Spotlight on... satindesire

What do you have against cock avatars? ;)

Whoops, I forgot to answer this one:

I am not interested in disembodied, swollen, glistening penises. I want to have a valuable and intelligent conversation with a human being without the distraction of faceless genitalia swaying in my general direction.

In my opinion, if cock avatars were appropriate and welcome, we'd all be running around naked with our bits hanging out all the time. I fully realize this is a porn board. If I want porn, I'll look for some myself. It being thrust savagely in my face (without me asking and without my permission) is disturbing...especially if I'm trying to talk about adopting a cat from a humane shelter, or my red meat allergy, or the newest trends in eyeshadow color, you know what I mean?

I tend to look at avatars like you'd see another person on the street (that's why I use my own real-life pictures of my real-life people can relate to me personally). Would you walk up to and talk to the guy with his dick hanging out of his pants? No! You'd call the damn cops on his flasher ass. Well...hopefully you would. Hah!

As it were, clothing is mandated by society for 'polite company' and for various other reasons. I want to talk to a person, not a penis.

That being said, I find most penises on here disgusting looking. I have nothing against penises in general, but some of them are just...ugly. :D
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hi there, satin! as you might expect, i'm starting with my usual, and will add to it later. :>

1. what is your favorite word?
2. what is your least favorite word?
3. what turns you on [creatively, spiritually or emotionally]?
4. what turns you off?
5. what is your favorite curse word?
6. what sound or noise do you love?
7. what sound or noise do you hate?
8. what profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
9. what profession would you not like to do?
10. if heaven exists, what would you like to hear god say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

hi there, satin! as you might expect, i'm starting with my usual, and will add to it later. :>

1. what is your favorite word?
2. what is your least favorite word?
3. what turns you on [creatively, spiritually or emotionally]?
4. what turns you off?
5. what is your favorite curse word?
6. what sound or noise do you love?
7. what sound or noise do you hate?
8. what profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
9. what profession would you not like to do?
10. if heaven exists, what would you like to hear god say when you arrive at the pearly gates?


1. what is your favorite word? "punkin". I know when I hear my hubs say that, he's feeling especially sweet and affectionate.

2. what is your least favorite word? Death. It's almost never used in a good way.

3. what turns you on [creatively, spiritually or emotionally]?
Creatively: Good art. Not the kind of stuff that people try and pass off as art when it's really just a desperate plea for any kind of attention they can get. Spiritually: Christians who are tolerant, open minded, and throw the stereotypes back into the faces of people that hate us just because of our religion. Emotionally: Love. Love turns me on, because it's the the best feeling and the best thing anyone can ever do for someone else.

4. what turns you off? Hatred, cruelty, hypocrisy. Meanness for the sake of meanness.

5. what is your favorite curse word?
Ass. I throw it in other words where it has no place. It's fanasstastic.

6. what sound or noise do you love? The laughter of my family.

7. what sound or noise do you hate?
As corny as this might sound, my husband crying. He's not the kind of guy to show emotions like that often, but when he does it's...heartwrenching. I don't really have the words for it.

8. what profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Being a counselor. I feel like it's sad that I would have to teach people in relationships that communication is necessary, but someone has to do it. There are so many divorces and unhappy people all because they can't figure out that telling their partner that they want something is really the easiest way to get it.

9. what profession would you not like to do?
A mercenary. I can't imagine that life as healthy, safe or something a sane and normal person would do.

10. if heaven exists, what would you like to hear god say when you arrive at the pearly gates? "Hey, you know that thing you did? Yeah, that thing. That was great, really great. Good job."
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I just want to say thank you for your down-to-earth honesty and your practical advice that you give:kiss:.

Now to the questions :D

~What are some make-up faux-pas that makes you cringe?

~If you can offer anyone one advice about life, the universe and everything, what would it be?
I just want to say thank you for your down-to-earth honesty and your practical advice that you give:kiss:.

Now to the questions :D

~What are some make-up faux-pas that makes you cringe?

~If you can offer anyone one advice about life, the universe and everything, what would it be?

Well, thank you! You're always such a sweetheart. :heart:

What are some makeup faux-pas that make me cringe?

Oh my lord, where can I start?

Too much makeup. Honestly, there are times and places where a lot of makeup can be very sexy and appropriate, but on a day to day basis, wearing too thick, heavy-ass makeup like a mask is almost never pretty.

Young girls wearing makeup when they haven't been taught how to apply it. If your daughter wants to wear makeup, great, but don't expect her to know how to put it on. Either sign her up for classes, direct her to the internet for tutorials, whatever. BUT DO SOMETHING TO TEACH HER. Women are not born with some genetic, innate ability to apply cosmetics correctly!

