
sub princess said:
*quick hijack i promise.. lol*

i just wanted to welcome Quixotica to Lit, and to the BDSM board.

Great to have you here.:rose:


A huge welcome!!!!

And I will ditto anyone who says " labels suck!"

Who cares what I call myself as long as I am fulfilled and am able to be a meaningful participant in a relationship? Hell, what if it is five relationships?


My comment about validity had only to do with the many times I have seen , heard and discussed switching and gotten a far more negative and intolerant response from others. I love this forum because we do respect one another enough to say "I don't understand" rather than " You are a piece of shit pretender! "

*giggles* Hugs to all!

MissTaken said:

There wsa a time that I felt the same way. Actually, and no offense intended, when I first began this journey, I thought switches were those who wanted to hvae their cake and eat it too! *giggles*
Yes, I remember.
Must admit, I find it distinctly amusing to find you now speaking from the very position you so adamantly disavowed not so many months ago. Self-knowledge is a constantly evolving thing, isn't it?

I do so love being proved right.

Now, as for my submission? It remains in tact. It is a matter of compartmentalizing the two sides of my self. I know that when I fall in love, I will submit, totally.

Do you know it as adamantly as you once knew you had no desire to Switch? Or as completely as you felt Switching was inauthentic power exchange?

And will this knowledge prove to be just as fluid?
Interesting questions.

And Quixotica--lovely post, one of the best I've yet read in this forum. Well met. :rose:

MissTaken said:
There wsa a time that I felt the same way. Actually, and no offense intended, when I first began this journey, I thought switches were those who wanted to hvae their cake and eat it too! *giggles*
Not only thought it, MissTaken, but said so, and with ill-concealed contempt.

It's always interesting to me to watch lifestyle newbies pass through phases of understanding. You began as a total rank beginner, not ever having touched anyone else in "the way of our people", so to speak, and just coming to a place where you thought about it as a possiblity in your life. It wasn't so long ago, either--but you were totally sure you knew who you were and who you were not. We evolve and change, that's for sure--and those of us so new to this do it with sometimes alarming rapidity.
MissTaken said:
Who cares what I call myself as long as I am fulfilled and am able to be a meaningful participant in a relationship? Hell, what if it is five relationships?

~giggles back...and asks~...Heck! What if it's two very different profiles, MissTaken?

What if it's forum posts as two very different people--say a sub and a Domme?

What if it's time to come clean?


Hello to those who don't know me--and i'm not staying; you need not take notice or get up in arms. My post has roots in time long past, time receded to dim memory now...time long, long before you noticed the place.

Joy to you all,

Out yourself, MissT, or i'll do it for you--and i'll do it here.

I've already begun to out you in private email to selected people.

As you've been told already, in private correspondence from someone beside me, some of us put our hearts and souls into forming this forum. We put our truth and honor into the making of this place. You were given it cuz it was thought you'd be a good caretaker and adhere to the honor that was invested in this place at its inception.

However, as it turns out, you don't seem to have had enough invested in this place come "out" with your developing sexual identity.

So are you truthful enough, honorable enough, got enough balls to do this--or still wanting to hide behind a chorus of *giggles* forever?

You have no choice, really.
If you don't come clean, fully and completely, then i'll do it for you.
You have 24 hours.

P.S. You remember when LC was on my ass last year at this time and flaming me day after day after day after day after day for months? You remember coming into his threads and doing the empty-headed *giggle* and *smile* and *batting eyelashes* at him--all the while PMing me and expressing how sorry you were that you couldn't help me? Consider this my reply now to your cowardly duplicitiousness then.

And don't think to delete this post cuz you don't like it. It's perfectly within the boundries of what's legal here. I should know; after all, with a small handful of others, i *made* this place. If you delete this post, i'll just go post it over on the GB (along with an account of your abuse of powers) anyway--and other places at Lit--and over at b.com where you've got your alter egos stored (and where you've been posting with both...)

edited to add: Ah! I see you've removed the face pics you had up for one profile and left the ones on the other profile, the ones that don't show your face. Interesting opening tactic toward being open and aboveboard about all this, B.
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Woo hoo!

CymWar II...the Sequel!

Cym...how many Forums have you been kicked out of in the last year, anyway?

You and your fucking "rules"....ha ha ha!

Like there's a Rule now that the Mod *has* to share their private life???

Could you provide a link to that Rule, please?

See you again when your prescription lapses?


It is true. I am misstaken.

I want to beat you all into submission, and fuck you silly with my strap on.

I just ordered a spanking machine, so you bettah run, motha fucka!
We all have thoughts on switching
Some positive
some negative
and some ??????

Let's not start a war here ......

I try to present the most honest view of me as I can here
I am limited by my own blinders
we all have them

I know other think of this as a porn board
and honesty is not a big thing to them

The one thing I "thought" we all agree to on
this BDSM board is to be tolerant of others
your kink is your kink
it may not be mine
but I will try to support you

Please folks do not threaten of flame

We had Lance the Moron for that
and he seems to have gone away
Richard49 said:
Let's not start a war here ......

With utmost respect Richard,

but someone already did, quite dramatically. Tick Tock and all.


Nothing left to do but watch the whole thing play out.

AnelizeDarkEyes said:
With utmost respect Richard,

but someone already did, quite dramatically. Tick Tock and all.


Nothing left to do but watch the whole thing play out.


No war if no one fires back
I think we should all see it for what it really is: A lame attack on a board and it's moderator that has been running quite smoothly in recent months with hardly an incident now that us malcontents have refrained from posting here. It's clear that some personalities just do not mix well when put together. The fact that this is so out of the blue just makes me wonder if this really isn't an affair that doesn't concern this board at all, but rather is something more personal that started in another place and time. And that is where it should have stayed.

If cym has any decency, she'll delete her post and be gone for good.
All happy boards resemble one another, each unhappy board is unhappy in its own way.
Good Christ, what fucking drama.

Some things should take place behind the scenes, kids. I thought we all learned that lesson a long while ago.

For the record, no matter how much I like or dislike a particular person, I will not allow my personal relationships with people to dictate that I endorse an unethical position or behavior I see as unfair. So cym, I love you darlin', but you're way over the line of decorum on this one. I hope you change your mind about your tactics, because this serves no one.

And with that, I think I'm out of the convo again for a while. I had a nice time talking with you all again this weekend. I hope we meet again once the environment settles down, back into its usual near-stupor.

P. B. Walker said:
I think we should all see it for what it really is: A lame attack on a board and it's moderator that has been running quite smoothly in recent months with hardly an incident now that us malcontents have refrained from posting here. It's clear that some personalities just do not mix well when put together. The fact that this is so out of the blue just makes me wonder if this really isn't an affair that doesn't concern this board at all, but rather is something more personal that started in another place and time. And that is where it should have stayed.

If cym has any decency, she'll delete her post and be gone for good.

It has been boring as fuck here since Lance left. Pass the gasoline.
"And with that, I think I'm out of the convo again for a while. I had a nice time talking with you all again this weekend. I hope we meet again once the environment settles down, back into its usual near-stupor.


Noooo. Cooooommme baaaaaack!
Pick one of the following phrases to hear me express my opinion.

1. Can't we all just get along?
2. Can't we all just shut the hell up?
Sandia said:
I always suspected it.

You're cymbidia, too, aren't you?


I think it's time you started Moderating the fuck out of this place again.
RisiaSkye said:
cym, I love you darlin', but you're way over the line of decorum on this one.


Used to be you all followed Her blindly....what happened?
I'd disagree with anyone following her. Or, anyone acting blindly.