"Tales of Leinyere" Story Event: Official Support Thread

Curiosity question: has anyone actually started to write a story?

I can see a ton of fun going on with the map and all the "stuff" of the world - but any story writing so far?
Curiosity question: has anyone actually started to write a story?

I can see a ton of fun going on with the map and all the "stuff" of the world - but any story writing so far?

I’m not sure how long “Hey! That Witch Put Something In My Ale!” is going to be, but I’m about 7,000 words in. I wish I could think of a better title, though. Maybe I’ll change it once it’s all done and I can get a beta reader’s thoughts on it…

Edit: Jackie.O.Hikaru, I think you using the Greywood is a great idea! I’ve written some stuff about it and the tavern in GC, so I PMed you to discuss.
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Curiosity question: has anyone actually started to write a story?

I can see a ton of fun going on with the map and all the "stuff" of the world - but any story writing so far?

I've got a few things I need to finish first, then I'm on to Leinyere.

I think it'll go pretty smoothly once I do start it.
Curiosity question: has anyone actually started to write a story?

I can see a ton of fun going on with the map and all the "stuff" of the world - but any story writing so far?

Got an idea sketched out but I need to finish my Summer story before I get sidetracked. Again…
Curiosity question: has anyone actually started to write a story?

I have not. I've got the middle and the ending worked out. I'm still trying to decide at what point to start the story. Do I start at the very beginning or do I start where it gets interesting and do a flashback? Also trying to work out if one character has enough perspective to write this in first-person, which I prefer, or to just bite the bullet and write in third-person omniscient, which I find more difficult.

Also also, I have another story in progress that I'd like to finish first, but if I get stuck and I'm ready to start my Leinyere story, I will.
I’m not sure how long “Hey! That Witch Put Something In My Ale!” is going to be, but I’m about 7,000 words in. I wish I could think of a better title, though. Maybe I’ll change it once it’s all done and I can get a beta reader’s thoughts on it…

Edit: Jackie.O.Hikaru, I think you using the Greywood is a great idea! I’ve written some stuff about it and the tavern in GC, so I PMed you to discuss.

Perfect. Greywood it is 😊. Pm'd you back.
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a pack of lesbian lycanthropes.

Could work on altering the gender here on my prior werewolf...

Though the gender is not obvious here.
Curiosity question: has anyone actually started to write a story?

I can see a ton of fun going on with the map and all the "stuff" of the world - but any story writing so far?

Mentally outlined and a few jotted down notes regarding specifics. I like to let my stories run as a background process in my brain for a bit before starting them.
Could work on altering the gender here on my prior werewolf...

Though the gender is not obvious here.

Looks incredible!
For my lesbians though, I was thinking something more 'femme'. But whos to say there aren't any butch ones too? :D
Looks incredible!
For my lesbians though, I was thinking something more 'femme'. But whos to say there aren't any butch ones too? :D

Your characters and your story. If you ask nicely, Throbbs might sketch you a couple of pussy eating lycanthropes...

Oh wait. There's the Anocot connection again. :rolleyes:
Curiosity question: has anyone actually started to write a story?

I can see a ton of fun going on with the map and all the "stuff" of the world - but any story writing so far?

I'm very intrigued by this project, but no, I haven't written a word. And I won't until I get some more stories done. Probably won't start until September, at the earliest.
Looks incredible!
For my lesbians though, I was thinking something more 'femme'. But whos to say there aren't any butch ones too? :D

That's is what I figured. I happened to have this one already done. Not intended to be a "bitch" werewolf, or "butch". :)

As stories/ideas progress, I hope to create more specific images.
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Everyone is doing this awesome world building, and I'm just kicking around ideas for my monks on orgy island.

