Take A Load Off Fani




  1. The condition of being mendacious; untruthfulness.
  2. A lie; a falsehood.
They lied under oath, numb nuts.
Well, limp dick, care to show where Judge McAfee declared either one 'lied under oath?'

McAfee was careful with his words, using definition number one rather than number two. [Don't get kindergarten 'pissy' or 'shitty' here with your smirking.] He said it rose to the level of mendacity. If he had found it met the second definition, numb nuts, he would have judged both of them guilty of lying and had them removed from the case or overturned the case, perhaps. He didn't. Team Trump did not prove their claims in his estimation, but McAfee could smell the accused were dirty in some sense of mendacity.

You didn't provide the dictionary source you used, but to help you out with that, many dictionaries use the definition appearing first as the one most frequently used. Successive definitions are listed in order of declining frequency rather than according to semantic evolution. Your dictionary source probably follows this pattern. Consequently, you should stick with the primary meaning, number one, since nowhere in McAfee's declaration will you find that he judged either of them as 'liars.'
Actually it's rare for a judge to grant a certificate like this. It does happen but it's not anything close to common.

He didn't have to allow an appeal pre-trial. That's the news.
Perhaps, because of the importance and timeliness of the case to expedite the matter so that informed voters could use a decision here to weigh in at the ballot box?
Well, limp dick, care to show where Judge McAfee declared either one 'lied under oath?'

McAfee was careful with his words, using definition number one rather than number two. [Don't get kindergarten 'pissy' or 'shitty' here with your smirking.] He said it rose to the level of mendacity. If he had found it met the second definition, numb nuts, he would have judged both of them guilty of lying and had them removed from the case or overturned the case, perhaps. He didn't. Team Trump did not prove their claims in his estimation, but McAfee could smell the accused were dirty in some sense of mendacity.

No, he wouldn't. He was facing reelection in a majority black district, He had previously held a fundraiser for Fani Willis and had contributed to her campaign. What we saw was an inexperienced judge trying to split the baby and save his career by saying either Wade or Fani had to go. As if leaving either in place would solve the pollution of an odor of mendacity hanging over the assumed purity of the defendant's right to "due process." He didn't verbalize the word "perjury" but we all saw it happen with our own eyes as did everyone else in the courtroom including the judge who tried to soft-pedal the outrage by painting it as an "odor of mendacity." Understand however, the odor is pervasive and persistent.
You didn't provide the dictionary source you used, but to help you out with that, many dictionaries use the definition appearing first as the one most frequently used. Successive definitions are listed in order of declining frequency rather than according to semantic evolution. Your dictionary source probably follows this pattern. Consequently, you should stick with the primary meaning, number one, since nowhere in McAfee's declaration will you find that he judged either of them as 'liars.'
Mendacity is the state of being mendacious which is defined by Merriam-Webster as: "given to or characterized by deception or falsehood or divergence from absolute truth" which is a long way from the "Truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God" which is the oath taken before sworn testimony.
No, he wouldn't. He was facing reelection in a majority black district, He had previously held a fundraiser for Fani Willis and had contributed to her campaign. What we saw was an inexperienced judge trying to split the baby and save his career by saying either Wade or Fani had to go. As if leaving either in place would solve the pollution of an odor of mendacity hanging over the assumed purity of the defendant's right to "due process." He didn't verbalize the word "perjury" but we all saw it happen with our own eyes as did everyone else in the courtroom including the judge who tried to soft-pedal the outrage by painting it as an "odor of mendacity." Understand however, the odor is pervasive and persistent.

Mendacity is the state of being mendacious which is defined by Merriam-Webster as: "given to or characterized by deception or falsehood or divergence from absolute truth" which is a long way from the "Truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God" which is the oath taken before sworn testimony.
Thank you for clarifying that you expressed your opinion on the decision rather than the judge declaring Willis lied or factually perjured herself. This is a much better-worded response. You could have led with this. (y)

My opinion, of little consequence, is that Willis and Wade got away with it as well. It was a bad slap in the face for justice. However, there remains a bigger pressing matter for justice: the guilt or innocence of Donald Trump and others in attempting to influence the outcome of the election process in Georgia and other states. The allegations are unprecedented in history. The nation needs a definitive answer to the matter.

