Take A Load Off Fani

She has multiple complaints filed against her before the GA. bar. The GA legislature is looking into her antics. And then there's the misuse of Federal funds.
She has multiple complaints filed against her before the GA. bar. The GA legislature is looking into her antics. And then there's the misuse of Federal funds.
Maybe a grand jury should be looking at her.

CNN Guest Says Fani Willis Case Is ‘Going Nowhere’ Fast: ‘Trial Will Be Conducted During The Presidency Of Malia Obama’​

By Virginia Kruta

Mar 16, 2024 DailyWire.com

Former federal prosecutor Jeffrey Toobin joked on Friday that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ case against former President Donald Trump was “going nowhere,” arguing that if it ever went to trial, former First Daughter Malia Obama, 25, might be in the Oval Office by then.

Toobin, who spent some time away from the network after he was caught masturbating on a zoom call with colleagues, argued that the judge’s recent decision — namely that Willis could remain on the case only if her hand-selected special prosecutor (and former boyfriend) Nathan Wade stepped aside — had effectively stopped the case in its tracks.

“Today was a very good day for Donald Trump. This case is going nowhere,” Toobin said, pointing to another RICO case in Georgia and noting that it had taken nearly a year to get a jury seated. “This case is never going to trial before the election. It’s an embarrassment. All of this. Fani Willis has hung on, but this case going nowhere very quickly.”

Toobin is not the only CNN voice critical of the ongoing Georgia case. Earlier in the week, the network’s senior legal analyst Elie Honig had commented on the fact that a judge had dismissed a number of Willis’ charges against Trump and his allies, saying that the whole situation was “embarrassing.”

More here: https://www.dailywire.com/news/cnn-...onducted-during-the-presidency-of-malia-obama

1174 should take note.

How Many Ethical Rules Did Fani Willis Break and Still Keep Her Job? The List Is Long​

VICTORIA TAFT | 12:47 PM ON MARCH 16, 2024

And so, in no particular order, here's a bill of particulars by the defense against Fani Willis and her now former very special prosecutor, Nathan Wade. Tell me if you don't think this reads like a "your DA so crooked" version of The Dozens:
Nah it reads like it was written by an old white guy who can't stand powerful black women....

Her case was tried, the Judge ruled....You don't like the ruling, go whine somewhere else you fucking chickenshit.
That is not true. If in fact, Trump committed crimes he should be prosecuted, but they shouldn't be made-up crimes nobody in history has ever been prosecuted for.
Tennessee William's character Big Daddy said it best in 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.' “What’s that smell in this room? Didn’t you notice it? Didn’t you notice a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity? There ain’t nothing more powerful than the odor of mendacity!”

And the root definition from Webster: "The quality of being mendacious; untruthfulness; tendency to lie. 2. an instance of lying; falsehood."

And yet, after all the blustering attacks against DA Willis by Trump's legal team, the judge held that the case remains viable, didn't he? The Trump team failed to show facts that rose to the level of proof she benefited financially from the case—mendacity, perhaps, but no proof positive.

Despite your 'rulings' and those of HisArpy, Judge McAffee decided Trump would face the charges, a few of which were dismissed. And the legal justice system, though battered, stands ready to move forward. That speaks to the justice system's strength to persevere in the face of false flags.

Trump, convicted of sexual assault and accused of an "odor of mendacity" in four states, in four indictments, and now on 88 counts, continues to lie about his convictions and the allegations. You smell them at every public rally and every time he steps on stage in a courtroom.

Yes, I agree that Trump should be prosecuted. He has risen to the mendacious odor level to the extent no one in American history has reached before. If, for that reason alone, it serves as a reminder that would-be dictators will not prevail in America, yet the tactic of delay, delay, and more delay seems to thwart justice at nearly every turn.

There seems to be no silver lining in the justice system. Perhaps it lies in the political realm. Defeat Trump in a fair election in 2024, then continue the trials and put an end to his mendacities once and for all. Lock him up.

