
RisiaSkye said:

Lance, when did you get all self-obsessed again? BTW, you know damned good and well that I've never been in lock-step with anyone but my own drummer. We've had our differences and plenty of them, but I'm surprised that you'd accuse me of something so patently untrue as being someone's drone--you're usually more pointed, and somewhat more accurate, with your barbs. Sharpen up the tools, kiddo, cuz you're getting rusty.


It *is* true that you left the CymCollective when she went off the deep end here last year and got canned as Mod...but you did defend her in the big HenFight over at KT in December...so I'd say you're like 6 of 9...separate from the Collective, but still wired for re-assimilation at any time.

And whaddya mean, self-obsessed *again*??? ...I don't recall stopping.
Lancecastor said:
I'm not interested in switches or switching.

I popped in to have a look at and respond to the gate crashing by Cymbidia, Storm and the others from kinktalk.com.

Storm's last post on KT was in February (except for the one about you). How does that make Storm "from Kinktalk.com", I don't see it. Geee, but then, I should have known ... still just trying to stirr shit, are you? Fuelling up that whole "us versus them" thing ... Nice to know some things never change. ;)
SexySusan said:
Storm's last post on KT was in February (except for the one about you). How does that make Storm "from Kinktalk.com", I don't see it. Geee, but then, I should have known ... still just trying to stirr shit, are you? Fuelling up that whole "us versus them" thing ... Nice to know some things never change. ;)

He posts there, he's from there...Storm doesn't post on the kinky part of lit...his pervy stuff is all on KT.

Why do you have a problem with that...it's his life after all.

You're sooo heirarchical and judgemental.
SexySusan said:
Storm's last post on KT was in February (except for the one about you). How does that make Storm "from Kinktalk.com", I don't see it. Geee, but then, I should have known ... still just trying to stirr shit, are you? Fuelling up that whole "us versus them" thing ... Nice to know some things never change. ;)

Actually, I pretty much stick to lurking on the BDSM threads and forums. I only posted that last post there at KT to bait Lance. (He forgot how many times he's mentioned he's a member there) It worked well.