survey: men and their love of sports

Perhaps this is OT from the original post at discussion, but I think oftentimes, there's far too much pressure put on men to be the ones always "keeping things fresh". I think both parties are equally responsible for livening things up and keeping the other on their toes. If I want your attention, you can damn well guarantee that I'll go to great lengths to get it. However, I only jump through hoops for so long until I just shrug my shoulders and move along. Complacency sucks. 'Nuff said. :cool:

I'm glad to finally see a man w/ some sense in that situation. ;) Thank you for validating me. :kiss:

I agree...I don't care what I was watching...if RHH came out in lingerie and lap dancing.....I'm all in.....I love sports too but I wouldn't even care about the record button.
I haven't read all the replies so I might be reiterating what has already been said.

Men are competitive to a degree - some more so than others - and an outlet to show our competitive nature is to indulge in sports. I also think that watching sports nonstop (unless you're a coach or a player and it's your job to watch how other teams play) can be an indicator of low self esteem issues. Men want to associate themselves with a winning team and if they're not athletically capable of being on a winning team, they will find one and become a fan of them. Take last year for example when the LA Lakers won the NBA Championship. All the LA fans were shouting "We won!" when in reality they didn't win anything, the team did. Men will find a way to feel like they won something when they had nothing to do with what happened because it makes them feel more masculine.
PowerLifter84, thanks for adding your thoughts and you are not reiterating anything else said so far. :)
How much sex do you need to bitch about a three hour game?

It's not about quantity, it's about spontaneity.

Any other thoughts, questions or comments on the subject? A response to the survey questions?
Yes, I'm actually one of those rare guys. I actually don't watch any sports. At super bowl parties I go for the food! lol I don't mind going to a sporting event from time to time but it definitely is not a life-consuming concept.

I can not understand for the life of me how the guys at the office can talk for hours on Monday morning about this play of the game or how the coach should've done that, or maybe they'll recruit so-n-so. First of all, no matter what they say it won't change the outcome of the game, and second, 2 months from now it won't matter who won what game.

I've stopped playing golf, bc I figure those hours are better spent with my kids than it is chasing a little white ball. Besides, if you're going to be any good at something you need to spend a lot of time doing it... (Why do you think I'm here!!! lol)

I've always thought restaurants should do Game-Widow specials! When all the guys are at the game, the women can go get half price drinks! Guess where I will be? Hellooooo Baby! (Let's talk about sex baby, lets talk about you and me! Remember that song?)

When your guy is watching "the big game", lets talk! I'm sure our conversation will be a lot more "stimulating" ;-)
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Yes, I'm actually one of those rare guys. I actually don't watch any sports. At super bowl parties I go for the food! lol I don't mind going to a sporting event from time to time but it definitely is not a life-consuming concept.

I can not understand for the life of me how the guys at the office can talk for hours on Monday morning about this play of the game or how the coach should've done that, or maybe they'll recruit so-n-so. First of all, no matter what they say it won't change the outcome of the game, and second, 2 months from now it won't matter who won what game.

I've stopped playing golf, bc I figure those hours are better spent with my kids than it is chasing a little white ball. Besides, if you're going to be any good at something you need to spend a lot of time doing it... (Why do you think I'm here!!! lol)

I've always thought restaurants should do Game-Widow specials! When all the guys are at the game, the women can go get half price drinks! Guess where I will be? Hellooooo Baby! (Let's talk about sex baby, lets talk about you and me! Remember that song?)

When your guy is watching "the big game", lets talk! I'm sure our conversation will be a lot more "stimulating" ;-)

I want to know what the homonym error was.

How intriguing that someone actually knows what that word means! :cool:
I stripped and did a headstand on the floor in front of him.

I may have to start watching football if it generates this response from my redhead.:)

Seriously, doesn't anybody else schedule things? When my wife or I go to work, or make time for our respective hobbies or sports, we make sure that the other person knows our schedule. If I have a business trip: I tell her several weeks in advance. A weekend chess tournament: at least a week. A TV program that I really want to watch: at least a day's notice. She does the same with her planned activities.

Thus we both manage to maintain some independence, and there is still plenty of opportunity for intimacy. And nobody ever has to go head-to-head with with the spouse's chosen activity. Nobody has to put their ego on the line and get rejected.

If one of us does feel that the other is spending too much time away from the relationship - and it has happened - he/she can speak up before it happens, and there is time to talk and negotiate and compromise. And we can do it all upright.

I want to know what the homonym error was.

How intriguing that someone actually knows what that word means! :cool:

I hope this doesn't hi-jack the thread...
"When your guy is watching..." I originally wrote "you're" guy. This is something that drives me absolutely batty. I work in business and the memo's and emails that come from our managers makes me cringe.
I actually did a segment at our last category meeting explaining this. My Boss thought I was crazy and that "people" (meaning him) could be offended my me "correcting" their English.
A couple weeks later he sends me an email, commenting on my Abraham Lincoln quote and wrote, "No wonder your so quite!". I didn't have the heart...

