Tap That Axe: Axe House and Taproom

*Sits poolside with her toes in the water, reading the scribbled out rules*
Fuckkit. Anyone gets near me, I'm boobhugging them.

Though I'm not sure if that's the attack of Hater or Lover.

*Stares into the water*
And you need more players.
Because Ahren doesn't like it when I do that to him.
*Sits poolside with her toes in the water, reading the scribbled out rules*
Fuckkit. Anyone gets near me, I'm boobhugging them.

Though I'm not sure if that's the attack of Hater or Lover.

*Stares into the water*
And you need more players.
Because Ahren doesn't like it when I do that to him.

Could be either or... Game is better with lady LOVERS (OFFICIAL ruling)
*Sits quietly and ponders Enlightenment.*

Grassy Knoll Presents: Official Dudes of Smartness-
"Mr. Sweat-Pants-Drawstring-Inventor"

(Off-i-cial Du-des of Sma-hart-ness)
Here's to you, Mr. Sweat-Pants-Drawstring-Inventor;
(Mr. Sweat-Pants-Draw-string-In-Ven-Tor!)
because while you may or may not actually be a dude,
you understand them, fully and completely.
(One size fits all, ba-by!)

You recognized, that a dude, might want to wear the same pants for jogging
that he wears sitting on the couch, scratching his balls.
(They i-tch me sometimes, who-oa!)
Because you pioneered a technology, that made the entire range of male waist sizes,
Encompass-able, by the same waist band over a lifetime.
(Never, ever let me go. Who-oa!)

You will reign in the realm of Immortals: OFFICIAL Dude of Smartness. You helped smarten us all a little.
(Mister Sweat Pants Draw-string In- Ve-he In-tor...)

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I do have to say, I did not expect to see one of those parodies in here.

I don't know what, precisely, I did expect, but that was not on the list.

Mephistophelily, is there some room by you? May I?

*edges around LitShark carefully, eyes wide, taking care not to make sudden moves*

I do have to say, I did not expect to see one of those parodies in here.

I don't know what, precisely, I did expect, but that was not on the list.

Mephistophelily, is there some room by you? May I?

*edges around LitShark carefully, eyes wide, taking care not to make sudden moves*

*Laughs* Welcome to the Hate Haven. Fear not of being afraid, here you can hate until your heart is content.

Would my funny little (?Whatwouldyoucallit?) Parody bit be less scary if I described it as a "Form" take on the "Common Object Poem". It's an assignment that I avoided at the time, given my overall distaste for poems heaping importance on shoelaces and lamp-shades and soforth. But yesterday, when I was tightening the pants I was about to jog in (the same pants that I wore when I was 60lbs heavier in January), the root of an idea was planted and by the time I was done running, I had to write it so I could stop humming it.

9/10 writing instructors agree. Writing down ideas is important. *Nods sagely*

Could someone here fix you a drink?

P.S. Welcome to Lit. You'll get used to me... or you'll join one of the other cliques or something. Welcome regardless.
*Peers up from the pool side* Don't look at me for Drinks.
Everything I make ends up as koolaid.
I don't know how the fuck that happens.

*Glances over with a grin*
I'm Lily. Or Mephy. Whichever. Though I have heard other nicknames I'm not too keen on mentioned sometimes.
The Real Men of... genus is a humble but perfectly workable literary motif. I would love a drink. Something with vodka. Like... hmm... vodka. Ice cold, with a twist of lime, if you can point me toward the bar. Does anyone else want anything while I'm up?

And Ms. Lily, I would not dream of calling you by an unwelcome diminutive. Mel works for me, if you wish.

Thank you for the welcome. I'm trying to find my feet around here. Is there anyplace I should avoid, or have I already fallen in with the sharks?
The Real Men of... genus is a humble but perfectly workable literary motif. I would love a drink. Something with vodka. Like... hmm... vodka. Ice cold, with a twist of lime, if you can point me toward the bar. Does anyone else want anything while I'm up?

And Ms. Lily, I would not dream of calling you by an unwelcome diminutive. Mel works for me, if you wish.

Thank you for the welcome. I'm trying to find my feet around here. Is there anyplace I should avoid, or have I already fallen in with the sharks?

*Reaches instinctively for the oversized, 5 gallon Grey Goose bottle, laden with layers and layers of floating and sinking green stems, infusing the bottle for the months I was gone. My hand halts at the "Sharks" question and takes the 1 liter bottle of Belvedere, devoid of any stems or flowers within the clear liquid and pours it over ice.*

As with booze, it all depends on what you're looking for.

*Pondering mixers, Lifts cans of Red Bull, Monster and Rock Star onto the glass-top bar, behind the glass of ice and vodka. Adding Seven-Up, Coca Cola, pineapple juice, cranberry, sparkling tonic... to the mix, continuing until he's stopped.*

Tell us about some of your fantasies, if it's not too forward of me to ask.

*OJ, Hypntiq, vermouth, grape juice, Triple Sec...*
*watches the bar hijinks with no small amusement*

Mm... Belvedere... lovely stuff. When I return I'll have to bring you Stoli Elit as a host gift.

Some of my fantasies, I don't suppose it is too forward...

I like vulnerabilities taken advantage of and explored to their depths. I like worlds where the rules are blown away like fall leaves or dissolved like morning fog, catching people without anchor or limitations. I like the idea of delicate beautiful people used without care, or with care designed specifically to cause them exquisite harm.

Fancy words for taudry desires, I'm afraid.

I know I should try to put them in terms of settings or frameworks, but those aren't what I desire, not really. It is all the same exploration for me, regardless of trappings. It is all about finding hunger and need with out containment and putting it into pretty words and pictures.