Can justice prevail, or will procedural issues cripple it to the extent the Nation never sees the outcome? If so, then, as a system of laws, we would have failed in making a critical decision in a critical time period for our country.
Thank you for clarifying that you expressed your opinion on the decision rather than the judge declaring Willis lied or factually perjured herself. This is a much better-worded response. You could have led with this. (y)
I didn't think I had to point out the obvious.
My opinion, of little consequence, is that Willis and Wade got away with it as well. It was a bad slap in the face for justice. However, there remains a bigger pressing matter for justice: the guilt or innocence of Donald Trump and others in attempting to influence the outcome of the election process in Georgia and other states. The allegations are unprecedented in history. The nation needs a definitive answer to the matter.
Rico laws have never been applied as they are right now in this most unique RICO prosecution history. This is a case based on what people said to other people and the truth of those conversations against what the state charges. A state prosecution authority that now cannot itself be trusted to proceed truthfully. The case is based on a tape recording that was recorded illegally in the state in which it was recorded which brings us to the Exclusionary Rule and the concept I have discussed known as "the fruit of the poisonous tree" a legal concept that excludes all evidence stemming from an illegal search or seizure. The doctrine is rooted in a 1920 SCOTUS decision in the case of Silverthorne Lumber Co. v. United States. There are numerous other reasons why this case should have never been brought, some of which I have discussed here in the past.
Can justice prevail, or will procedural issues cripple it to the extent the Nation never sees the outcome? If so, then, as a system of laws, we would have failed in making a critical decision in a critical time period for our country.

The case should be dismissed on the merits. If not it could go on for years.
Rico laws have never been applied as they are right now in this most unique RICO prosecution history.
And if successful, it opens the door to go after other political Ne'er-do-wells....You whine about Politicians being on the take, this approach if successful will allow the DOJ a much better toolbox to go after those bad politicians.
I didn't think I had to point out the obvious.

Rico laws have never been applied as they are right now in this most unique RICO prosecution history. This is a case based on what people said to other people and the truth of those conversations against what the state charges. A state prosecution authority that now cannot itself be trusted to proceed truthfully. The case is based on a tape recording that was recorded illegally in the state in which it was recorded which brings us to the Exclusionary Rule and the concept I have discussed known as "the fruit of the poisonous tree" a legal concept that excludes all evidence stemming from an illegal search or seizure. The doctrine is rooted in a 1920 SCOTUS decision in the case of Silverthorne Lumber Co. v. United States. There are numerous other reasons why this case should have never been brought, some of which I have discussed here in the past.

The case should be dismissed on the merits. If not it could go on for years.
RICO does not have a unique prosecution history. Ask Rudy Giuliani about it. He built a career around judicial prosecution methods, and applying that, so has Willis. A bit of irony there on Rudy's part, right? Rudy came to the party with lies and claimed he had evidence - but produced nothing to substantiate that. Fraud and defamation?

Six of the counts were dismissed by the judge as not being sufficiently documented. There are many assertions of guilt in the case beyond just the phone conversation that will stand.

What is of merit is the right of the people to know if Trump did or did not interfere with Georgia's election. As you note, the right to a speedy trial might be defined by years rather than 'snail-paced' time. Justice served is more paramount.

Part of your 'problem' in this forum is your high opinion of yourself, added to the condescending tone of your rhetoric toward others; that's the part that comes across as obvious. You could be an asset to the discussions but are often viewed otherwise. It's that tone thing you fail at.

Grab some coffee or popcorn. Let's sit back and watch the real lawyers duke it out, and a real judge arrive at a conclusion.
The judge contributed to Fat Fanny's campaign!
Which is perfectly legal.
This alone should have this case immediately thrown out!
Why should Trump's case be thrown out, when the Judge did nothing illegal. Hell I'd think you rwcj folks would like to see Trump go to court and show that all these cases are just witch hunts?