I think I'm going to do a 3-part story series.
Part 1: a young man gets shipped off to the island; it'll be my chapter to bring the reader into this section of the world through his eyes.
Part 2: show daily life on the island.
Part 3: have someone leave the island to explore the continent
Hey, can I borrow one of your monks? I'll give him back, if a little worse-for-wear. :p

I've just been mulling over this concept I had for a one-off story, and when I saw this challenge I thought it might be a good fit. I had the idea of a young guy from some sort of zealous order being sent to 'infiltrate' the lair of some ancient-sexy-sorcerer guy as an apprentice. When I saw your monk thing it really seemed like a good fit.

I haven't filled out what exactly the zealous order wants from the sorcerer yet, but if you give me the nod and tell me more about your monks I could probably come up with something.
Grand Duchy of Varna

Hello all. Nouh Bdee dangled the bait, and I fell for it. I dropped another project so that I could start writing a couple of stories set in Leinyere, in the Duchy of Varna (northwest corner of the map).
I'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of tales people come up with.
You can safely ignore Varna, in your stories. Part of my intent was to add a little depth to Portoa, Galtin's Port, and maybe even the Zhowaki.
If you want to know more, here is a description:

500 years ago, Varna was a kingdom (one of those which put a price on the head of Zerek Galtin). Two centuries of civil wars and succession crises finally broke the realm.
A soldier named Arivan Cunedda made himself master of the port town of Whydah, and then succeeded in capturing the capital, Elmina. Cunedda founded a new dynasty, but wisely chose not to call himself a king. Instead, he adopted the title of Grand Duke, and only slowly began to recover the lands of the old Kingdom.
Varna has a diplomat in Galtin's Port, and many Grand Dukes have squandered their treasure buying luxuries and exotic slaves. Generally, though, Varna looks more to Portoa for marriage alliances - and for leadership in magic (the Topaz Order).
Varna`s chief trade goods (timber, fish, and iron ore) are not highly sought after in Portoa; most of the Duchy`s raw materials go to Galtin`s Port.
The people are pious, revering primarily four-armed Kelthala, Kitara and Tomuun. The rulers are usually more pragmatic, and in recent years have focused their energies more towards magic.
The Duchy is predominantly human, but the forests are still deep and dark; it is not uncommon to hear of encounters with the fey folk, or with small bands of elves and orcs. Non-humans can also be found in the towns, as slaves, or as servants of the Crown. Some of these servants may be the descendants of slaves, but now hold considerable power and influence as advisors to the Grand Duke himself, or as members of his household.
The House of Cunedda may have restored much of the old Kingdom, but outsiders - if they've heard of Varna at all - still know of it as a land where the preferred pastime of Varnans is fighting other Varnans.

Corgan's Cock

Corgan's Cock is the colloquial name for the peninsula jutting out from the coast below Mistmere.

The peninsula is harsh, rocky, and desolate. For centuries it was considered uninhabitable, but that all changed when a fishing boat crashed on its shores and the surviving fishermen discovered a shiny gold seam running beneath the surface. Word got out and miners appeared almost overnight. Towns sprang up in the largely lawless territory. For a hundred years the peninsula was known as the Gilded Finger.

Miners and carpetbaggers of all persuasions inhabited the peninsula, and they were followed by thieves, pirates, smugglers, and all manner of criminals. Rockport, at the very Southern tip became the peninsula, became the home of the Thieves Guild, the Smugglers Guild, and the Association of South Seas Pirates.

When the gold, silver and jewel mining dried up the peninsula fell on hard times. But the criminal organizations stayed. No longer prosperous, the peninsula was renamed Corgan's Cock, after Corgan, the impotant god of despair and suffering.

The peninsula is ruled by a hereditary Duke who traces his lineage back to Mistmere to the North. Secretly, he is also the leader of the Thieves Guild.

My as yet untitled story will involve a group of female thieves who are trying to become members of the Guild. However, the guild is historically male only, so they cannot even get an invitation to join. In order to impress the guild masters, they plan the largest heist in the history of the continent - The Royal Family Jewels.


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So happy to see more people saying they're going to write stories for this!

Let me know if you need any more adjustments to the map, timeline, or notes!
Couple things; I'm at the planning stage:

1. Does anyone have any thoughts about naming customs for elves? I've only got one elf, but if someone's writing a lot of elves and if there are distinctive name-forms for them (like hyphens, prefixes, etc) I'll take my cues from one of y'all.

