Spirit song: the elven wanderer finally has a home.

My belly is made of sterner stuff, or else I am just not laughing quite as hard,” he says sticking his tongue back out at her chuckling.
Hey....then you need to laugh more I have muscles I never knew I had and that only because of laughing....

Kitty leans up some resting on her elbows crossing her long legs looking at glad again.

One more umm what do you call a three thumbed camel.....

She already starts laughing again before she says the answer and in giggles she the says

“I prefer to find muscled I didn’t know I had during sex,” he teases with a wicked grin.
He snorts at her joke but makes no comment.
Well that wouldnt be bad either...

She smirks and throws a leave in his way and giggles as it doesn't fly as far as she thought
"Nice try, but a little sad honestly, usually when one throws something at someone they expect it to hit them," he teases grinning at her.
Well or one is blind and doesn't think about what she has I her hand and throws it....then it's funny...

Giggles and sticks out her tongue again...
He laughs, “fair, you never did say that.”
He captures her foot, and pulling it across his knee he begins to massage it. “Mine,” he jokes about her foot, “I stole it now.”He
She gasps as he pulls on her foot and she cant help it she giggles as she then says

If you keep that up you can keep it want a cute second one that looks just like that one two....

She asks and wiggles her other foot in the air and giggles
Ok I agree... but no tickling ...

She lays back and enjoys looking and watching the leaves move.in the wind

Have you ever thought about how small we really are and that it really is a shame if we were the only living planet in the whole galaxy...I mean take.the leaves for example...it this huge tree only stood there with one green leave and all the others were brown or black that would be a total.shame wouldnt it not....

She giggles covering her eyes

Oh my...where my head goes sometimes....
He considers her words as he rubs her foot. Tempted to tickle it he restrains himself. “Not sure about all that,” he says finally. “I just want to focus more on myhappiness here and now. It just seems so difficult sometimes. It’s tough to read what others think about us sometimes.” He frowned.
She leans up on her elbows again to look at him and wiggling with my toes trying to get him to laugh again

I try to think less.of what others think as to what think or feel and those people that are right infront of me.... but I understand...

She takes a deep breath

Ok ok...what about this... if you could change one color of somthing in the world of nature like the green leaves or such what would it be and which color...
He considered her question, “I have no idea dear. Do you have an answer because I sure do not.”
I would change the way people saw others...so no one could ever make fun of someone again...everyone would.see the people exactly the way they would find them pretty or so...that everyone would have so many problems less in their lives...

Hits her forehead thinking of what she asked...

What is your favourite sound ...like rain drops.hitting the hot concrete or a whale calling for its mate or so...
You answer really isn’t a color that’s what you asked you didn’t say general change ifI could change one thing in general.

Favorite sounds,” he rubs her foot as he thinks. “I love the sound of a woman’s pleasure, but not sure that’s my favorite. Music, so probably the sound of a guitar.”
She giggles noticing herself now that he was right she said color....

Mmm... that's nice thank you...I do enjoy a foot massage

Thinks of what he says and smirks

Hmm ok that is a nice sound I do have to agree...
He continues to rub her foot and nods, “Music means so much to me honestly. It’s a part of my spirituality even, it’s often how I communicate.
She smiles nodding saying softly

I know exactly what you mean...i couldn't live if i couldn't hear music...
He nods, “we seem to share that in common,” he says softly pressing his thumbs deeper into the ball of her foot, working out a knot of tension there.
Oh my gosh is that good....

Kitty bite her lower lip trying not to pull her foot away the more a massage hurts the better it is she knew it and she was very ticklish on her feet trying not to let him notice
After a moment he let her pull her foot back, the elf reaching for her other foot. "Gotta be even," he said softly.
Your right...

Kitty giggles and give him the other

And I'll give you a shoulder massage?
The elf rose to his feet. The music spoke to him and had to come out. Only elven magic could have done what he next did. He started to sing, and one of the trees reshaped itself into a beautiful piano. When it was created. He took a seat at the stool that rose from a shrub, sung into existance by his lyrical elvish words.

The song needed to come out. So many relationships in his life had been ending and changing this year, and he expressed himself through music. This song had been instrumental to his health when it was released 5 months ago and it seemed fitting to sing it again today. The music fed his soul, helped him to heal, to find a light in the darkness that constantly threatened at the edges of his consciousness.

Since it's release I Don't need you featuring Grace Grundy had been one of his favorite songs.
You can't say I didn't try
If I'm honest, I probably gave a little too much
Been on the edge for a while
'Cause I promised that I would be, yeah
You can say I wasn't good enough, but you know
That that doesn't change what really happened here
Then I have grown
Into someone you never thought I could

Someone who could walk away from it all
Someone who could stand alone and be alright

'Cause I don't need you to tell me who I am or what I'm meant to be
I don't need you to make up my mind
There's so much I wanted to say, but I can't find the words

Hate to hear you're doing fine
If I'm honest, I think about you all the time
But we left us behind
To find out what we could be
Yeah, you brought out the worst of me, so I know
If I stay, then we would both drown
But now I've grown
Into someone you never thought I could

Someone who could walk away from it all
Someone who could stand alone and be alright

'Cause I don't need you to tell me who I am or what I'm meant to be
I don't need you to make up my mind
There's so much I wanted to say, but I can't find the words to
I don't need you, I don't need you

After all's said and done, I know I'm gonna get through this
Rebuild build the bridges I've burned down and find the light in the darkness
After all's said and done, I know I'm gonna get through this
I'll find the light in the darkness, in the darkness

I don't need you to tell me who I am or what I'm meant to be
I don't need you to make up my mind, my mind
There's so much I wanted to say, but I can't find the words to
There's so much I wanted to say, but I can't find the words

I don't need you, no, no, oh
I don't need you, no more, no more

just as asking Alexandria sang with Grace Grundy, the magic provided a hooded woman to sing the second verse and harmony with him. Her outline was vague, it could have been anyone, it was merely a personification of femanin energy and the melodious alto mingled with his Baritone voice. As the song finished he closed his eyes, silently thanking the piano for it's gift, the spirit of the woman for her contribution to his song, to what he needed to express for himself. He would find the light in the darkness, the elf would forever cary on, as much as he wanted to sometimes he would not, could not give up on the gift of life he had been given.

As the music faded he closed his eyes and took in the nature around him, the gift, the distant tinkle of the waterfall cascading into the pool, the voice of the wind as it breathed along his skin, and blew his hair. There was the soft hum of insects, so much life energy that was just there to enjoy when he found a rare moment that he could slow down and ground himself, truly take it in. He hoped for many more moments like this in his future.