What kind of (Lit) stories do you like to read?

I like stories that have taken the time to build up characters that I feel like I really understand, and circumstances that have some tension in them. Like will they or won't they - in this scene. Or what will the cosequences be?

Sometimes, a quick thing with vageuly described characters can work for me if the situation is especially intriguing. Even better, for those, is if that is the start of the development of the characters and relationship.

In general fiction, I love reeeaaaly long stories. One of my favorites, by one of my favorite authors, is nine novels totalling ~2900 pages but is a single story. Another is a 21 book series that, while each book is a self-contained sub story, and each three books is a larger sub story, there is one continuous plot through it all.
I'm fairly particular.

I'm not interested in reading r something that reads like a mainstream story with a lot of personal drama and a complex plot, but with some explicit sex thrown in. I guess that means I'm more into the "stroke" stories.

I also don't like it when things get too romantic. I prefer the stories where people are primarily driven by lust, I guess. They are breaking some social more, taking a big risk. They know it's wrong, but can't help themselves! On this site, that usually means the incest/taboo category. I'm not into non consent or extreme BDSM types of things.

I also like the stories to have somewhat believable dialogue and are a little grounded in reality, even when things get kind of wild. I could just watch a video if I wanted characters who turn into nymphomaniacs because they've seen a very large dick. It's possible to present characters in a somewhat believable way without writing something novel length.
That's my WIP. And I'm actually going to finish this one. Interested in beta reading 40K words?
Interested? Yes.

Available? Unfortunately no. Too much work on my plate to be able to commit to anything that big. Sorry.
If Literotica created a "slow-burn" category, I wonder if it would gain any traction? It seems from a number of responders to this post and likely others, it probably would.
Readers find the writers who do slow burn - it's not a "category" as such. It boils down to the difference between quick fap porn with not much plot going on, versus longer more emotion rich stories with stronger characterisation. And generally speaking, I think writers fall into one camp or the other, rarely do they write both.
Aww.. Why am I not surprised?
Oh, it's not that there aren't any, it's just that I've been reading Literotica since long before I decided to make an account and try writing myself, so I am in the habit of simply bookmarking a story or an author I like. That's why my favorites list is empty.
I am in the habit of simply bookmarking a story or an author I like. That's why my favorites list is empty.
That's a shame. Literotica is a social network: one of the big ways readers find other writers to read is by checking the favourites list of other writers. So, by not using the follow function, you are kind of doing a disservice to those writers you enjoy, and also those readers who follow you.

But, of course, that's entirely your call. But I do always think it's a shame when I see writers who don't follow anyone.

(That's not me looking for a follow by the way: there probably isn't a huge intersection in our readerships.)
That's a shame. Literotica is a social network: one of the big ways readers find other writers to read is by checking the favourites list of other writers. So, by not using the follow function, you are kind of doing a disservice to those writers you enjoy, and also those readers who follow you.

But, of course, that's entirely your call. But I do always think it's a shame when I see writers who don't follow anyone.

(That's not me looking for a follow by the way: there probably isn't a huge intersection in our readerships.)
As someone who appreciates reader feedback in whichever form it comes, I definitely understand the downside of my approach. But I don't change my habits easily, and this change would require some work with transferring my bookmarks into favorites and following, so my innate laziness is pushing back... 🫤

As to your claim that Lit is a social network... well, true as that might be, I am definitely not using it as such. I only use the forum. Apart from that, I have no consistent communication with any Lit user, reader or author. Maybe it would be meaningful if I were to follow some AH regulars, but the truth is that I don't truly intersect with anyone among AH regulars (as far as I know) when it comes to kinks and types of stories I like to read. I don't think I have bookmarked any of the AH people I usually discuss things with. It's weird, considering that I now think of myself as much more vanilla than I used to, in comparison to what most people write. Still, I see no real intersection. Taste is a bitch :p
Oh, it's not that there aren't any, it's just that I've been reading Literotica since long before I decided to make an account and try writing myself, so I am in the habit of simply bookmarking a story or an author I like. That's why my favorites list is empty.
Ah! Are you able to recall the titles of two or three? Or four or five?
If Literotica created a "slow-burn" category, I wonder if it would gain any traction? It seems from a number of responders to this post and likely others, it probably would.
I keep wanting a "drama" or "literary" category, for stories that are just stories, like that could theoretically have mainstream appeal. N&N does that to some extent, but it is strictly for longer stuff AFAIK. Or at least, that is the expectation.
That's a shame. Literotica is a social network: one of the big ways readers find other writers to read is by checking the favourites list of other writers. So, by not using the follow function, you are kind of doing a disservice to those writers you enjoy, and also those readers who follow you.

But, of course, that's entirely your call. But I do always think it's a shame when I see writers who don't follow anyone.

(That's not me looking for a follow by the way: there probably isn't a huge intersection in our readerships.)
Make a "slow burn" list. It's hard to get word out about those (though such future features are promised), but still easier than getting word out about individual stories.

I've started putting "if you liked this..." links in an author's note at the end of my story. But my latest will not be similar enough to any of mine to link there, so I'm thinking of finding an appropriate list and linking that. Or, if not that, at least another author's story. I have a specific one in mind.
Make a "slow burn" list. It's hard to get word out about those (though such future features are promised), but still easier than getting word out about individual stories.
Funnily enough, I've done exactly that: https://www.literotica.com/authors/THBGato/lists?listid=20035977 All Lesbian of course. I've also started putting links to my lists in an end note after my stories (well, the final chapters of them) or even similar stories by other authors, as I did at the end of Thirty.
I prefer the longer slow-burn stories. I want to feel like I'm reading a polished novel that just happens to have sexual components to it. I've come across some short stories that were very well written, but I like the longer ones or the series types. It's probably because I'm a novice author myself and I like to see how others form their stories, the tone, any conflicts, setting/character descriptions, etc.
I generally prefer slow burn over stroke
I enjoy stories that take a somewhat darker turn or a dysfunctional character(s)
Stories where the woman, if not the aggressor, is equal partners in the sex. Outright submissive, or being forced to do something, or just the swooning woman who melts for the guy makes me roll my eyes.
I think you might like a few of my stories. I love writing about dynamics where mutual respect is the number one focus. In my opinion the act of submitting willingly and assertively is so much hotter than just being pushed into things
I’m not an author here , so I’m not sure how much my opinion counts, but I only seek stories where there is emotional depth as well as eroticism .
To achieve that, the writing has to be good, with believable characters and dialog . And the interactions have to make sense , in terms of motivation.
Love it
I can enjoy a well-crafted short story but it will always leave me wanting more. So my type of story is a long one, usually 30k+ words, but more than that, it's the story where there is a gradual and believable progression of a relationship, where characters evolve and develop over time. And in that sense, it doesn't even matter if the story is plot-heavy or not (even though I prefer interesting plot and world-building). I can happily read strokers with such believable development.

For example, I like reading femdom, but nothing makes me groan more than a story that begins with: One day, my wife and I decided that she is going to be my mistress and I her slave. 🫤

For me, it's all about the journey. Show me the inception of that idea, how you slowly went from a silly game to a serious D/s. I want to see the slow seduction and progress with that kink. Show me what that did to your marriage, how did it change your character, your relationship with other people, etc.
For me, the sexual appeal comes in good part from the characters themselves. If you take the personalities and their quirks out of the equation, then sex is just about putting stuff in one hole or the other... and that is why I dislike short strokers. With rare exceptions, characters in such stories are rarely anything more than a person A or person B.
This is an amazing way to phrase exactly the issue that I have with “strokers” the dynamics are so much more important than the actions.
I used to like the one chapter stories. But recently I like the multi chapters. Prefer the group, ffm, and some incest. Not picky on the nicest, it’s all good.
If I see a story that has like 15+ chapters, then I immediately reject it. I don't spend that much time here and so I don't have time to read a long drawn out story. I'm sure there's some good stories that are long, but they're just not for me. I don't like to read for a long time on my laptop or my phone, so that's part of why I don't like long stories. I have a Kindle that I love to read with. I like them to have some kind of plot though. My tastes run along the lines of lite BDSM, (restraints and spanking).