Stuff 4 Random InsPiration

I think this just begs to be seen.
Very soft and dreamy.
Ya just wanna sit under a shade tree
and watch this in reality ... all day.

The night view of this would be spectacular !!
Just a thought~
Happy Writing~

Time Stands Still

RhymeFairy said:
I think this just begs to be seen.
Very soft and dreamy.
Ya just wanna sit under a shade tree
and watch this in reality ... all day.

The night view of this would be spectacular !!
Just a thought~
Happy Writing~

Time Stands Still


Thats gorgeous :rose:
Liar said:
Take the chance! Go and take a good look at EVERYTHING before it's too late!

It was not Seargent Pepper who sounded the alarm
perhaps it was Dr.
Pepper salt and peppah
called in to Spice things up
with a sprinkle of copper
green flash

let me consume your everything
with the flame of
internal combustion

were you there
the night they burned old dixie down?

I was baby andI brought it with me
so take it while you can
get it while you

there is never time
to save us all
I have no clue where I got this sight from,
but I find this Old House , interesting ... :)

I wonder what happened.
What went on in that home.
Who lived there.
The imagery here is just magnificently vivid ~
I thought I would share ...

Just Me~


we sure have a beautiful planet here. and amazing ability with modern technology.


It was an evening that embarked a week's end
when came a liar with a wicked grin

His finger he pointed to links that were jointed
appeared a silly man ornamented

With a muse moose snout and hands up high
a trail of a photo surprise

a flipper footed frog limp as a dead log
curious, I dared to go on

to tennis elbow elephants with covered ears
he is still a man I fear

sneaker snickering snout of an emu man
an 'Ostrich' he would demand

odder than otters a walrus belly flopped
this hooded man can see not

kangaroo feet sitting on a tail, relaxed
I finger scrolled on past

with no chitter chatter a squirrel in the pattern
this man was far out, like Saturn

for idle hearts spring forth to play in forum
twisting time to write a silly poem

of an artist at play in an unusual way
imitating animals I saw Friday
Why not think of a place you dream of going? A spot, memory in time where all was awesome and time stood still for you. I do that all the time. I am not saying it works, but give it a try and call me in the morn ... :cool:

If you ever can

check out the Liard Hotsprings in BC (and much better in winter as you can see). Imagine sitting in this lovely natural hotspring with champagne in the snowbank under the northern lights. A MUST do if at all possible. I recommend going at New Year's Eve and staying at the Inn across the highway in easy walking distance. Call about a month in advance for reservations, though, if not sooner. :)


I guarantee it is a very romantic spot.


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is there a level of hell for double posting? I took this from the 30 day 30 poem thread :)

annaswirls said:
Okay Mr. Periodic Table of the Elements, I think we can get 30 poems out of Dante's Hell (which you put me through whilst trying to interpret your sweet italian nothings you whispered in my ear)

I am going to try it. I am stating right up front, I will not be funny or smart or witty or wise, and I am not going to try to speak in biblical terms or style of Dante, I may never mention a beast but I will try to write something every day from a new circle of hell (of course, the ditches too) from a personal perspective.

I am writing this now to make myself feel that I have an obligation. I think I will be spending some time in all of them anyway at some point!!!


Anyone want to play go to hell with me?

Upper Hell: the Incontinent

1st circle: Limbo. Reserved for the souls of the just people who never knew Christ, and those (especially infants) who died without baptism and never committed a sin. Here Dante encounters the ancient philosophers and poets.

2nd circle: The Lustful. Dante talks to Francesca da Rimini, who tells him how she became involved in an adulterous affair with Paolo, her brother in law. Landscape: a violent storm which tosses around the souls. Minos guards this circle.

3rd circle: The Gluttonous. Dante talks to Ciacco, a Florentine, who used to be a parasite, as he was going from people to people, gossiping on everyone. Ciacco gives Dante the first prophecy of his future exile. Landscape: heavy steady rain. Three-headed Cerberus is the guardian.

4th circle: The Avaricious and Prodigals. No relevant character is found here. These souls, mostly clerics, go opposite direction, bumping into each other as they push big rocks. The guardian is Pluto, who makes no sense when he talks.

5th circle: The Wrathful and Sullen. These souls are submerged into the river Styx, which surrounds the city of Dis. The wrathful emerge from the dirty waters while the sullen are completely submerged. Phlegyas will take Dante and Virgil across this river in his boat. Here Dante talks to Filippo Argenti, an old acquaintance for whom he has no pity.

