Siren you have a shit fetish huh. Are you the shitter or the Shittee. I'll bet from your repressed rage that your the shitter. You find some whimp who likes you to shit on him. This of course is probably because you have been shit on in life by men. You are a playa hatin, shit fanatic.
If a train leaves the station going 100 mph how long will it be before the enema in your ass sends you rushing to the can? Probably not long. I bet you feed your dog ex-lax too. Stinky Lady.
I gave you an award... now stay away Siren AKA Queen Feces.
I think the problem of jealousy is best solved when partners allow each other to fuck people of every nationality, ethnicity, and creed in an effort to determine which group "humps the best".
I've heard the Ashkenazi Jews can do this amazing thing with their pharyngeal muscles that makes you feel like you're being adjusted by a socket wrench. And don't even get me started on the Aleutian Islanders! I know they claim Eskimo pussy is mighty cold, but don't you believe it!
so get back out there and I don't want to see you back here until you get your card stamped by each and every member nation of the UN.
I thought of that after the first time I posted it, too (ebola is the damn virus). I was just hoping people would over look it - cause it's funny, ya know?
Dee, you are without doubt the BIGGEST FUCKING PRICK THIS SIDE OF THE UNIVERSE. I am going to make it my mission in life to fuck with you at every waking moment, you will be seeing a lot of me.
I happen to love that woman you keep insulting, so bring it on you sexist pig.
Hey carl eats are you talking about siren. You love her? Well you need to control her ass then. You are obviously not a real man or she would know to speak, when spoken to. You two deserve each other. If you are not referring to her then who is your cyber "girlfriend" so I will know who to insult the next time. Until then ... Keep eating fat ones.