CNN Guest Says Fani Willis Case Is ‘Going Nowhere’ Fast: ‘Trial Will Be Conducted During The Presidency Of Malia Obama’​

By Virginia Kruta

Mar 16, 2024 DailyWire.com

Former federal prosecutor Jeffrey Toobin joked on Friday that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ case against former President Donald Trump was “going nowhere,” arguing that if it ever went to trial, former First Daughter Malia Obama, 25, might be in the Oval Office by then.

Toobin, who spent some time away from the network after he was caught masturbating on a zoom call with colleagues, argued that the judge’s recent decision — namely that Willis could remain on the case only if her hand-selected special prosecutor (and former boyfriend) Nathan Wade stepped aside — had effectively stopped the case in its tracks.

“Today was a very good day for Donald Trump. This case is going nowhere,” Toobin said, pointing to another RICO case in Georgia and noting that it had taken nearly a year to get a jury seated. “This case is never going to trial before the election. It’s an embarrassment. All of this. Fani Willis has hung on, but this case going nowhere very quickly.”

Toobin is not the only CNN voice critical of the ongoing Georgia case. Earlier in the week, the network’s senior legal analyst Elie Honig had commented on the fact that a judge had dismissed a number of Willis’ charges against Trump and his allies, saying that the whole situation was “embarrassing.”

More here: https://www.dailywire.com/news/cnn-...onducted-during-the-presidency-of-malia-obama

1174 should take note.
The case will move forward as the Georgia court system dictates.

I've never said anything different.... In fact, you're the one who has consistently said that the case will be dismissed until you realized that it won't be.

I expect that future DAs may consider not continuing with the case at all due to timing.. I believe he's guilty of criminal conduct and hope that the courts will agree with me. But I'm also not a resident of Georgia, so Ive no reason to dispute the elected officials
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Tennessee William's character Big Daddy said it best in 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.' “What’s that smell in this room? Didn’t you notice it? Didn’t you notice a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity? There ain’t nothing more powerful than the odor of mendacity!”

And the root definition from Webster: "The quality of being mendacious; untruthfulness; tendency to lie. 2. an instance of lying; falsehood."

And yet, after all the blustering attacks against DA Willis by Trump's legal team, the judge held that the case remains viable, didn't he? The Trump team failed to show facts that rose to the level of proof she benefited financially from the case—mendacity, perhaps, but no proof positive.

Despite your 'rulings' and those of HisArpy, Judge McAffee decided Trump would face the charges, a few of which were dismissed. And the legal justice system, though battered, stands ready to move forward. That speaks to the justice system's strength to persevere in the face of false flags.

Trump, convicted of sexual assault and accused of an "odor of mendacity" in four states, in four indictments, and now on 88 counts, continues to lie about his convictions and the allegations. You smell them at every public rally and every time he steps on stage in a courtroom.

Yes, I agree that Trump should be prosecuted. He has risen to the mendacious odor level to the extent no one in American history has reached before. If, for that reason alone, it serves as a reminder that would-be dictators will not prevail in America, yet the tactic of delay, delay, and more delay seems to thwart justice at nearly every turn.

There seems to be no silver lining in the justice system. Perhaps it lies in the political realm. Defeat Trump in a fair election in 2024, then continue the trials and put an end to his mendacities once and for all. Lock him up.

The viability of the case wasn't at issue, only the veracity and duplicity of the prosecutors. Which, after the evidence was presented and reviewed, appeared to show that both were not being fully honest and forthright to the court.

To some this means that the truthfulness of the allegations is in doubt. Where the prosecutor has shown that she is dishonest, her claims cannot be assured to be opposite to that. The allegations against Trump may indeed be honest and based solely on the facts, but given the deception that was uncovered there is no assurance this is so.