(sent you a PM yesterday..)
I hope this doesn't hi-jack the thread...
"When your guy is watching..." I originally wrote "you're" guy. This is something that drives me absolutely batty. I work in business and the memo's and emails that come from our managers makes me cringe.
I actually did a segment at our last category meeting explaining this. My Boss thought I was crazy and that "people" (meaning him) could be offended my me "correcting" their English.
A couple weeks later he sends me an email, commenting on my Abraham Lincoln quote and wrote, "No wonder your so quite!". I didn't have the heart...

(sent you a PM yesterday..)

Fuckin' thread hijackers...seriously. :rolleyes: sent a PM? I have this auto-sort on my inbox that filters PM's based on the sender's posting history. So many hit the deleted's a shame, really.


Back to your regularly scheduled thread topic....
ok I asked my partner which am I. Turns out I am a mix formula one and the olympics im out I try to schedule to watch them and turn down sex and seems I devote my attention to that. Most other sports shows Ill gladly take her over tv especially if lingerie and a sexy dance is involved. For the sex she said shes happy and I def fulfil her. I know for a fact I do spend time researching trying to improve sexually for us in various ways. So all in all yes sometimes im a slave to the box others times no and def devote all my attention to her and when I do watch these sporting events I get into I do try to involve her and she involves herself (expcept the olympics shes not a fan) which I greatly apreciate and shes said she understands and shes happy with our relationship balance. Hope that answers your question.
Viper2000, thanks for the great reply! You even asked your partner to rate you about this? You are an enlightened man. ;)
Yeh I thought it was important instead of assuming and having a bias view go to the source helps me understand her feelings more and our relationhip grow a bit. I still love the olympics lol.
I don't think women should be sports widows but then again, I think it is a total lack of respect if a woman demands attention during an important game just so she can prove a point. I have nothing against spontanaity but there is a time and a place for everything.
Being a moderate to heavy sports watching man I need to leave my prints here on this. Not only for you littlebabyclit but for the men out there.
I'll start by saying that most of what we watch is due to what we played or competed in as youngsters and translates to why we watch now. It kind of lets us relive some of the rush. With that said, myself, I have always made sure that I included my women in the excitement of why I was watching and how it related to my younger years. Through that they learn who's who and what's what and before you know it they understand and also find themselves interested and cheering on their own driver or team. So for me I've not had to worry about excluding them.
Hope that helps everyone
Sex and Sports

If only my wife enjoyed sex as much as I do, we wouldn't even own a TV. I watch sports basically to get her ass off the couch and away from the TV. She sits and watches all the CSI clones, Law and Order clones, and any Medical night time soap opera. She's not in bad shape, maybe all of 110# @ 5'. I'm 6' and 180# and hit the gym 3 times a week. She says i have a nice body.

She won't talk about sex despite my attempts to find out if I'm doing something wrong. I've read books to discover more, she won't. Been to counseling, she won't. She dislikes oral sex because she thinks it's dirty.

If she walked out and wore anything that whispered sex, I'd jump at it.

Yes, I've been told I should divorce her and find someone who has a sex drive. I just can't see doing that after almost 29 years of marriage.

So, here I am writing stories.

Thanks for the space to rant/vent.......I hope I answered your poll.
It might be more fair to sports-loving-men if this is generalized to tv-loving-people. I think I'm another minority because I'm a guy who doesn't watch sports very often and the only sports I watch if I am watching sports are baseball, tennis tournaments, and summer and winter olympics. If downhill skiing were a commonly broadcasted sport, I think I'd watch it a ton. I'm more addicted to random shows, but I digress. I think if I had a gf then I would try to spend more time with her than tv, but I'll have to wait and see.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the subject, Southern1957, subwannabe, O2 and chizzledman. :)
I don't watch any sports on television. I will sometimes watch a game of rugger in person. I don't have a whole lot of friends who are hardcore into sports, so it's not a male bonding thing for me. I'm not very athletically inclined, don't like organized sports. Very, very active and physically fit, but I don't like sports. All of my woman's relatives watch sports; I spend time in the kitchen talking to the women.

Funnily enough, being surrounded by women with mine sitting in my lap, I'm the gay one. As opposed to watching sweaty men in tight pants roll over each other chasing a ball. Yeah... that makes sense.

What I do that has the potential to distract me from her, is online gaming with a few good friends. Not shit like "Battlefield 1942", which is very easy to pick up and or put down, but very team-oriented, simulation grade stuff like the IL-2 series, LOMAC, Steel Beasts Pro, things in that vein. That said, I've always told the lads I game with that: "You're excused if the following needs to be done: Your woman. Your schoolwork/employment. Your house is on fire." I've taken advantage of that a few times, they've gotten used to my callsign going quiet for an hour+ at a time.

My favourite though would have to be her getting on the comms and saying, I quote: "I'm taking my man back now. Bye!"

That's perfectly acceptable. One can always restart the scenario some other time. I can't fathom how anybody would ignore their woman in favour of a football game or something in that vein.