"Tales of Leinyere" Story Event: Official Support Thread

Hmmm.. Bullboars.

I've got a "start" on them. Need some adjustments though.
(more bull than boar currently)



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Bullboars: AKA Bullmen, Minotaurs, Bulls, Cowmen (not to their face). Bipedal beasts with cloven hooves, they are part of a wider racial type known as Beastmen. While most Beastmen are goat, ram, or horse headed, the Bullboars are primarily Bull headed. Bullboars are large, and if pushed into action, require large amounts of food to sustain their physiologies. Outside of battle, they tend to be highly sedentary to preserve their energy, and almost every Bullboar has a personal herd of mountain goats, llamas or moas, which act as a food reserve. Bullboars have a particular mutation that causes them to give birth only to males, and any females born of Bullboar blood swifty die. This has led to Bullboars raiding or trading for women. Bullboar technology is notoriously low, and as they do not constantly raid, unlike other Beastmen, they often are regarded as still being in the stone age. Despite that, Bullboars have a rich oral history, and their artwork, found in caves and the faces of mountains, are particularly beautiful.

Rattens: AKA Ratmen, Ratkin, Rats, Rotten Rats. Hateful creatures, they are said to have descended from the pests during the time of the Ancients, who survived that apocalypse. Quickened by the magic of the era, they grew large and monsterous and more intelligent. Yet they unfailingly would overbreed to the point of starvation, resulting in a die-out, and then they would multiply yet again once their food sources replentished themselves. Some time ago, most Rattens were slain, their underground warrens put to the torch and caved in by many different races. It was believed that none survived, but some did, on the desolate Dagger Isles. Ships have been vanishing on the Dagger Sea, most of which is blamed on either the Easterlies or the Westerlies, but the growing number of missing shipping is causing growing concern. Rattens are every bit of nasty. Perpetually hungry. Impossibly greedy. Some are highly intelligent, and become Chiefs and High Chiefs of the Rattens, but that position only comes by standing on the corpses of every Ratten that was in the way.
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Please shift Mistmere so that it is half green and half desert, or add in more desert to achieve the same effect.

Please make more mountains and hills for Bleak Falls to be closer to Mistmere
Please shift Mistmere so that it is half green and half desert, or add in more desert to achieve the same effect.

Please make more mountains and hills for Bleak Falls to be closer to Mistmere

How about now?

Need to add rivers or a lake for fishing.

How does that look? I added rivers all over the map now. Anybody, let me know if you don't like them.

Hmmm.. Bullboars.

I've got a "start" on them. Need some adjustments though.
(more bull than boar currently)

Those look awesome to me! I love that you are drawing things from the thread THROBBS. I can't wait to see all your submissions.
How does that look? I added rivers all over the map now. Anybody, let me know if you don't like them.

Looks good. I'll PM you and Blind _J a clip of the map with locations I think should go in that area.

If no one else has claimed one of the larger eastern islands, can you please pencil one in as "Hindu type Island"?

I'm trying to convince an Indian writer to enter, but she's worried that her world building won't match the European concept. Having her own remote island will negate that problem. :)
If no one else has claimed one of the larger eastern islands, can you please pencil one in as "Hindu type Island"?

I'm trying to convince an Indian writer to enter, but she's worried that her world building won't match the European concept. Having her own remote island will negate that problem)

I don’t love the name, but I love everything else about this. (Jk, I’m aware you’re not suggesting that that be the actual name. Tone is sometimes difficult to convey here). Please tell her not to feel like she’s intruding or think that her ideas are too different or foreign. All three of those islands are unclaimed. She can have her pick.
I don’t love the name, but I love everything else about this. (Jk, I’m aware you’re not suggesting that that be the actual name. Tone is sometimes difficult to convey here). Please tell her not to feel like she’s intruding or think that her ideas are too different or foreign. All three of those islands are unclaimed. She can have her pick.

Lol... I know. I didn't want to give it a name. I'll send her the link to the map and this thread. Hopefully, she'll take part.
If no one else has claimed one of the larger eastern islands, can you please pencil one in as "Hindu type Island"?

I'm trying to convince an Indian writer to enter, but she's worried that her world building won't match the European concept. Having her own remote island will negate that problem. :)

I love this idea 💕 I'm still not 100% sold on an Anocot as my "exotic" character. Depending on what type of Hindu mythology she plans to bring in, I'd be interested in pulling a character from her island into my story.
I love this idea 💕 I'm still not 100% sold on an Anocot as my "exotic" character. Depending on what type of Hindu mythology she plans to bring in, I'd be interested in pulling a character from her island into my story.

