survey: men and their love of sports

incidentally: i think it's possible for anyone to be so engrossed in an activity that they've completely lost awareness of the outside world. i know it's happened to me WRT a computer game (diablo 2--and solo, not online).

however, a sporting event generally doesn't engage me to quite the same extent. the computer game is more engaging to me b/c: 1) i'm a whole lot closer to the screen, so my field of view alone is dominated to a greater extent by it anyway, 2) when i play a computer game, i usually wear headphones rather than use speakers. the mrs has taken to walking over and tapping me on the shoulder--fortunately, games have a pause feature, a merit in playing solo rather than online.

similarly, if she's crocheting, b/c that usually entails keeping count of stitches, a poorly-timed interruption can be a real nuisance. i usually just say, "hey". she usually hears me and acknowledges that i want to say something. i normally can within 10-15 seconds.

when i watch a football game, my wife is often next to me on the couch. but b/c she can also see what's happening, she has a pretty good awareness of when is/isn't a good time to ask a question. i try to be good about it when she says something that is ill-timed with a response like, "hunny, can you give me a minute?"

like most people, she hates to be ignored, and my not acknowledging that she said something is a real problem. i usually try to be good about it, but we all screw up from time to time, you know?

For the past 30 plus years I've had a husband six months out of the year. During football season he is involved in watching every single thing about the NFL that's broadcast, and participating in at least 2 fantasy leagues, one of which he runs. When the SuperBowl is over, he's back, all smiles, ready to step back into his role.

Problem is, by then I've become involved in my own thing, and it no longer matters to me what he does. So, it's taken a huge toll on our marriage. And yes, when we still had a sex life, it definitely took second place to sports.

That being said, I don't think it's a generalized problem that only applies to sports. When someone gets deeply involved (obsessed) in anything, to the exclusion of all else, some things will be neglected. There are only so many hours of the day. I guess it depends on what your priorities are.
Yep, Ed, I can relate. I hate to be interrupted when I am on the computer. Being on it surfing and reading whatever, for me, is so enjoyable it's comparable to sex. These days, in competition with sports for men's attention (okay, and maybe some women's attention) the subject of heavy computer usage/addiction, also porn viewing as it relates to either sex's or a couples' love life could be a whole other thread (probably has been on every sex forum, I'd guess.)

Gotta be pretty bad for a couple if a person is addicted to both sports AND computing ! ;)
lbc: i wasn't even talking about porn but jeez, that's gotta be even worse for those couples experiencing that disconnect!

For the past 30 plus years I've had a husband six months out of the year. During football season he is involved in watching every single thing about the NFL that's broadcast, and participating in at least 2 fantasy leagues, one of which he runs. When the SuperBowl is over, he's back, all smiles, ready to step back into his role.

Problem is, by then I've become involved in my own thing, and it no longer matters to me what he does. So, it's taken a huge toll on our marriage. And yes, when we still had a sex life, it definitely took second place to sports.

That being said, I don't think it's a generalized problem that only applies to sports. When someone gets deeply involved (obsessed) in anything, to the exclusion of all else, some things will be neglected. There are only so many hours of the day. I guess it depends on what your priorities are.

Yikes, bobsgirl. You've got the "sports widow" thing bad at home. Maybe you don't hold sports responsible, but I blame sports, dammit !! LOL
Sometimes I think it's a culturally acceptible/encouraged obsession for men. After all, how many Beanie Babies obsessed men do you hear about? Scrapbooking consumed men? Housework junkie men?...except for the dad on Full House of course...;) Heh, heh, heh.
Although, I suppose, if your husband was addicted to online porn, you'd never see him and have no husband at all for twelve months of the year (since porn isn't, to my knowledge, seasonal!)
I once made a partner wait almost an hour for sex until Tiger Woods finished up winning a major tournament. But then I spent the next 11 hours devoted to making her squirm, scream, beg, and climax over and over and over.

How do I fit into the slot set up by the OP?
I once made a partner wait almost an hour for sex until Tiger Woods finished up winning a major tournament. But then I spent the next 11 hours devoted to making her squirm, scream, beg, and climax over and over and over.

How do I fit into the slot set up by the OP?

I'd say there wasn't a sports problem in that relationship. No sir. ;)
If you're one of those guys who spends a lot of time with your woman/women sexually (and otherwise) I want to know: how much are you into sports ? I'm mostly referring to time spent watching it on t.v. So how much time do you devote to watching sports on t.v. ? Occasional watching, moderate, heavy, or must-plan-life-around-it watching ? What describes you best?