Those who claim otherwise are in league with the same duplicity as was shown in the testimony during the hearings.
Even if there is merit to the charges Willis is going to fuck it up with her incompetence. Her original trial schedule alone is a glaring indication of her lack of mental acuity.
Even if there is merit to the charges Willis is going to fuck it up with her incompetence. Her original trial schedule alone is a glaring indication of her lack of mental acuity.
So the question would be then - is the case fucked because she sucks at her job and 45 would normally be convicted by a competent prosecutor or is it fucked because 45 is innocent?

Seems like the amount of focus on "incompetence" indicates the first rather than the second
Even if there is merit to the charges Willis is going to fuck it up with her incompetence. Her original trial schedule alone is a glaring indication of her lack of mental acuity.

Trump is certainly hoping so. Baring complete failure on the part of Willis, there's always the inevitable appeal and reversal of any conviction.

My thinking is Trump will be convicted and the appeals court will reverse and remand for a new trial based on prosecutoral misconduct and possibly evidence tampering/Brady violations.
Trump is certainly hoping so. Baring complete failure on the part of Willis, there's always the inevitable appeal and reversal of any conviction.

My thinking is Trump will be convicted and the appeals court will reverse and remand for a new trial based on prosecutoral misconduct and possibly evidence tampering/Brady violations.
There's that and then there's the fact that in the last big RICO trial with multiple defendants jury selection alone took upwards of 14 months.
Trump, convicted of sexual assault and accused of an "odor of mendacity" in four states, in four indictments, and now on 88 counts, continues to lie about his convictions and the allegations. You smell them at every public rally and every time he steps on stage in a courtroom.
Show me those indictments and the 88 counts that include the language quoted above.
Show me those indictments and the 88 counts that include the language quoted above.
Check your quote in #313 of this thread. You referenced it, so you must know it originated with Judge McAffee's decision regarding Willis and Wade. Though not found to rise to the level of a lie by definition, McAffee uses the word mendacity - the next level down in meaning to one.

I merely applied the same vocabulary word to my view of the other lies Trump fabricated in the other indictments. Are you of the opinion that Trump does not lie?

You know his niece, a psychiatric specialist, labels him a narcissistic pathological liar.

'Like Rats Deserting a Sinking Ship': Liberal Media Turn on Willis, Call for Self-Removal From Trump Case​

By Mike Miller | 12:32 PM on March 19, 2024

One of those unhappy campers is MSNBC contributor Andrew Weissmann, a partisan left-wing hack who had a leadership role on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia (hoax) investigation team. Weissman said he doesn't think Willis “has it in her” to effectively continue her prosecution of Trump.

Translation: Weissmann doesn't give a damn about Willis's credibility or lack thereof. What he very much gives a damn about is a conviction of Trump — whatever it takes.

Next up, CNN chief legal affairs correspondent Paula Reid, who called the ruling “really a gift to President Trump and his co-defendants because they’re not only going to fight this case on the merits, they’ll fight it in the court of public opinion. Optics here matter.”

While the Washington Post called McAfee's decision a “serious setback for Fani Willis,” The New York Times wrote that “Disqualification isn’t the only threat to Fani Willis’s prosecution.”

More here: https://redstate.com/mike_miller/20...is-to-recuse-herself-from-trump-case-n2171583
Check your quote in #313 of this thread. You referenced it, so you must know it originated with Judge McAffee's decision regarding Willis and Wade. Though not found to rise to the level of a lie by definition, McAffee uses the word mendacity - the next level down in meaning to one.




  1. The condition of being mendacious; untruthfulness.
  2. A lie; a falsehood.
They lied under oath, numb nuts.

'Like Rats Deserting a Sinking Ship': Liberal Media Turn on Willis, Call for Self-Removal From Trump Case​

By Mike Miller | 12:32 PM on March 19, 2024

One of those unhappy campers is MSNBC contributor Andrew Weissmann, a partisan left-wing hack who had a leadership role on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia (hoax) investigation team. Weissman said he doesn't think Willis “has it in her” to effectively continue her prosecution of Trump.

