Sweet Minxee

I have a large bath pls come and share it. You look like more fun than a rubber duck😘
Guess who has been writing again.... :devilish: :devilish::devilish:

You take my hand and pull me up to my feet before leading me through some rooms, down a hallway, down a set of stairs and stopping at a door at the very end.
You turn around and look down at me as I nervously stand before you.
“Are you sure about this pet? Once we go inside… you will be mine.”
I hesitate before nodding in agreement. What I felt earlier was amazing and I need to feel more of it. I need to feel more of him. The taste of him still lingers in my mouth reminding me of what happened before.
“Use your words pet. I need to hear you say it.”
“Yes Sir….I will be yours”. I bite my lip and lower my gaze.
You unlock the door ahead of us before taking my hand and opening the door leading me through and guiding me into the room before releasing my hand and closing the door behind us and turning on the lights.

I gasp out. My hands wrap around myself as I shake nervously as I look around at the room.

The room is more like a cavern than a normal standard room and seems to have several different areas to it. The floor beneath me is a smooth grey solid stone tile. The walls are also grey stone bricks. Light emits from torches around the room and if it wasn’t for the fact I saw them being controlled electrically. I would have assumed that they were real. The flame even moves like a real flame would.

The first thing that grabs my attention is in the middle of the room. There are 4 stone pillars with a bright light shining down. There appears to be a soft crimson red rug on the floor.

The body of water to the very front left of the room catches my attention next. It has a fog that dances across the surface. The walls around it are brown and earth-like. It even has a rock wall that blocks it off from the back of the room giving it a smaller and more private feel. There is moss growing over the rocks and a trickle of water flowing across them and down into the pool. I take a few steps towards it to try and look closer. The water almost appears to have a pale green glow to it.

“This…”. I jump in fright forgetting you were there. An amused look crosses your face before you continue.
“This would be our natural hot springs. The water is always warm and clean and it is said to have healing properties. “
I nod, taking it all in. I feel your hand on my lower back as you start to guide me around the room.
“And over here…” he turns me around to look at the front right of the room and I stop dead in my tracks and I tense up in your arms.
“Now pet, there is no need to worry. You are going to be a very good girl and you may never need to be locked in there. Did you want to go in for a closer look?”

I shake my head and stammer… “No…..” I am beginning to have second thoughts about what I may have gotten myself into as I glance back towards the door. My pulse quickens as I can hear my heart thumping through my ears.

“Come now… there is no need to be afraid” Your hand runs up and down my back causing me to shiver.
“As you can probably tell this is the cage. This is where naughty girls will go if they displease me. You would never do that, would you pet?”
I shake my head.
“Use your words pet…. I do like hearing you speak….” You purr into my ear.
“No Sir.” I gulp down hard. “I will be good”.
“Mmmm good girl. That’s what I like to hear.” Your hands wrap around my waist and pull me back against you as you kiss my neck. I left out a soft whimper. And I start to feel you harden against me. I blush deeply and hope that the shadows in the room will make it so you don’t notice.
“Now the cage has a bed, a toilet and a sink. If you are caged you will be brought food. So you will have all of your basic needs met. “
I nod and am relieved when you start to move us away from the cage and into the middle of the room.

As we stand a few steps away I can see clearer now. The stone pillars are hard and sturdy. They have rings attached at various heights.
“Whenever I instruct you to come here I want you to meet me here on this mat. You are to be naked and facing away from the door. Do I make myself clear pet?”
“Yes Sir” I answered without thinking.
“Good…. Then go and kneel there now. I want to see how delicious you look.”
I hesitate for a moment before I feel you gently push me forward and I start to walk towards the mat. With all the light shining down it's hard to see out into the darkness which makes it a bit scary. I kneel down on the mat as instructed and look down at the floor. I notice that there seems to be a small gap going all the way around the pillars. I look around at it confused and do not notice that you have circled me and are standing in front of me again.
“You look absolutely delicious, my pet. The red makes the colour of your skin glow. Come… I have more to show you.” You hold out your hand and help me up to my feet and pull me into you. You hold me against your chest for a moment with my wrists secured in one of your hands as you use your free hand to stroke my hair, down my back and cup my ass. You nuzzle into my neck taking in my scent.
A whimper escapes my lips as my head tilts to the side giving you more access.
“Mmmm you tempt me pet….”
You spin me around so my back is against you as I feel your cock hard against my ass. You pin my hands to my chest and you walk us back so that we are just outside of the circle.

You press a button on one of the pillars and I watch as the floor between the pillars drops down a little before sliding to the side and disappearing out of sight beneath where we are standing. You then press another button and I start to see sometime rise up from the hole. It is another platform and it has a big bed on it. Each corner lines up with the pillars and I can see now that some of the rings I saw embedded in the pillars are at bed height.
The bed itself is a dark solid stained wood with crimson red satin sheets. It looks very comfortable and inviting.
You nuzzle into my neck and nibble at my earlobe causing a shiver to pass through me.
“What do you think pet? Should we try out the bed?”
You bite my neck playfully causing a soft moan to escape my lips and I struggle to stay upright as my knees buckle.
“Or maybe I should show you what else there is…”.
I can hear the grin in your words and I shake slightly.

“There is more?” I question.
“Oh much more my pet. But I don’t want to overwhelm you….” You pause deep in thought trying to decide how much to show me as you don’t want to frighten me too much.
I bite my lip nervously as I look around at what you have already shown me. I then peer into the darkness behind you at what there could be. I turn around in your arms and gaze up into your eyes.
“Show me. When we were about to enter the room you asked me if I was sure and I said I was. I won’t lie, some of what I have seen is a little overwhelming and I have no doubt that what is hiding behind you in the darkness will probably scare me. But I trust you. And I know that you will look after me. So show me… show me your world.”
Your mouth suddenly is all over mine as your hand roughly grabs the back of my head. You groan in pleasure and you kiss me deeply.
You break the kiss and rest your forehead against mine as I gasp for breath. Your hands cup my face as I look up at you.
“How did I find someone so….”
I kiss you hard, silencing your words as my hands come up to cup the sides of your face.
“The rest of the tour can wait…. I need to have you now!” You hands slide down and grip my ass as you pick me up and throw me down on the bed watching me as I land on my back and look up at you. You stand and stare at me for a moment taking in the sight. My pale skin and dark hair perfectly contrast with the crimson red sheets.

“Simply stunning… and mine!”
Excellent story so far, I hope you expand on it.

Why not write the complete story to publish on Lit, I’ll edit it for you, if it needs it.
Excellent story so far, I hope you expand on it.

Why not write the complete story to publish on Lit, I’ll edit it for you, if it needs it.
Perhaps eventually. I have too many ideas in my head to focus on one. But maybe eventually ill piece something together.
I'm not out to tame you but to release your inner beast that wants everything and gets everything:devilish:
Is it a soft spot…. Or a hard spot? 🤔😈😉
Well, it's a soft spot with a companion of a very hard spot. The contrasts are what made things amazing - like the contrast of chain and a soft body. Like the contrast of a bit of pain and a world of pleasure. Those things just get me all fired up. :)
Well, it's a soft spot with a companion of a very hard spot. The contrasts are what made things amazing - like the contrast of chain and a soft body. Like the contrast of a bit of pain and a world of pleasure. Those things just get me all fired up. :)
As the song says….
🎶 Theres a fine line between pleasure and pain,
You’ve done it once, you can do it again…🎶