STC - Inhumanity

lol minsue and Boo, i didnt say it was any good, i just said it was written...;)
Well... my mind WAS a blank til I trolled the back alleys at Google and found something called Canada's Dirty Little Secret... but so much info to cram into one little poem... wow.

This really is one of the toughest assignments to date...

I know there's a serious tone in this thread, but every time I come here, Marlon Brando whispers in the back of my head..

"The horror!.... The horror!"

.......and I have trouble picking something out of the chuckles.

A slightly less droll note; is anyone familiar with the story of Kitty Genovese?
BooMerengue said:
Well... my mind WAS a blank til I trolled the back alleys at Google and found something called Canada's Dirty Little Secret... but so much info to cram into one little poem... wow.

This really is one of the toughest assignments to date...
Boo, if I suspect correctly, you're talking about Canada's chemical agents development and the disposal of those toxic wastes during the war years and even more recently into the 90's.

Did you know that the Canadian Army Tank Range at Suffield Alberta is the last known range where wild mustangs herd and breed?

There is a film of a goat being gassed by sarin at a chemical/biological warfare (defense) facility in la belle province, Quebec, that I have seen. It's horrible. To imagine a human experiencing that same torture is as unspeakable as watching the slow death of another living creature.

Dirty indeed.
DeepAsleep said:
....<snip>A slightly less droll note; is anyone familiar with the story of Kitty Genovese?
I actually saw a history documentary that used her murder as an example of the benumbed state of our modern psyche.

We all say, "I'd have never stood idlly by and watched something like that happen!" But how could we know, if we've never been there? Interesting subject DA.
champagne1982 said:
Boo, if I suspect correctly, you're talking about Canada's chemical agents development and the disposal of those toxic wastes during the war years and even more recently into the 90's.

Did you know that the Canadian Army Tank Range at Suffield Alberta is the last known range where wild mustangs herd and breed?

There is a film of a goat being gassed by sarin at a chemical/biological warfare (defense) facility in la belle province, Quebec, that I have seen. It's horrible. To imagine a human experiencing that same torture is as unspeakable as watching the slow death of another living creature.

Dirty indeed.

No, Champ. Thats bad but this is so much worse. I sat stunned as I read the articles. Here's just one tiny snippet...

October, 2001: New eyewitnesses come forward with first-hand evidence that native children are being used in west coast pedophile rings involving senior judges, politicians, church and aboriginal leaders. One of these pedophile networks operates out of the prestigious Vancouver Club.

I just don't know where to start. I truly thought Americans treatment of Natives was horrendous. It doesn't hold a candle...
BooMerengue said:
No, Champ. Thats bad but this is so much worse. I sat stunned as I read the articles. Here's just one tiny snippet...

October, 2001: New eyewitnesses come forward with first-hand evidence that native children are being used in west coast pedophile rings involving senior judges, politicians, church and aboriginal leaders. One of these pedophile networks operates out of the prestigious Vancouver Club.

I just don't know where to start. I truly thought Americans treatment of Natives was horrendous. It doesn't hold a candle...

There's a band called "Corporate Avenger" that's made up primarily of native americans who are fairly unhappy with how they've been fucked over. They do a song called "Christians Murdered Indians" which is.. Snappy, I guess.
BooMerengue said:
No, Champ. Thats bad but this is so much worse. I sat stunned as I read the articles. Here's just one tiny snippet...

October, 2001: New eyewitnesses come forward with first-hand evidence that native children are being used in west coast pedophile rings involving senior judges, politicians, church and aboriginal leaders. One of these pedophile networks operates out of the prestigious Vancouver Club.

I just don't know where to start. I truly thought Americans treatment of Natives was horrendous. It doesn't hold a candle...

Have you seen any of the articles being written about the trafficking of humans worldwide for the purpose of the sex trade.
It is abhorrent, beyond belief.
The New York Times magazine had a series of articles about it several months ago. You can find out more from Human Rights Watch' website.
Apparently up to 50,000 people a year are secreted into the Us alone for these purposes, under false pretenses, sometimes just kidnapped or purchased from their parents, used and discarded like so much worn out clothing.
And that's just the US. It's happening all over the world.
I hope I can find the words to express this blight properly.
Yes, Tung- I've known about them. But this still totally shocked me.

I don't know about anyone else but this STC is killin me. I wish we could just skip it, but that wouldn't work, would it?
DeepAsleep said:

I know there's a serious tone in this thread, but every time I come here, Marlon Brando whispers in the back of my head..

"The horror!.... The horror!"

.......and I have trouble picking something out of the chuckles.

A slightly less droll note; is anyone familiar with the story of Kitty Genovese?

The greatest comic book ever produced is called The Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. Part of it deals with the murder of Kitty Genovese and the effect it has on a boy who will grow up to become a deranged vigilante. Just a small section, but very powerful. I mention it because I never miss a chance to recommend The Watchmen. Even if you have never read a comic, you should give it a try. The twelve issue series has been collected into one volume, available at every book store. It is as deep and complex as any novel you have ever read. It is the Citizen Kane of comic books.
The Mutt said:
The greatest comic book ever produced is called The Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. Part of it deals with the murder of Kitty Genovese and the effect it has on a boy who will grow up to become a deranged vigilante. Just a small section, but very powerful. I mention it because I never miss a chance to recommend The Watchmen. Even if you have never read a comic, you should give it a try. The twelve issue series has been collected into one volume, available at every book store. It is as deep and complex as any novel you have ever read. It is the Citizen Kane of comic books.