I'm up a bit late, so I may not be making any sense. I apologize if that is the case.
*Rubs his bearded chin, smiling. Having given up on the Mixer search.*

I'd say for that, you're in exactly the right place.

*Clears the litany of cans and bottles off the bar with one sweep of his arm, yet all cans and bottles bounce off the ground back onto their shelves.*

Does it seem cloudy with a chance of BrainStorm?

*Looks to Lily for enthusiastic encouragement.*
*Rubs his bearded chin, smiling. Having given up on the Mixer search.*

I'd say for that, you're in exactly the right place.

*Clears the litany of cans and bottles off the bar with one sweep of his arm, yet all cans and bottles bounce off the ground back onto their shelves.*

Does it seem cloudy with a chance of BrainStorm?

*Looks to Lily for enthusiastic encouragement.*

Sounds to me she just gave a list of Sharky qualifications.

*Gives a whiny pout*
I don't wanna go to bed yet-! I'm not tired, I want a snack, I want a glass of water, I need a potato!
Sounds to me she just gave a list of Sharky qualifications.

*Gives a whiny pout*
I don't wanna go to bed yet-! I'm not tired, I want a snack, I want a glass of water, I need a potato!

Bed, young lady! Or I Won't paddle your bottom! (See also. Reverse Psychology for Masochists)

But yeah... let's talk settings Mel. Romance with a twist, or gritty realistic appeal more in this moment?
*watches the chaos erupt from the bar and giggles*

Cloudy with a chance of brainstorm... will there be lightening at least? I love a good storm.

*rescues the vodka and a glass and helps herself, sipping thoughtfully*

Settings, settings, settings... If I can't have both, I think the latter. But gritty realism that melds into twisted romance is appealing.
*watches the chaos erupt from the bar and giggles*

Cloudy with a chance of brainstorm... will there be lightening at least? I love a good storm.

*rescues the vodka and a glass and helps herself, sipping thoughtfully*

Settings, settings, settings... If I can't have both, I think the latter. But gritty realism that melds into twisted romance is appealing.

Gritty, twisted romance comes standard.

*Pondering, pondering, pondering.*

Nobody said it had to be one or the other. For settings only, not story points- Are you familiar with the "Afro Samurai" films? It involved feudal period Japanese ideals, pathos, characters and combat styles- smash melded with contemp. American Hip-Hop language, violence scale and music (duh!) and Sci-Fi future robotics splashed around. A little bit like the best scene in "Sucker Punch".

On the flip side of that coin, your thoughts regarding "Outside Time" settings also reminded me of Baz Lurman's- "Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet" (Perhaps because I'm assigned to rewatch it for a class). Modern Verona Beach, CA- where Sword and Dagger are both clip loaded pistol grip weapons and Shakespeare's words. Oh the words! Definately outside of time.

Very different but both cast conventional setting ideas to the wind in their own way. Either one appeal?
Gritty, twisted romance comes standard.

*Pondering, pondering, pondering.*

On the flip side of that coin, your thoughts regarding "Outside Time" settings also reminded me of Baz Lurman's- "Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet" (Perhaps because I'm assigned to rewatch it for a class). Modern Verona Beach, CA- where Sword and Dagger are both clip loaded pistol grip weapons and Shakespeare's words. Oh the words! Definately outside of time.

I have to admit, I adored this interpretation of R&J. Outside time indeed. A modern setting with habits of another time... that could be very fun to play with.
*Leaves a random WTF flyer for Sharky*


Enjoy that.
*Leaves a random WTF flyer for Sharky*


Enjoy that.

*Beeeep* Please hold, all of our operators are having their minds blown at this time. Someone will be with you shortly. *Beeeeeep*

EDIT: Smurfette = Yes Please!
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I have to admit, I adored this interpretation of R&J. Outside time indeed. A modern setting with habits of another time... that could be very fun to play with.

What if we took a similar approach to Othello? Retold it from South Central Los Angeles. Liberal interpretations of "War" and "Rank" when dealing with roles like Iago, Rodrigo and the other Royals. . . I can see Neo O. You got any thoughts on Desi 2.0?

Liberties taken with the language of course, but not modern words either.

"One who loved not wisely, but too well..." Thoughts?
What if we took a similar approach to Othello? Retold it from South Central Los Angeles. Liberal interpretations of "War" and "Rank" when dealing with roles like Iago, Rodrigo and the other Royals. . . I can see Neo O. You got any thoughts on Desi 2.0?

Liberties taken with the language of course, but not modern words either.

"One who loved not wisely, but too well..." Thoughts?

Othello is already pretty dark and sensual, I like it. I can see it shifted into South Central. Desi as a pastor's daughter instead of a Senator's, slightly above the reality of the streets and innocent of the rougher games of honor O and Cass have to play in.

I'd like to see how this could work out.
Othello is already pretty dark and sensual, I like it. I can see it shifted into South Central. Desi as a pastor's daughter instead of a Senator's, slightly above the reality of the streets and innocent of the rougher games of honor O and Cass have to play in.

I'd like to see how this could work out.

I'll get something up tonight. ;-)
-Peeks in to find another place of water references-
Not quite the same as my Treehouse, but the water tends to draw me.
-Notices his pile of drinks and mixables-
Perhaps you would have a use for these, Mister Shark.
-Offers up a few of the thousand coconuts deposited at her Treehouse-
I've resorted to Gilligan's Island methods to use up the fuzzy things. Unfortunately, there are some uses that they just do not conform to.