Lower Hell: Violence and Fraud

The city of Dis: High walls with closed doors guarded by devils, helped by the Furies and the Medusa. They try to stop Dante, but a divine messenger forces them to open the door.
6th circle: The Heretics. Dante enters the city and sees a huge cemetery filled with open tombs with fire coming out of them. One of the tombs contains the souls of the Epicureans. Dante talks to Farinata degli Uberti and Cavalcante de' Cavalcanti, father of Guido, the poet, and Dante's friend.

7th circle: The Violent. Introduced by the Minotaur, this circle is divided into three rings:

1) Violent Against their Neighbors (tyrants and murderers). These souls are plunged into a river of boiling blood: the river Phlegethon. They are watched over by the Centaurs.

2) Violent against Themselves (suicides). It is an unnatural forest with leafless trees. These trees are the souls of the suicides. Dante talks to Pier delle Vigne, personal secretary of Frederick II. The trees have no leaves because the Harpies keep plucking them as they sprout. Among the trees Dante sees the souls of the squanderers, chased by bitches.

3) Violent against God and Nature. Blasphemers, Sodomites, etc. Virgil talks to Capaneus, king of ancient Crete, stricken by Zeus's bolt for his rebellion. Then Dante talks to his teacher Brunetto Latini, and later he sees three Florentines, at the edge of the circle.

The river Phlegethon cascades into the eight circle, and there is no path to go down. Dante and Virgil are carried down by a three-nature monster, Geryon.

8th circle: Fraud. It is called Malebolge because it is divided into ten bolge (ditches).

1) Panders and Seducers. These souls are scourged by horned demons. Dante talks to Venedico Caccianemico.

2) Flatterers. These souls are immersed in excrements. Dante talks to Alessio Interminei and the ancient Thais.

3) Simonists. They are set heads down into holes in the rock with flames burning on their feet. Dante talks to Pope Nicholas III, who mistakes him for Boniface VII.

4) Diviners, Astrologers and Magicians. Their heads are turned backwards, so they have to walk backwards. Virgil talks to some ancient people: Amphiaraus, Tiresias, Manto and Eurypylus. Among the modern: Michael Scot,.

5) Barrators. They are plunged into boiling pitch and guarded by ten sneaky demons (Malebranche) led by Malacoda (evil tail). Ciampolo of Navarra (a sinner) succeeds in cheating the demons in a hellish context.

6) Hypocrites. These souls, mostly monks of the Jovial order, walk slowly, clothed in heavy caps of lead. Dante talks to two of them from Bologna.

7) Thieves. These souls keep changing into snakes. Dante recognizes (among others) Vanni Fucci, who predicts the defeat of Dante's party, the Whites, and his exile from the city.

8) Fraudulent Counselors. These souls slide away in the ditch as flames. First Virgil talks to Ulysses, the Homeric hero, then Dante talks to Guido da Montefeltro, a turned saint sneaky character.

9) Sowers of Discord and Schism. These souls are physically torn apart. Dante talks to a few, among them Bertram de Bornio, who holds his severed head like a lamp as he walks along.

10) Falsifiers of metals, persons, coins and words. It is like a huge hospital with people with all kinds of deformities. As in the previous ditch, this too is crowded. Master Adam is the most colorful of them.

9th circle: Treachery. It is divided into four sections. The sinners are in a frozen lake, Cocytus. This circle is surrounded by the Giants. One of them, Antaeus, takes Dante and Virgil and puts them down into the ice.

1) Caina: Traitors to Kin. These are immersed in the ice with head down. Dante talks to Carmiscione de' Pazzi.

2) Antenora: Traitors to Homeland. Dante sees one who keeps biting on another's head. He is Count Ugolino who is gnawing the Archbishop Ruggeri's head. He tells Dante the account of his death.

3) Ptolomea: Traitors to Guests. They are head up in the ice, which is freezing their eyes. Dante talks to Fra Alberigo, who is there while his body is still alive, for having killed his guests as he invited them for dinner.

4) Giudecca: Traitors to Benefactors. These sinners are completely immersed into the ice.

The ice of the 9th circled is kept frozen by Lucifer's six flapping wings. Lucifer has three faces, with three mouths, each chewing on a sinner: Judas is in the middle mouth with his head inside, Brutus and Cassius are in the side mouths, with their heads hanging out.