Tap That Axe: Axe House and Taproom

Ciao from Firenze!

Ciao, my fellow writers!

I am now safely and comfortably installed in Florence!

I am working on getting replies out, but as you can imagine, there's lots of non-writing adventures I want to have while I'm here. Starting September 4th I'll venture out to the Tuscan Countryside for my writer's retreat, at which point I'll have much more time to dedicate to writing (even if I don't share with my writing group ;) ).

So, for now--please endure my slow replies. More are coming!

Howdy from Arizona,

Hello lovely and patient cowriters! I have returned from Italy, but now I'm once again tossed to a far-flung remote location to make a film with some of my lifelong best friends!

The downside is that (surprise!) There is no wifi. I'm working on updates, but can't really post them unless I use someone's hot spot.

So, for the next 2 weeks posts will be few and far between.

Bumping this to complain about the new Update...

I hate it.

I hate it so much.

No User Control Panel?

No Private Message Inbox?

What the hell?

Conglaturations, Literotica--I dub thee, Long-Winded Twitter: Of Late to the Concept

((Edit: Honestly, it's probably loads better, but I'm in my feelings and want to hate on it because change is scary!))
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I will agree to the point. I enjoy the like feature WAY TOO MUCH. I also like the notifications feature but also keep coming back with my Facebook addicted ass looking for notifications and getting way too disappointed when I don’t see any.

But the update itself as a whole…it hurts my eyes when I’m on mobile. And it took me an hour to figure out how to follow posts.

I literally just ‘watched’ our new joker post this morning because I couldn’t figure it out. It took me a whole day that is slow for me…

The Convict


Name: Colton McBryde

Age: 36

Sentence: 8 Years for Aggravated Assault and Second-Degree Murder

Bio: Colton was wrongly accused of a crime he had nothing to do with. What began as a case of mistaken identity became a much bigger issue when the hot shot District Attorney appointed his most promising prosecutor as lead council for the state.

As more and more evidence emerged, exonerating Colton, it put the DA in a bad position. To lose this case would undermine his “Tough on Crime” image—not to mention that it would make his wife, the mother of his child, look bad. It would call too many things into question.

Without consulting his wife, the DA buried the evidence.

Simply doing her job, she wrongfully convicted an innocent man.

The Hot Shot Politician


Name: Isaac Norton

Age: 43

Job Title: Mayor

Bio: In the eight years that Colton served in prison, Isaac had capitalized on the McBryde case as the centerpiece in a victorious stint as DA. He ran on a “Tough-on-Crime” platform, with his beautiful wife and daughter by his side. “Family First” had been the campaign slogan and voters just couldn’t resist.

His daughter is now eighteen, in her last year of Private High School, sorting through acceptance letters into Ivy League schools, plotting her own ascension to political success. His wife’s popularity grew so much that she now has a large chance to follow in his footsteps and be elected District Attorney.

But Camelot is in danger.

Despite his constant and relentless encumbrances, on Colton’s release, formal protests and even bribes—he has served his time and will be released. Only Isaac knows that Colton has been innocent this whole time. He is afraid that this one man could bring everything crashing down around him.

The Pitch: Very similar to “Cape Fear." Colton would first direct his attention to the daughter, seduce her with concert tickets, flashy cars, gifts… etc. (still deciding how Colton earns money on the outside. Perhaps a deal with criminal types that he made on the inside). He gets her to fall in love with him as a way of getting back at her father.

He becomes rougher, more demanding, eventually earning the concern of her mother who goes to confront him—immediately recognizing who he is. But he was expecting her and shows her that her husband buried evidence in his case. Committed felonies of his own to keep him in jail. The only way to keep him from exposing what he knows is to obey, even his most shocking requests.
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~She peeks up at the loud rattling of said cup.. Dark eyes blinking out the sleep as it is early here.. ~

Morning Unholy/LitShark.. I would very much enjoy exploring this Revenge story with you.. If another has not already reached out and filled the role...
~She peeks up at the loud rattling of said cup.. Dark eyes blinking out the sleep as it is early here.. ~

Morning Unholy/LitShark.. I would very much enjoy exploring this Revenge story with you.. If another has not already reached out and filled the role...
Who could say no to this? Who/whatever could, I ain't him.

It's yours. ❤️
No BS, the best thing the update ever did was reunite me with posting privileges.
UPH is hereby a dead man walking.

Please direct any correspondence toward Me, as I am more Him than He ever was.
