
Well, ergo, ipse dixit, vescere bracis meis, ad hominem, et alli. *waves magic wand*
There, now it didn't happen.
storm1969 said:
Sorry, Lance saw it, ergo, ipso-facto, it happened. ;)

You're a prime example of the two-faced warts that post here saying one thing while saying the opposite at kinktalk. You made one post to this thread, for example and then went whining about all the "drama" on KT saying you were there to escape this thread....a thread occasioned and fuelled by kinktalk members.

The real problem here at the BDSM Forum last year was a few of you believing you owned not only the Forum but the agenda as well.

The fact is, you didn't. And it's time you got over that and moved on instead of playing both sides against the middle here and at cryingtowel.com with the rest of the malcontents.

The BDSM Forum has been a better place to post not because MissT came along...but because Cymbidia and her pals left for kinktalk.com.
cymbidia said:

P.S. You remember when LC was on my ass last year at this time and flaming me day after day after day after day after day for months? You remember coming into his threads and doing the empty-headed *giggle* and *smile* and *batting eyelashes* at him--all the while PMing me and expressing how sorry you were that you couldn't help me? Consider this my reply now to your cowardly duplicitiousness then.

Two points need to be made about the paragraph isolated above:

1. MissT was two faced with me...when caught and confronted with it, she *shrugged* it off. Though I bear no ill-will towards her, I can't say I consider her my friend anymore. I'm not surprised to hear Cym relate a similar experience and therefore expect MissT is the same with most people. Smiling at people to their face then disparaging them behind their back is a most unseemly trait.

2. I certainly engaged Cym and her gang on a daily basis for months as soon as it became obvious to me that she considered the BDSM Forum her private property as opposed to a space where people could express themselves in complete freedom. I am proud of having bested her and her minions in each and every discussion, argument, flame or fight we had...because I was right each and every time...as were the many others who shared my views. This Forum now runs in an equitable fashion. Not because of anything I did, but because of the decision of Cym, CarolineOh, James Blandings and a number of others to leave for kinktalk.
Lancecastor said:
You're a prime example of the two-faced warts that post here saying one thing while saying the opposite at kinktalk. You made one post to this thread, for example and then went whining about all the "drama" on KT saying you were there to escape this thread....a thread occasioned and fuelled by kinktalk members.

It was a joking comment. Did you forget your sense of humor again?
storm1969 said:
It was a joking comment. Did you forget your sense of humor again?

My sense of humour is intact and functional.

If I don't find you funny when you back off from being direct with me here while slamming me at kinktalk.com, you'll have to forgive my failure to smile at your duplicity, because I don't find your flexible values amusing.

The only reason Lancecastor is not an ID at kinktalk.com is because of Cym's powerplay...but I do have an ID there and always have.

Just as I didn't appreciate MissT pretending to be amiable towards me while slandering me behind my back...I have no respect for you pandering to the audience here with your "jokes" while whining about me at kinktalk.com as if I were a major disruption in your life.

You are a suckup, and spineless weasels like you have no place in my book.

You at least owe yourself the duty to say what you mean and mean what you say, regardless of the audience.
if half of what you say is true, Lance, then i dont see how anyone can blame you...
LisaFunOne1 said:
if half of what you say is true, Lance, then i dont see how anyone can blame you...

I'm the sort of man who has no problem respecting someone who disagrees with me to my face.

But the moment anyone starts sneaking around my back after offering something else to my face...they are total zeroes in my book.
Lancecastor said:
I'm the sort of man who has no problem respecting someone who disagrees with me to my face.

But the moment anyone starts sneaking around my back after offering something else to my face...they are total zeroes in my book.
makes sense. now, whats kinktalk?
I thought this was a thread on 'switching'. Is it possible we forget the politics and personal vendettas which are totally unrelated, and get back to the topic placed here for discussion?

Lance, you're forgetting the most important point to this whole situation.

Nobody cares what you think.

I post to amuse myself, not you.

You don't like it, tough shit.

Your moods cycle and it's painfully evident in your posting, much more so than any of the women here you attack for their moods.

I'm waiting for the funny Lance or the Lance that posts well to a political thread or current events thread. This bitchy Lance, well, at least it's fun to push your buttons. You probably shouldn't make it so easy, though.

OK, I'll leave you alone.
catalina_francisco said:
I thought this was a thread on 'switching'. Is it possible we forget the politics and personal vendettas which are totally unrelated, and get back to the topic placed here for discussion?


I'm not interested in switches or switching.

I popped in to have a look at and respond to the gate crashing by Cymbidia, Storm and the others from kinktalk.com.
storm1969 said:

I'm waiting for the funny Lance or the Lance that posts well to a political thread or current events thread. This bitchy Lance, well, at least it's fun to push your buttons.

Here's a concept for you...I'm smart, funny and mean all the time.
catalina_francisco said:
I thought this was a thread on 'switching'. Is it possible we forget the politics and personal vendettas which are totally unrelated, and get back to the topic placed here for discussion?

For some, no. Vendettas and hours and hours of whining and conspiracies are all they have.

It must be sad to have a life like that.

I am both dominant and submissive. I generally switch when I'm satiated; after I've been dominant for a period of time, I fantasise about being submissive, and vice versa.

I don't know if I could be dominant and submissive at the same time, although I would like to try it once just to see what it feels like. A dominant woman directing me to dominate a submissive woman sounds interesting to me, but probably not to the submissive woman. :)

I have had many more opportunities to be dominant. I suppose that's why almost all of my stories are about a dominant woman and a submissive man.
JazzManJim said:
For some, no. Vendettas and hours and hours of whining and conspiracies are all they have.

It must be sad to have a life like that.

Vendettas? Hours of whining? try not to exaggerate Jim. This is not the GB or the playground, although there are many who drop in here who try to make it so.
I like switches for the reason that I like bisexuals. I haven't figured out what that reason is though... :confused:
JazzManJim said:
For some, no. Vendettas and hours and hours of whining and conspiracies are all they have.

It must be sad to have a life like that.

In future, speak to me directly, bitch.
Never said:
I like switches for the reason that I like bisexuals. I haven't figured out what that reason is though... :confused:

Never said:
I like switches for the reason that I like bisexuals. I haven't figured out what that reason is though... :confused:
Well, because we're adorable, obviously.

Ebony, nice to see you, darlin'. It's been a dog's age. :rose:

Lance, when did you get all self-obsessed again? BTW, you know damned good and well that I've never been in lock-step with anyone but my own drummer. We've had our differences and plenty of them, but I'm surprised that you'd accuse me of something so patently untrue as being someone's drone--you're usually more pointed, and somewhat more accurate, with your barbs. Sharpen up the tools, kiddo, cuz you're getting rusty.

Concept rejected.

two out of three tops.
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Sorry to see the personal stuff take over what was an interesting thread. Perhaps, because it seems personal, the personal stuff is best taken care of personally and not in a public forum.

This is a great topic and i have much to learn. Please continue
"Well, because we're adorable, obviously.


Ah - must have slipped my mind.

Effigy, That's love of Effigy. It has nothing to do with bisexuality or switchness.