Go with the meow, you pariah! :)
Those look awesome to me! I love that you are drawing things from the thread THROBBS. I can't wait to see all your submissions.

Thank you.

These have been drawings that I already have, which seemed to suit. I'll create more specific images as the world develops. (and perhaps some to provoke some wurdz):cool:
Everyone is doing this awesome world building, and I'm just kicking around ideas for my monks on orgy island.

I think I'm going to do a 3-part story series.
Part 1: a young man gets shipped off to the island; it'll be my chapter to bring the reader into this section of the world through his eyes.
Part 2: show daily life on the island.
Part 3: have someone leave the island to explore the continent
Everyone is doing this awesome world building, and I'm just kicking around ideas for my monks on orgy island.

I think I'm going to do a 3-part story series.
Part 1: a young man gets shipped off to the island; it'll be my chapter to bring the reader into this section of the world through his eyes.
Part 2: show daily life on the island.
Part 3: have someone leave the island to explore the continent

Hey, a mix of scopes is great! I think it'll deepen the world. My (first, hopefully) story is mostly going to take place in a single building, I think.
My story will be set in modern times, and start at Giltan's Port. My two plan to sell new steam tractors to farmers about five days travel from the port.

When Glladin asks which direction, Roksur shrugs and says, "Go west. Life is peaceful there."

I'll see myself out...
Hi Nouh - can you please update the map.


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Hi Nouh - can you please update the map.

Done! I also moved the nation label to center it more. How's it look?

Edit: Also, what do anocot drink? Anything exotic or just a simple ale? Greywood Crossing is close to anocot country, so I've got some traveling through and stopping off at the tavern in my story...
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Done! I also moved the nation label to center it more. How's it look?

Edit: Also, what do anocot drink? Anything exotic or just a simple ale? Greywood Crossing is close to anocot country, so I've got some traveling through and stopping off at the tavern in my story...

Looks good.

Ale as a general drink, but also a spiced mead using the local version of catnip.
I don't do SciFi and won't be participating but a race/species just came into my head while dealing with something else.

The Illutions don't really exist in any dimension of time or space that Humans can recognize. They are more of a presence or vapor and can move from place to place or moment to moment instantly and with no effort. Their knowledge of the universe and worlds within are far superior to anything Humans can even consider.

But perhaps one of the other races/species here have the ability to detect them?

Free for any or all to use or not.
I don't do SciFi and won't be participating but a race/species just came into my head while dealing with something else.

The Illutions don't really exist in any dimension of time or space that Humans can recognize. They are more of a presence or vapor and can move from place to place or moment to moment instantly and with no effort. Their knowledge of the universe and worlds within are far superior to anything Humans can even consider.

But perhaps one of the other races/species here have the ability to detect them?

Free for any or all to use or not.
Sounds like a race that would inhabit Mistmere.
Hi all,
This event sounds super fun. I'd love to try my hands at fantasy and contribute!

My placeholder title - 'Queen of the She-wolves'

Log line:
A young female magical naturalist joins an unscrupulous wizard's crew to journey deep into the [deep, dark woods] in search of a powerful [macguffin] said to be fiercely guarded by a pack of lesbian lycanthropes.

If all that sounds too campy, I'm happy to modify... just let me keep my lesbian lycans :)

For [deep, dark woods], I was wondering if I could use Greywoods as the main setting with a tavern in Greywoods crossing as starting point. If not, any old deep dark woods would do. I'll suggest my own if need be :).

Anyway, hope I can add a story! Thanks!
Hi all,
This event sounds super fun. I'd love to try my hands at fantasy and contribute!

My placeholder title - 'Queen of the She-wolves'

Log line:
A young female magical naturalist joins an unscrupulous wizard's crew to journey deep into the [deep, dark woods] in search of a powerful [macguffin] said to be fiercely guarded by a pack of lesbian lycanthropes.

If all that sounds too campy, I'm happy to modify... just let me keep my lesbian lycans :)

For [deep, dark woods], I was wondering if I could use Greywoods as the main setting with a tavern in Greywoods crossing as starting point. If not, any old deep dark woods would do. I'll suggest my own if need be :).

Anyway, hope I can add a story! Thanks!

Sounds good. As long as our Anocots and your Lycanthropes don’t meet. They’ll fight like cats and dogs. :D