Translation: Weissmann doesn't give a damn about Willis's credibility or lack thereof. What he very much gives a damn about is a conviction of Trump — whatever it takes.

Next up, CNN chief legal affairs correspondent Paula Reid, who called the ruling “really a gift to President Trump and his co-defendants because they’re not only going to fight this case on the merits, they’ll fight it in the court of public opinion. Optics here matter.”

While the Washington Post called McAfee's decision a “serious setback for Fani Willis,” The New York Times wrote that “Disqualification isn’t the only threat to Fani Willis’s prosecution.”

More here: https://redstate.com/mike_miller/20...is-to-recuse-herself-from-trump-case-n2171583
I enjoy how any dissenting opinions from any left winger becomes "the left is turning on its own!"

Keep trying.

(May e you'll find the quote button!)

BREAKING: Fulton County Judge Certifies Order re: Willis and Wade to Allow for Immediate Appeal​

By Susie Moore | 11:22 AM on March 20, 2024

Following the Friday decision by Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee regarding motions to disqualify District Attorney Fani Willis and her lead prosecutor (and former love interest) from the case involving former President Donald Trump and multiple other defendants over purported interference in the 2020 election, Trump and his co-defendants filed a motion seeking to have the judge's order certified so that they could appeal it immediately.

On Wednesday, McAfee issued a "certificate of immediate review," thus greenlighting the immediate appeal of his order.

More here:https://redstate.com/smoosieq/2024/...d-wade-to-allow-for-immediate-appeal-n2171638

BREAKING: Fulton County Judge Certifies Order re: Willis and Wade to Allow for Immediate Appeal​

By Susie Moore | 11:22 AM on March 20, 2024

Following the Friday decision by Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee regarding motions to disqualify District Attorney Fani Willis and her lead prosecutor (and former love interest) from the case involving former President Donald Trump and multiple other defendants over purported interference in the 2020 election, Trump and his co-defendants filed a motion seeking to have the judge's order certified so that they could appeal it immediately.

On Wednesday, McAfee issued a "certificate of immediate review," thus greenlighting the immediate appeal of his order.

More here:https://redstate.com/smoosieq/2024/...d-wade-to-allow-for-immediate-appeal-n2171638
Should be fun to watch.
McAfee didn't stay the trial pending that appeal. I'm thinking that the appeals court will do that while they decide if Fani should be removed or not because her removal affects the overall status of the case and you don't want to decide that she violated the law and should be removed after the verdict is returned.

BREAKING: Fulton County Judge Certifies Order re: Willis and Wade to Allow for Immediate Appeal​

By Susie Moore | 11:22 AM on March 20, 2024

Following the Friday decision by Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee regarding motions to disqualify District Attorney Fani Willis and her lead prosecutor (and former love interest) from the case involving former President Donald Trump and multiple other defendants over purported interference in the 2020 election, Trump and his co-defendants filed a motion seeking to have the judge's order certified so that they could appeal it immediately.

On Wednesday, McAfee issued a "certificate of immediate review," thus greenlighting the immediate appeal of his order.

More here:https://redstate.com/smoosieq/2024/...d-wade-to-allow-for-immediate-appeal-n2171638
Routine procedure. Nothing "Breaking" about this as in some stunning reversal. Just normal proceedings. Gives Team Trump the document it needs for an appeal.
Routine procedure. Nothing "Breaking" about this as in some stunning reversal. Just normal proceedings. Gives Team Trump the document it needs for an appeal.

Actually it's rare for a judge to grant a certificate like this. It does happen but it's not anything close to common.
Routine procedure. Nothing "Breaking" about this as in some stunning reversal. Just normal proceedings. Gives Team Trump the document it needs for an appeal.
He didn't have to allow an appeal pre-trial. That's the news.