Spirtual Paradise

Hm.. I remember "Dual: Parallel Universe." I think I watched that a long time ago, as well as Neon Genesis Evangelion. That was a long time ago though, they used to come on late at night. I used to get up at 5 every morning to take medicine that I couldn't eat anything for an hour. So up way early, and the DVR/TiVo would record my animes that I could watch.

Inuyasha before it got bad! ^-^ Miroku es the man.

"OMG! Finally someone else that actually knows what Dual is. I loved the scene from...think it was the first or second ep...where Kazuki was groping his disguise suit. I also liked Crest/Banner of the Stars as well as Outlaw Star. Oh and Trigun too. I'm an otaku like Sakura if you didn't notice."
Outlaw Star was good too. Only thing I didn't like was that Cat Pilot episode. First time I saw that, I did cry. Course, that was when I was twelve or so... Still kinda sad for me.

I remember that scene! I mostly just remember "eating curry till I turn yellow." I say that every time I eat some. ^-^

And aren't we all otakus?
No, no, and yes. I watched all three series of Tenchi. I remember choosing a favorite girl too~ Fufufu.

-is working on FE:poR, just finished pumpnig Elincia full of bonus EXP. LIKE A PRINCESS BALLOON-
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. Fire Emblem for the Gamecube. Borrowing it from a friend.

Which was your favorite then? My first ia Ryoko. I mean damn, why would anyone pick someone else? Next is Washu just because she can raise children. ^-^d Thumbs up in my opinion.
Kiyone...blond cop or the purple one? @-@ My friend had dibs on her regardless.
Ah, I remember purple for some reason. Yes her though. ^-^d -gives another thumbs up- Mihoshi was a little too...simple for me.
I thought so too. XP Right right... Are you also a gamer?
Awesome. What systems and what games?

Wii: Brawl, FE:RD, Resident Evil 4 (sadly causes Wii failure recently)
GC: Melee, Resident Evil (some if not most are available to me..no wait, all of them)
360: RROD (it's dead. T_T) With Halo and friends that allow me just about every game known to man.
PS2: Modded for Final Mix and Final Mix+, as well as Star Ocean and Metal Gear Solid.

RPGs and FPSs. Not a big fan of racing. Too slow and way too nice to the cars. I hit a wall doing 100, I better explode or at least lose some paint dammit~
We sound very similar. I won't mention the 360 because I do not want to jinx it. Right now my wii is my internet source while I wait for my laptop to be fixed. My ps2 library is packed with rpg and anime games, still have my N64 and SNES. Gamecube is for rpgs, especially ToS, Skies of Arcadia, and Evolution worlds.
Tales of Symphonia! I am cursed with that game. Rented it the first time and was like: "Awesome! but lonely.." Had no one to play it with. Then rented it again and was determined to finish it only to find out my game file was deleted and the disc was too scratched. X-x double fail.

If you happen to have Brawl for the Wii, we can play some time later.

My N64 is at the other house, the SNES was given away when I was young. T-T I miss Turtles in Time and Super Mario World.

Handhelds! Can't forget those...
PSP: Dissidia, Crisis Core (Got the PSP for this game), Portable Ops+, Disgaea
DS: Pokemon up the ass (XP), 358/2 (Japanese, working on getting the English one cheap so I can hear all the specific things said), FFTA2, some others.. They are sad they don't get mentioned.
My Wii's very sensitive at the moment... In the past few weeks, it's bricked twice.
Doesn't turn on. I have to shake it...literally shake it, turn it upside down and whatnot before it will turn back on. The only thing that was the same in both situations was the game in it before, which was Resident Evil 4. I was going to send it in to Nintendo, but it was going to cost 85 bucks to get it fixed...not to mention they'd get rid of my HBC, which is necessary for all the Brawl hacks.
I know it sounds bad but you may need to just get a new one since they will just give you a refurbished one.
NEVAH! What sort of madness would drive a person to give up their Wii? Besides, it works on every other game.