Strange Story Feedback

I didn't mean that being female is a problem and I apologize if that was the impression I left. The problem is the way male readers respond when they know that a woman worte a particular erotic story.
K.K. said:
I didn't mean that being female is a problem and I apologize if that was the impression I left. The problem is the way male readers respond when they know that a woman worte a particular erotic story.

They're taking the piss KK.

taking piss

gauchecritic said:
They're taking the piss KK.
Yep, and never apologize Gauche likes to say. But I appreciate your note. At least be spare w/apologies, hardly matter here.

best, Perdita ;)
Re: Strange Feedback

K.K. said:
I got that same "Don't every post here again..." from Laura and Lisa yesterday. KK

Funny, a friend of mine sent me a copy of feedback he received from the Bi-girls (their term not mine) last night. They pretty much told him the same thing as the rest of you got. What do they do, send out a form letter?

Laura and Lisa

It's probably a middle-aged twat wanker from mid-America.

Perdita the cynic
Laura & Lisa, the bi girls

Originally posted by K.K.
I reciecved the following two notes as feedback to my story My New Life. They were sent anonomously. I know not everyone will like my stories but I would expect that feedback would be constructive. I wonder if anyone esle has received similar notes, especially the one signed by Laura and Lisa.

I received the following message from the "girls" as an anonymous response to my story The Layover:


This is a setup from the very first word. We are glad there will not be a 2nd part to this.
Laura & Lisa, the bi girls

I don't pay a lot of attention to anonymous feedback (unless it's positive) so this didn't really bother me except that it left me wondering what they meant by "setup". Even weirder in that there IS a second part to it.
I have just searched the member list for Laura and for Lisa but none appear to fit.

There are dozens of possibilities but they must have a Lit identity to send feedback.

oggbashan said:
I have just searched the member list for Laura and for Lisa but none appear to fit.

There are dozens of possibilities but they must have a Lit identity to send feedback.


At least enough people will read this thread to be aware of someone playing asshole out there. The thing about "Laurel & Lisa" is that they are quite stupid enough to leave "1"s behind them as they did with my story.

Stories that are filled with "4"s and "5"s and a single "1" surely will come to someone's attention.

It seems pretty clear that this/these is/are the same person/people doing this over and over.
They wouldn't notice on some of my stories. (Sob)

The consistent score of under 3.00 wouldn't show aberrant 1s.

Brightens up. At least I know some of my stories are crap. I just haven't got round to revising or deleting them.

oggbashan said:
They wouldn't notice on some of my stories. (Sob)

The consistent score of under 3.00 wouldn't show aberrant 1s.

Brightens up. At least I know some of my stories are crap. I just haven't got round to revising or deleting them.


What I find so odd, Og, is that I INTENTIONALLY write pulp crap and they do pretty well. The single story I wrote that was great did so poorly I had it deleted. No accounting for readers, you know.

If you still feel bad I'll forward one of "Laurel & Lisa"s Feedbacks and you can have it for your very own :heart:
Jenny _S said:
What I find so odd, Og, is that I INTENTIONALLY write pulp crap and they do pretty well. The single story I wrote that was great did so poorly I had it deleted. No accounting for readers, you know.

If you still feel bad I'll forward one of "Laurel & Lisa"s Feedbacks and you can have it for your very own :heart:

Thank you, Jenny, but I don't need that. I get intelligent, literate and signed feedback telling me I write crap. When I wrote the Chain story marked in my sig line I meant it to be crap but it got voted best of June.:confused:

Re: Re: SUSAN Chapter 1 Picture Perfect (Part 3)

Jenny _S said:
Oh the Avatar? You'll be able to post one of those after about 97 more posts. That's not even me. (Although it's very close.)

You mean you were holding the camera? ;)

Sorry, sometimes I can't stop myself...

Originally posted by oggbashan I get intelligent, literate and signed feedback telling me I write crap.
Dear Og,
That's much worse than an illiterate screed.