Women who look down on women who wear makeup. We don't look down on you for not wearing makeup, so shove it.

Not wearing enough. I can understand you're tired, or stressed, or whatever. But don't half-ass it. Walk out of the house with just lip gloss on and you're bound to look stupid! No one is so stressed out that they can't put on concealer, rouge and mascara...and if they are, why are they even bothering for the 10% of effort they're making?

The wrong application of color. Anyone can wear any color...and I mean that with 100% conviction. It's about application. Sheerness, blending, technique...those three things make for any woman (or man) to wear literally any color they want and not look ridiculous. If they apply it correctly, they can get away with anything.

If I could offer anyone one advice about life, the universe and everything, what would it be?


No, I keed, I keed.

Here's my advice: Stop expecting the world to hand you the things you want. Shyness, fear, not wanting to look selfish? That's not an excuse. No one can read your mind and if you don't earn it yourself, you're not likely to get it. Don't stand somewhere in the corner with your hand out...go after what you want, work for it and get it yourself, and you can have ANYTHING you want.
I guess we just have different tastes in books babe. Nothing wrong with that! :D

Aye. But I would suggest trying Discworld at least once. Pretend you're going to teach BG to read straight from the womb if necessary, then people will only think you're insane in the way a mother is allowed to be
satin, i really liked those answers to my questions. :>

what do people who don't know you well tend to be surprised to learn about you?

how did you get into modeling?

did you find lit's stories first or the forums?

satin, i really liked those answers to my questions. :>

what do people who don't know you well tend to be surprised to learn about you?

how did you get into modeling?

did you find lit's stories first or the forums?


Thanks Ed! I liked answering them. It was fun to think about things I don't usually.

what do people who don't know you well tend to be surprised to learn about you?

Umm...geeze, I might have to ask someone else about that. Because I can't honestly say. I'm guessing that I'm such an open and honest person and totally unembarrassed to talk freely about literally anything. But I'll ask the hubs and see what he says.

how did you get into modeling?

Well, funny story really, it wasn't my life's dream or anything, it sort of fell into my lap. I had been approached several times from the time I was a kid til I was about 13 years old, and my mom finally was like "Why don't we just try it?" that summer after school was pretty lacking in activities, so my mom took me up to Tulsa and talked to one of the agencies up there. I did a few test shoots, and there ya go.

did you find lit's stories first or the forums?

The forums. I actually didn't read any story til I had been here for almost 2 years.
Satin I know we are suppose to talk through our attorneys, but I miss you and I'm just tired of going through these child support negotiations with you. Can we just take it back to the old days when we would have a few drinks, fuck like rock stars, and you would wake up and go home in the morning?
Old Today, 06:50 PM
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No trolls allowed. Stop whining for my attention and go home to lick your wounds, puppy.
what a fucking asshat! maybe we should build a list of known trolls.

so satin, what's your favorite insult these days? :>

Your hair is so healthy and beautiful! Any tips for those of us who also have fairly healthy long hair but are all thumbs when it comes to styling and don't know much about styling products? :eek:
what a fucking asshat! maybe we should build a list of known trolls.

so satin, what's your favorite insult these days? :>



My favorite insult? See sigline.

Your hair is so healthy and beautiful! Any tips for those of us who also have fairly healthy long hair but are all thumbs when it comes to styling and don't know much about styling products? :eek:

THANK YOU!! My hair is one of Mister's favorite things about me.

To be completely honest with you, I -don't- style my hair, and I am completely clueless about styling my hair. I can take care of it like crazy and teach girls how to care for their hair, but when it comes to actually FIXING it with like, curling irons and stuff, I haven't the foggiest idea.

99% of the time, when you see my hair in pictures, that's just the way it looks naturally without me styling it. :eek:

Oh, but I can point out the way to a girl on youtube who has many many tutorials about how to style long hair. She's got long and very healthy hair, and even though her tutorials aren't in English, they're still sooo easy to follow visually! I've actually done a few of her styles and they are quite attention-grabbing and unusual.
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satindesire said:
THANK YOU!! My hair is one of Mister's favorite things about me.

To be completely honest with you, I -don't- style my hair, and I am completely clueless about styling my hair. I can take care of it like crazy and teach girls how to care for their hair, but when it comes to actually FIXING it with like, curling irons and stuff, I haven't the foggiest idea.