2. Anyone got a setting famous for the quality of its whorehouses and/or its nightlife? I've got a wanderer, and he's going to be from there (raised in a brothel, naturally).

As a side note, I'm fixing to add some info to Nouh's doc about the way the Marches are governed. Feel free to use or not use, as appropriate.
Couple things; I'm at the planning stage:

1. Does anyone have any thoughts about naming customs for elves? I've only got one elf, but if someone's writing a lot of elves and if there are distinctive name-forms for them (like hyphens, prefixes, etc) I'll take my cues from one of y'all.

I used bastardized Icelandic to name Grennskogur, and I planned to use Icelandic inspired names for my elves.

And just for the record, Podl'adom is bastardized Slovakian and I'm going to use Slovakian inspired names for my Dwarves.

Not sure how I'm going to name my Anacot yet.

Thank you, Google translate!
Couple things; I'm at the planning stage:

1. Does anyone have any thoughts about naming customs for elves? I've only got one elf, but if someone's writing a lot of elves and if there are distinctive name-forms for them (like hyphens, prefixes, etc) I'll take my cues from one of y'all.

Overtherainbow and I have just made up our names so far, but Melima is very far from Grennskogur. If a consensus gets reached, though, we can change them.

2. Anyone got a setting famous for the quality of its whorehouses and/or its nightlife? I've got a wanderer, and he's going to be from there (raised in a brothel, naturally).

I'm curious about this as well, for a possible second solo story that I mmmiiiggghhhhttt write.
Not sure how I'm going to name my Anacot yet.

I'm assuming they are very direct and not a race that has flowery names. That's why I had the sites First Port, New Port, Deep Lake and Lake Town. Straightforward.

FWIW, my guy is Glladin. All from deep in the throat. Anocot's have no real issue speaking human language, but humans have problems with Anocot. They cant get the throaty growls correct.
Overtherainbow and I have just made up our names so far, but Melima is very far from Grennskogur. If a consensus gets reached, though, we can change them.

I'm curious about this as well, for a possible second solo story that I mmmiiiggghhhhttt write.


*snaps my fingers*

A lot of elves, but by no means all, use Ka- as a prefix if male, Sa- if female. BUT! These aren't usually used in daily speech among friends or family. So while a traveling Elf-maid might introduce herself formally as Sa-Jennah, she'd just go by Jennah among people close to her or after the initial greeting.

And every port has a brothel district. I'd imagine Giltan's is no exception. Let's call this area... the Street of Crimson Lanterns, in a suburb called Peach Quay that fringes the west shore of the Wound.

"Peach" occurs prominently in the names of many of the brothels, for obvious reasons.

Sound like it makes sense?

*snaps my fingers*

A lot of elves, but by no means all, use Ka- as a prefix if male, Sa- if female. BUT! These aren't usually used in daily speech among friends or family. So while a traveling Elf-maid might introduce herself formally as Sa-Jennah, she'd just go by Jennah among people close to her or after the initial greeting.

And every port has a brothel district. I'd imagine Giltan's is no exception. Let's call this area... the Street of Crimson Lanterns, in a suburb called Peach Quay that fringes the west shore of the Wound.

"Peach" occurs prominently in the names of many of the brothels, for obvious reasons.

Sound like it makes sense?

I like all of this, and I had a thought that we can totally disregard, but what if as a regional quirk, elves east of the Mountains of Mourn use Ka- and Sa-, and elves west of the mountains use K'- and S'-?

If I end up having time to write it, maybe I'll send Trichos the gnome to Peach Quay, then.
I like all of this, and I had a thought that we can totally disregard, but what if as a regional quirk, elves east of the Mountains of Mourn use Ka- and Sa-, and elves west of the mountains use K'- and S'-?

If I end up having time to write it, maybe I'll send Trichos the gnome to Peach Quay, then.

Sounds good.

I've updated the notes.