Maybe I should quit poetry and try my hand at Comics. I could change my name to Chasing Amy. I'll look that one up, Mutt. Remember Maus? I still read it...
I'm pullin out. I had every intention of writing for this challenge, though only half-intended to submit anything, but I can't even do that. I've been in the bell jar for a few months anyway & it's just not in me.

I do think it's a very worthy challenge, though, and I am grateful to Champ for putting it out there.
Count me in, it will be good to stretch my mind in a different direction from where it's been lately and it's been too long since I've been around.
i'll try this if it's not too late / it will be my first post and this looks like a very good place to start.

*banging my head on the bar...

I STILL haven't written mine! I may end up skippin this one.
In preparation for and honor of....

The Beatles

Within You and Without You

We were talking-about the space between us all
And the people-who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion
Never glimpse the truth-then it’s far too late-when they pass away.
We were talking-about the love we all could share-when we find it
To try our best to hold it there-with our love
With our love-we could save the world-if they only knew.
Try to realise it’s all within yourself
No-one else can make you change
And to see you’re really only very small,
And life flows within you and without you.
We were talking-about the love that’s gone so cold and the people,
Who gain the world and lose their soul-
They don’t know-they can’t see-are you one of them?
When you’ve seen beyond yourself-then you may find, peace of mind,
Is waiting there-
And the time will come when you see
We’re all one, and life flows on within you and without you.
If love were all we need
then the world should be sweeter
because I love you.

If time will heal all wounds
then tomorrow
should see us scarred
but not bleeding.

If we all spent a dime
then our neighbours
wouldn't be hungry

or sick

or cold

If love were all we need
then I would have more
than enough.

an attempt was made... on a subject close to me. but as it didn't turn out even half the poem the subject deserves, it will not be submitted in time...

i stride on, and will finish the piece...

just not for tomorrow
or even this week

Not quite

I submited something....but, it's only about sixty words. I tried to flesh it out but nothing would fit right....Still, I consider it finished.

You guidelines clearly stated more than 100 words, so I guess I failed the challenge. Sorry!
Inhumanity: Kosovo, 1999

       Therefore God becomes as we are, that we may be as he is.
             -- William Blake, 1757-1827

No, Mr. Blake
this one isn't like yours
a Mental War
an overture
for the cosmic acrobatics
that at last cross the fire
of your fantasies

The heroic
once seducer
is now pure test
the battlefield
seen from afar
       from above
       from an island in the moon
is now pure geometry
in the rectangle
of a radar screen

What do you want from us, Doctor Clash?
What do you tell us from afar
       from above
       from your island in the moon?

       Great A, little A,
       Bouncing B!
       Play away, play away,
       You're out of the key!
       Fa me la sol, La me fa sol!

       Musicians should have
       A pair of very good ears,
       And long fingers and thumbs,
       And not like clumsy bears.
       Fa me la sol, La me fa sol!

The new weapons
crossing the skies
dropping on earth
missing their targets
while bodies disincarnate bit by bit
in the shadow of shattered bridges

And the skies
springs of water, of fire
continue to dispense
the sustenance of death.

I have only an empty page to offer for tomorrows entry. I am sorry for that.
The Mutt said:
The greatest comic book ever produced is called The Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. Part of it deals with the murder of Kitty Genovese and the effect it has on a boy who will grow up to become a deranged vigilante. Just a small section, but very powerful. I mention it because I never miss a chance to recommend The Watchmen. Even if you have never read a comic, you should give it a try. The twelve issue series has been collected into one volume, available at every book store. It is as deep and complex as any novel you have ever read. It is the Citizen Kane of comic books.

Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Mind's everywhere, lately.

I've not read that particular comic, though I'm an avid reader of comics. Transmetropolitan (THink of it as Hunter S. Thompson, in the future, with a gun that can make people shit themselves, and you'll be close) Preacher (Oh, GAWD, Preacher. If you've never read it, GO OUT AND BUY IT. It's blasphemous and beautiful and crazy and stupid. Poop jokes and moral queries. Grand!...Noticing a theme, here...) I highly recommend anything by Frank Miller, Sin City, particularly, although his set of stories for "The Dark Knight Returns" about an aging Bruce Wayne deciding to hit the streets again, after ten years of not doing it, anymore is probably the best short series I've ever read. Miller understands Batman way better than most - He captures the rage.

So. Recap.

Transmetropolitan - Political Journalist of the future with gun that makes your bowels go "boooooom!"

Preacher - Man invested with the Word of God, who particularly likes Marlboros and hangs out with an Irish vampire that has a taste for Guinness and being a moron.

Sin City - Dark urban fantasy!

The Dark Knight Returns - Batman's back, with arthritis and an agenda.

Go and collect, read and dream!

STC-Inhumanity submission

Are the poems supposed to be posted here? I already submitted mine to the new poem post? Does it matter?:confused:
Re: STC-Inhumanity submission

tungtied2u said:
Are the poems supposed to be posted here? I already submitted mine to the new poem post? Does it matter?:confused:
No, regular submission should be fine. I posted here as a precaution, because I'm leaving in a few hours and I won't be around tomorrow (or in the next week). :)