99% of the time, when you see my hair in pictures, that's just the way it looks naturally without me styling it. :eek:

Oh, but I can point out the way to a girl on youtube who has many many tutorials about how to style long hair. She's got long and very healthy hair, and even though her tutorials aren't in English, they're still sooo easy to follow visually! I've actually done a few of her styles and they are quite attention-grabbing and unusual.
Thanks for the link. I'll definitely check it out! I tend to resort to the wash-and-go approach. Braiding my hair when I go to yoga is the extent of my styling these days. :eek:

As far as taking care of hair, what is your must-have product?
Thanks for the link. I'll definitely check it out! I tend to resort to the wash-and-go approach. Braiding my hair when I go to yoga is the extent of my styling these days. :eek:

As far as taking care of hair, what is your must-have product?

I'm the same. Wash and go! I'm hopeless with styling tools.

If I had to narrow it down, I'd say Chi Silk Infusion reconstructing complex.

I'd say that along with using better shampoo/conditioner, not dyeing my hair anymore, and using the changed my hair condition from horrid, dry and frizzy, to what it is today.

Chi's a little pricey, but God if it isn't worth it!!!
heh, i shoulda known re: insult...

you mention in your profile that you're into RPGs. how'd you get into games in the first place and what are you current faves?

heh, i shoulda known re: insult...

you mention in your profile that you're into RPGs. how'd you get into games in the first place and what are you current faves?


My dad, actually.

He bought a Nintendo (the original NES system!) and a few games when I was just a cub, maybe three or four years old. I started watching him play and then playing myself. I played Mario Bros, Duck Hunt, and The Legend of Zelda to DEATH. We graduated up to the SNES, the N64, etc, all throughout my life. Dad can't play anymore because he has arthritis in his hands, but he's watched literal hours of World of Warcraft (of which I geek out on, on a regular basis.)

I've been playing video games ever since he brought home that NES system. So my geekdom is really thanks to daddy.

RPG in text form just sort of evolved from that when I was about 13 or 14 years old and stumbled into an AOL chat room (The Red Dragon Inn, for all you AOLers) and learned from watching the people play there.

My current favorite RPGs are World of Warcraft and Mass Effect.
Hi, Satin, my mind has decided to take a "mental health day," so I 'lifted' these from some 'memes' on the Net...

What are some of your favorite summer activities?

What is the clumsiest thing you've done lately?

How many books have you read this summer so far?

What makes you laugh every time?

How often do you lie? (We all tell some, of course.)

What was the last thing you purchased that you realized was a mistake after the fact?

What is your favorite electronic gadget?

What comes to mind first when you see this picture?

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Hi, Satin, my mind has decided to take a "mental health day," so I 'lifted' these from some 'memes' on the Net...

What are some of your favorite summer activities?

What is the clumsiest thing you've done lately?

How many books have you read this summer so far?

What makes you laugh every time?

How often do you lie? (We all tell some, of course.)

What was the last thing you purchased that you realized was a mistake after the fact?

What is your favorite electronic gadget?

What comes to mind first when you see this picture?


What are some of your favorite summer activities? Swimming, BBQing, bonfires, window shopping, eating ice cream at the park, jet skis, boating, fishing.

What is the clumsiest thing you've done lately? I dropped the earring back off of Mister's new earrings and ruined them. Money down the drain. We were both really upset.

How many books have you read this summer so far? or eight?

What makes you laugh every time? Dramatic Cat

How often do you lie? (We all tell some, of course.) As little as possible, and only when 100% completely necessary. And I still feel bad for it!

What was the last thing you purchased that you realized was a mistake after the fact? A shirt that ended up being too small in the chest for me to fit. Pregnancy boobies are....big.

What is your favorite electronic gadget? My Hitachi Magic Wand. :D

What comes to mind first when you see this picture? I love Alton Brown! is the first thing I think.
Satin, I just noticed the question about lying, (which isn't any of my business), was included in my 'cut and paste' by mistake, I thought I had deleted it. I apologize.:rose:

Thanks for the link to the cats, I love watching them but THAT one is so fun.
You might not be the sort of person who likes to sing, but everybody has that one song that, if they were ever made to do karaoke at gunpoint, they'd go for. What's yours?
Satin, I just noticed the question about lying, (which isn't any of my business), was included in my 'cut and paste' by mistake, I thought I had deleted it. I apologize.:rose:

Thanks for the link to the cats, I love watching them but THAT one is so fun.

I didn't mind the lying question at all honey! Like I said, I'll answer anything, no matter how difficult or personal. And I'm REALLY glad you liked the Dramatic Cat video, it's one of my all time favorites!! :D

You might not be the sort of person who likes to sing, but everybody has that one song that, if they were ever made to do karaoke at gunpoint, they'd go for. What's yours?

I actually love to sing! I'm not very good at it, because my lung capacity is very limited being this pregnant and I tend to get shaky and breathless...but I still love love LOVE to sing!

I really like "Man in the Box". I sing it on Rock Band 2 all the time. ^_^