Unless you're scared shitless your orange god is guilty.....
The judge contributed to Fat Fanny's campaign! This alone should have this case immediately thrown out! Only in a cracker jack communist courtroom would this be allowed! Its just hilarious what these communist bastards think they can get away with. ANYTHING to get rid of DJT! HINT: NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING! 😁WWG1WGA

Biden is going to take your cracker jacks!


I looked in the dictionary for the definition of the term, '"cluster fuck" and Fani's pic showed up.
The judge contributed to Fat Fanny's campaign! This alone should have this case immediately thrown out! Only in a cracker jack communist courtroom would this be allowed! Its just hilarious what these communist bastards think they can get away with. ANYTHING to get rid of DJT! HINT: NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING! 😁WWG1WGA


Right wing Judge McAfee was a member of the far right federalist society.

And right wing Judge McAfee had no choice but to follow the law after the defendants (the traitors) FAILED to meet their burden to PROVE…something???

Right wing Judge McAfee also served up AG Willis on a platter to the right wing legislators who just empowered themselves to disqualify any AG for "reasons".



I looked in the dictionary for the definition of the term, '"cluster fuck" and Fani's pic showed up.
Actually, it was down on the list of photos. At the top were Trump family members, Rudy, Manifort, Rupert, and an assorted number of Trump's previous cabinet members.

Right wing Judge McAfee was a member of the far right federalist society.

And right wing Judge McAfee had no choice but to follow the law after the defendants (the traitors) FAILED to meet their burden to PROVE…something???

Right wing Judge McAfee also served up AG Willis on a platter to the right wing legislators who just empowered themselves to disqualify any AG for "reasons".


Lmao! are you that fucking blind! Every last communist, I dont give a shit if your right or left, is being brought out and exposed so the people can see it! It doesnt take a genius to figure this out! Look whats happening to the airline industry, Boeing in particular, look whats happening to the corrupt judicial system, one by one they are ALL being exposed! Take a look at the hospitals and clinics that are closing, watch what happens to professional sports! If your corrupt, there is NO ESCAPE! NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING! NOTHING!



Right wing Judge McAfee was a member of the far right federalist society.

And right wing Judge McAfee had no choice but to follow the law after the defendants (the traitors) FAILED to meet their burden to PROVE…something???

Right wing Judge McAfee also served up AG Willis on a platter to the right wing legislators who just empowered themselves to disqualify any AG for "reasons".



And if successful, it opens the door to go after other political Ne'er-do-wells....You whine about Politicians being on the take, this approach if successful will allow the DOJ a much better toolbox to go after those bad politicians.
This is a state prosecution on a phony RICO charge by a now-proven corrupt DA who will, if not disqualified, be allowed to carry out a private vendetta against those defendants that exposed her corruption instead of proceeding "in the public interest." The very idea is beyond the pale in an American court of law. Even the NYTs is calling for her removal from the case. Fani's case falls on it's face. It has a number of problems, One the RICO statute requires an "enterprise" that is an identifiable group of people that commits crimes, not merely the commission of any particular crime. Andrew McCarthy, former federal prosecutor explains how Fani was conflating the defendant's objective with the required "enterprise":

“It was that objective, and not the sustaining of any group, that brought them together; and once that objective was attained or conclusively defeated, the group — to the dubious extent it really was an identifiable group — would (and did) melt away,” It’s a “good sign that you’re not dealing with a RICO enterprise,” the former federal prosecutor explained. In other words without an "enterprise" there can be no RICO crime. Now Georgia may interpret their RICO law differently than the federal law but it is clear she is on very weak legal ground. If the court holds there is no "enterprise" than all of the charges on all defendants go out the window along with what might be left of her career.