And is there a correlation between how much time a man devotes to sports and how much time he spends on his S.O. ?

I'm a big fan of sports. Sundays in the fall are Steelers days without question. Playing soccer is also a big passion of mine during the week and weekends. And I love watching all 4 golf major championships, March Madness, Olympics, what have you. I grew up around sports, and that will more than likely not ever change. So, I'd categorize myself as moderate to heavy sports watching.

That being said, I know which side my bread is buttered on. If my woman comes over to me in the middle of the 3rd quarter wearing the sexiest little piece of lingerie goodness, or flashes a bare leg across my lap, the game all of a sudden becomes a little less important. While I purchased the NFL Ticket to follow my favorite team, I also got Tivo for the more important moments like these. And hey, who's to say that she wont want to watch the game while we're getting engaged in our own little form of one-on-one?

I'd be a little concerned if he doesnt immediately acknowledge sexual advances while watching sports on tv once or twice. I'd be more concerned if he doesnt try to make up for it after the game is over...or even if he starts demonstrating a pattern of shutting you off on a consistent basis.

Good luck to you, and I hope you can show him that you're the best thing he can be looking at!! ;-)
Re: Sports Fanatics...

Once upon a time, I dated this really hot guy. We had a shit ton in common, he was tall and deadly handsome, quick witted, always sunny, looked damn good in uniform, played one helluva' game of smack it to 'em beach volleyball (with all the rest of the hot Air Force guys), loved the beach and the water, stayed active, threw bloody good parties, treated me like a gem and was great in the sack.

Sadly, he was a Gators JUNKIE in infinite proportions. Anytime there was a Gator game on, you might just as well disappear into the woodwork. He recognized nothing else other than his beloved team being on the screen. Didn't matter whether it was during the regular season or playoffs or whatever. If they were playing and it was televised, he was parked on his couch. I put up with it for quite some time due to all the other shit in the first paragraph. I figured it was the least I could do.

One lazy Sunday, I did what any good girlfriend should do when she's bored. I went shopping early in the morning, found myself some skimpy and appropriately slutty lingerie that accentuated every curve and tan line. I raced back to our place, where he was surely parked in front of a Gators game. I giggled with glee, hot footed it upstairs with my new purchases, thinking all the while of my great master plan to make him forget about that silly football game. I got myself all dolled up, makeup, slutty lingerie, stilettos, the whole nine yards. I came sashaying down the stairs, swaying my hips for all I was worth and sauntered up to him with a fresh beer. He didn't even take his eyes off the screen, thanked me for the beer and patted me on the ass. *eyebrow*

NEXT, I tried working my lap dancing skills and slunk my way down his chest to sit on his lap, grinding my ass all over him. He rather chuckled and said, "Honey....I'm watchin' the game..." and firmly moved me off his lap onto the cushion next to him. *huff*

At this point, my ego was a little miffed and I wondered what it would take to gain his attentions. So, in my usual fashion, I went to the next extreme.....

I stripped and did a headstand on the floor in front of him. Sure thing, right? Naked redhead standing on her head in front of you? Can't lose, right?

(wait for it)


He gets up off the couch, walks AROUND me and starts yelling about a play at the TV like a lunatic.

At that point, I flipped back to my feet, walked upstairs, packed my shit and was back downstairs in a matter of minutes. I handed over my key, said thanks for the laughs and never looked back.

Did it leave scars? Damn right it did, and sadly, many a guy has suffered my anti-football sentiment ever since then. Perhaps it's a little irrational, but fuck. That would scar any woman.

So yeah. Come cheer at the baseball/hockey/rugby games with me, but if you're a football nut, leave me out of it. :cool:

I'd be a little concerned if he doesnt immediately acknowledge sexual advances while watching sports on tv once or twice. I'd be more concerned if he doesnt try to make up for it after the game is over...or even if he starts demonstrating a pattern of shutting you off on a consistent basis.

Good luck to you, and I hope you can show him that you're the best thing he can be looking at!! ;-)

Thank you for a concerned and thoughtful answer ! :)
Resignedly, I already know not to make sexual advances while the all-important game is on. :mad: Unlike RedheadedHaze, I wouldn't even bother to push past that with a game of temptation (interesting story from her, though ! :D) And I am not shut down by him on a consistent basis. But sometimes it feels like I have to schedule an appointment to get some attention.

Truthfully, if the shoe was on the other foot, and I was watching something of importance, I wouldn't want hubby to necessarily interrupt me, either. So I don't feel the need to power trip with my sexual appeal to see if I can get his attention during a game. Yes, these days, the dvr can cover just about any interruption. But it doesn't work with sports one has to view immediately as it airs or fairly soon thereafter anyways.

Loving the answers on this thread, keep 'em coming !
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Thank you for a concerned and thoughtful answer ! :)
Resignedly, I already know not to make sexual advances while the all-important game is on. :mad: Unlike RedheadedHaze, I wouldn't even bother to push past that with a game of temptation (interesting story from her, though ! :D) And I am not shut down by him on a consistent basis. But sometimes it feels like I have to schedule an appointment to get some attention.

Truthfully, if the shoe was on the other foot, and I was watching something of importance, I wouldn't want hubby to necessarily interrupt me, either. So I don't feel the need to power trip with my sexual appeal to see if I can get his attention during a game. Yes, these days, the dvr can cover just about any interruption. But it doesn't work with sports one has to view immediately as it airs or fairly soon thereafter anyways.

Loving the answers on this thread, keep 'em coming !

Don't be satisfied with the status quo, LBC. Sometimes, it pays dividends to shake up the schedule and demand that attention that you're looking for. ;-) And, at the end of the day, its all just a game that he's watching. I've caught up on highlights or even a tivo'ed game b/c the main event was much more appealing. BE THAT MAIN EVENT!
I've been with sports junkies who you couldn't drag out of the house while their game was on, if it was on FIRE.

My husband is not a sports fan at all, and he is the most sexually attentive partner I've ever had. I don't know if that is a correlation or not, but it's an interesting theory.

I like sports in moderation. On the TV is BORING, I'd much rather watch a live game in the stadium, so I don't watch sports on television at all.
Don't be satisfied with the status quo, LBC. Sometimes, it pays dividends to shake up the schedule and demand that attention that you're looking for. ;-) And, at the end of the day, its all just a game that he's watching. I've caught up on highlights or even a tivo'ed game b/c the main event was much more appealing. BE THAT MAIN EVENT!

Well, that's a lovely thought, and I'll keep it in mind. But I already know what the outcome would be. And unlike RedheadedHaze, I wouldn't take off outta the door over it. A little bit sad, I guess ?

This raises an interesting tangent to this whole discussion. For women who comment in this thread, in addition to the main questions: What's your reaction been, or what would it be, if you make/made sexual advances to your honey during a sporting event, and you're rejected (in favor of uninterrupted viewing?)


If I didn't have thick skin, I'd be offended by that.


I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound so bitchy. It wouldn't be my way, that's all I'm saying. But honestly, I loved your story, and admire your stand on refusing to take second place to anything ! Kudos for you ! :rose:
This raises an interesting tangent to this whole discussion. For women who comment in this thread, in addition to the main questions: What's your reaction been, or what would it be, if you make/made sexual advances to your honey during a sporting event, and you're rejected (in favor of uninterrupted viewing?)


I'd be right well pissed off, that's for damn sure. I'd certainly give him the cold shoulder for an hour or two after the game to set the message home.
This is interesting. On the sports bit, although I played many sports especially when younger - played fairly competative hockey in the day - I never did get much of a kick out of watching unless it was live.

Don't usually give it much thought, but I realize my partner and I both fell out of the habit of watching tv. Nothing much against the tube. This is not something we did on purpose like a religious commitment or something. We just got in the habit of spending our time talking, doing things together, all sorts of things, doesn't really matter what. In pretty simple way, I just like being around her. We watch a movie now and then, often one we can laugh about and we usually talk through that too.

So, I don't know...could just be her beauty (yep inside and out - I'm very, very lucky) that keeps me chasing her so avidly and still feeling amazed - but our lovemaking has sustained its intensity and intimacy for a long time, years.
Don't usually give it much thought, but I realize my partner and I both fell out of the habit of watching tv. Nothing much against the tube. This is not something we did on purpose like a religious commitment or something. We just got in the habit of spending our time talking, doing things together, all sorts of things, doesn't really matter what. In pretty simple way, I just like being around her. We watch a movie now and then, often one we can laugh about and we usually talk through that too.

So, I don't know...could just be her beauty (yep inside and out - I'm very, very lucky) that keeps me chasing her so avidly and still feeling amazed - but our lovemaking has sustained its intensity and intimacy for a long time, years.

Yep, clearly you found out that a woman is better than a silly ole' sports event any day !! :D Thanks for chiming in with your comments.

In your opinion, do sports-loving or sports-addicted guys pay less (or more) attention to their S.O.'s?

I swear, my long time husband's real wife is his t.v. and love of sports. Spending time with me or paying attention to me is secondary- it must fit around the sports schedule. I read a lot of things online (especially in Mr GGG's thread about the G spot) about these guys out there in the world who like to spend HOURS (and hours) with their women, making love to them and learning their sexual desires/wants/needs. I'm probably pretty naive compared to many others on this forum but this kind of man is news to me. Of course, this IS a sex-related forum, and the men who are very into women and sex are more likely to be found writing here, but still... I gotta ask...

If you're one of those guys who spends a lot of time with your woman/women sexually (and otherwise) I want to know: how much are you into sports ? I'm mostly referring to time spent watching it on t.v. So how much time do you devote to watching sports on t.v. ? Occasional watching, moderate, heavy, or must-plan-life-around-it watching ? What describes you best?

And is there a correlation between how much time a man devotes to sports and how much time he spends on his S.O. ?

This is interesting, I only wish that my S.O. would respond to my attempts to keep things fresh after five yrs of marriage..... So it is her that marry's me to TIVO....
Well I love sports no doubt. I have several favorite teams college and pros in different sports.

I would rather watch a hot sexy movie with the wife(if she would) than most every sporting event....but if there is nothing going on I would probably watch some game...

I feel for wives who's SO would rather watch sports than have sex...Good Lord in the days of Tivo and it later guys.....
Aha...a good man with his priorities straight...thanks for the input ! :)
In your opinion, do sports-loving or sports-addicted guys pay less (or more) attention to their S.O.'s?

I swear, my long time husband's real wife is his t.v. and love of sports. Spending time with me or paying attention to me is secondary- it must fit around the sports schedule. I read a lot of things online (especially in Mr GGG's thread about the G spot) about these guys out there in the world who like to spend HOURS (and hours) with their women, making love to them and learning their sexual desires/wants/needs. I'm probably pretty naive compared to many others on this forum but this kind of man is news to me. Of course, this IS a sex-related forum, and the men who are very into women and sex are more likely to be found writing here, but still... I gotta ask...

If you're one of those guys who spends a lot of time with your woman/women sexually (and otherwise) I want to know: how much are you into sports ? I'm mostly referring to time spent watching it on t.v. So how much time do you devote to watching sports on t.v. ? Occasional watching, moderate, heavy, or must-plan-life-around-it watching ? What describes you best?

And is there a correlation between how much time a man devotes to sports and how much time he spends on his S.O. ?

well i confess the two dont go well together but me and my current girl friend are both health freaks so our gym time and talk is always together
I don't believe there is a connection between the two.

I'm an avid sports fan, playing and watching - my S.O also enjoys some not all and will at time watch with me. There are a raft of programmes she watches and some I'll watch with her others I won't.

Does this affect our sex life.... hell no.

Comparing against performance or time spent on sex, there are times she will complain that she only wants a quickie when I want to spend time on/with/in her - I like to make sure she's pleasured first - it takes a while for her to reach orgasm sometimes so more foreplay or teasing is the route to take.

As for if she acted like redhead..... hell if she's gonna do that - All the stuff before the walk out - well that's what the record button is for - sure would let her walk out ;-)
This is interesting, I only wish that my S.O. would respond to my attempts to keep things fresh after five yrs of marriage..... So it is her that marry's me to TIVO....

Perhaps this is OT from the original post at discussion, but I think oftentimes, there's far too much pressure put on men to be the ones always "keeping things fresh". I think both parties are equally responsible for livening things up and keeping the other on their toes. If I want your attention, you can damn well guarantee that I'll go to great lengths to get it. However, I only jump through hoops for so long until I just shrug my shoulders and move along. Complacency sucks. 'Nuff said. :cool:

As for if she acted like redhead..... hell if she's gonna do that - All the stuff before the walk out - well that's what the record button is for - sure would let her walk out ;-)

I'm glad to finally see a man w/ some sense in that situation. ;) Thank you for validating me. :kiss: