. She looked up at Glad, the tears falling freely, "I'm sorry...I just learned that one of my heroes has died. She fought for so long, and it feels as if it was all for nothing." She slipped her hands from his and buried her face in them, crying quietly.
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