All of the charges pertaining to "alternative electors" should be thrown out as a matter of law because naming alternative electors is not against the law no matter what the fake news tell you.
This is a state prosecution on a phony RICO charge by a now-proven corrupt DA who will, if not disqualified, be allowed to carry out a private vendetta against those defendants that exposed her corruption instead of proceeding "in the public interest." The very idea is beyond the pale in an American court of law. Even the NYTs is calling for her removal from the case. Fani's case falls on it's face. It has a number of problems, One the RICO statute requires an "enterprise" that is an identifiable group of people that commits crimes, not merely the commission of any particular crime. Andrew McCarthy, former federal prosecutor explains how Fani was conflating the defendant's objective with the required "enterprise":

“It was that objective, and not the sustaining of any group, that brought them together; and once that objective was attained or conclusively defeated, the group — to the dubious extent it really was an identifiable group — would (and did) melt away,” It’s a “good sign that you’re not dealing with a RICO enterprise,” the former federal prosecutor explained. In other words without an "enterprise" there can be no RICO crime. Now Georgia may interpret their RICO law differently than the federal law but it is clear she is on very weak legal ground. If the court holds there is no "enterprise" than all of the charges on all defendants go out the window along with what might be left of her career.

All of the charges pertaining to "alternative electors" should be thrown out as a matter of law because naming alternative electors is not against the law no matter what the fake news tell you.
None of what you wrote matters. Maybe go get your law degree and then have a conversation with whomever you want. This is a sex site, no one here gives a shit about what you think.
TandT86 is losing their shit.

What a fucking spaz.


Im losing my shit? No Im laughing my ass off at you communist leftists! This has nothing to do with the left and the right and EVERYTHING to do with getting rid of the Deep State! It doesnt matter if your left or right, if you have been compromised you are done dancing! The communist bastards are being exposed for all to see and one by one, getting their one way ticket to GITMO! But your just too stupid to see it!
Old Demented Joe campaigned half of 2020 that he was going to reverseCIC Trumps Executive Order that he had reversed of Obamas to shut down GITMO! He had speeches in Feb and Sept 2021 in sternness saying he was shutting down GITMO! All it takes is a pen stroke on paper, THATS IT! Why hasent Executive Order 13823 been reversed? Can any one of you complete jack wads answer that or is it too tough of a question? Why hasent anyone questioned him about it? yes, you are ALL that stupid! And once again, NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING! WWG1WGA! TRUTH
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Im losing my shit? No Im laughing my ass off at you communist leftists! This has nothing to do with the left and the right and EVERYTHING to do with getting rid of the Deep State!
I've got news for you, there is no deep state. If there was, Trump never would have been elected. He ran on eliminating the deep state...
Im losing my shit? No Im laughing my ass off at you communist leftists! This has nothing to do with the left and the right and EVERYTHING to do with getting rid of the Deep State! It doesnt matter if your left or right, if you have been compromised you are done dancing! They communist bastards are being exposed for all to see and one by one And getting their one way ticket to GITMO! But your just too stupid to see it!
Old Demented Joe campaigned half of 2020 that he was going to reverseCIC Trumps Executive Order that he had reversed of Obamas to shut down GITMO! He had speeches in Feb and Sept 2021 in sternness saying he was shutting down GITMO! All it takes is a pen stroke on paper, THATS IT! Why hasent Executive Order 13823 been reversed? Can any one of you complete jack wads answer that or is it too tough of a question? Why hasent anyone questioned him about it? yes, you are ALL that stupid! And once again, NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING! WWG1WGA! TRUTH
Like I said: Spaz.

Like I said: Spaz.


LMAO Love the way you communist leftists answer questions you are too STUPID to answer. Like Trump always says. The educated ones of society are now the RETARDS of Society! You are a PERFECT EXAMPLE! Start paying attention on whats happening and avoid the communist MSM, you just may gain a few brain cells... but its HIGHLY DOUBTFUL! ! You will all be branded the dumb fucks of society from here on out! Good luck and once again,,, NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING!