Techno-Fog On Jack Smith

lol If SCOTUS agrees to hear Smith, and rules in his favour, this appeal is mute and the trial moves on. Trump has until Dec 20th to file his response. I'm betting on Smiths move. If he wins at SCOTUS, Trump is fucked and it doesn't matter when the actual trial begins.
Well, now we see what being "pathologically wrong" looks like, don't we Fuzzy? :rolleyes:

Smith was unceremoniously kicked back down to the Appellate level where he belongs and his hoped-for dreams of an election-stealing trial just before Super Tuesday have been blown to smithereens. So tell us again how Trump is fucked and it doesn't matter when the trial begins. I'll wait.
SCOTUS sent a clear message. At least 6 justices are not interested in bowing to political pressure and assisting Jack Smith’s political calendar. It only takes four votes for the Court to accept a case. The single sentence response to Smith’s petition means none of the six conservative Justices voted to do so even if the three liberals did. Smith failed to offer a good legal reason for breaking normal appellate procedure and jumping the queue over the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.
All SCOTUS did was punt it back, but you want to crow about it,fill your boots. None, zero, ziltch of the 9 Justices made any statements, for or against. I expect they didn't so as not to influence the DC court.
Well, now we see what being "pathologically wrong" looks like, don't we Fuzzy? :rolleyes:

Smith was unceremoniously kicked back down to the Appellate level where he belongs and his hoped-for dreams of an election-stealing trial just before Super Tuesday have been blown to smithereens. So tell us again how Trump is fucked and it doesn't matter when the trial begins. I'll wait.
You idiots make it seem like this is some monumental smack down . They denied his request. That's it
You idiots make it seem like this is some monumental smack down . They denied his request. That's it
"The SCOTUS decision was biased! It's a Trump-packed Court! Unfair!"

Said not a single Dem.
Well, now we see what being "pathologically wrong" looks like, don't we Fuzzy? :rolleyes:
That I was wrong about SCOTUS hearing it, obviously. That doesn't mean I am wrong about what I said about Trump being fucked if SCOTUS ruled against him.
Smith was unceremoniously kicked back down to the Appellate level where he belongs and his hoped-for dreams of an election-stealing trial just before Super Tuesday have been blown to smithereens.
So, was SCOTUS supposed to hold a ceremony? I'm thinking not *chuckles*
So tell us again how Trump is fucked and it doesn't matter when the trial begins. I'll wait.
If you go back and read what I wrote, I said if SCOTUS rules against Trump he is fucked, that still stands. Nothings changed wrongway. It's just the timeline.

Speaking of timelines, if the DC appeals court hears this, and decides in Smith's favour, what do you think the chances of SCOTUS picking this back up are? They could have made the decision now instead of waiting.

As much as both sides like to scream partisanship, I've not really seen much of that from this court. The closests is Roe vs Wade, but even there that was more moral belief than political partisanship
You idiots make it seem like this is some monumental smack down . They denied his request. That's it
You're either naive or clueless. The court saw through Smith's desperate attempt to bypass regular procedure as was pointed out by Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall said in a statement. He was one of the 19 or 20 State AG's who filed briefs on the matter

“The special counsel is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to jump into the fray. But he gives no reason why the public interest demands a rushed trial, which suggests the real reason is to swing the presidential election,”

“The Court should not play along. As our brief points out, in asking for this extraordinary remedy, without giving any reason for why it is warranted, the special counsel’s petition itself is strong evidence of a political prosecution designed to decide the 2024 election.”

And that is exactly what Smith is up to. His purpose for rushing his questionable prosecution of Trump was to have him tied up in court on Super Tuesday to interfere with the election. You see Smith is corrupt, illegally appointed, and known for shoddy partisan prosecutions. He was once reversed by the SCOTUS 8-0 in his zealous prosecution of the Republican governor of Virginia, Robert McDonnell.
And that is exactly what Smith is up to. His purpose for rushing his questionable prosecution of Trump was to have him tied up in court on Super Tuesday to interfere with the election. You see Smith is corrupt, illegally appointed, and known for shoddy partisan prosecutions. He was once reversed by the SCOTUS 8-0 in his zealous prosecution of the Republican governor of Virginia, Robert McDonnell.
Now apply this logic to trump calling for the execution of 5 innocent black kids and multiple bankruptcies.
You're either naive or clueless. The court saw through Smith's desperate attempt to bypass regular procedure as was pointed out by Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall said in a statement. He was one of the 19 or 20 State AG's who filed briefs on the matter

“The special counsel is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to jump into the fray. But he gives no reason why the public interest demands a rushed trial, which suggests the real reason is to swing the presidential election,”

“The Court should not play along. As our brief points out, in asking for this extraordinary remedy, without giving any reason for why it is warranted, the special counsel’s petition itself is strong evidence of a political prosecution designed to decide the 2024 election.”

And that is exactly what Smith is up to. His purpose for rushing his questionable prosecution of Trump was to have him tied up in court on Super Tuesday to interfere with the election. You see Smith is corrupt, illegally appointed, and known for shoddy partisan prosecutions. He was once reversed by the SCOTUS 8-0 in his zealous prosecution of the Republican governor of Virginia, Robert McDonnell.
They denied his request. That's it. It will still likely go to SCOTUS. He is a special counsel doing his job

Your only mode is histrionics
You're either naive or clueless. The court saw through Smith's desperate attempt to bypass regular procedure as was pointed out by Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall said in a statement. He was one of the 19 or 20 State AG's who filed briefs on the matter

“The special counsel is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to jump into the fray. But he gives no reason why the public interest demands a rushed trial, which suggests the real reason is to swing the presidential election,”

“The Court should not play along. As our brief points out, in asking for this extraordinary remedy, without giving any reason for why it is warranted, the special counsel’s petition itself is strong evidence of a political prosecution designed to decide the 2024 election.”

And that is exactly what Smith is up to. His purpose for rushing his questionable prosecution of Trump was to have him tied up in court on Super Tuesday to interfere with the election. You see Smith is corrupt, illegally appointed, and known for shoddy partisan prosecutions. He was once reversed by the SCOTUS 8-0 in his zealous prosecution of the Republican governor of Virginia, Robert McDonnell.
Trump's team elected an early hearing, hence why they didn't want a jury.

Also, it allowed them to complain to the uneducatables that they weren't having a jury.
They denied his request. That's it. It will still likely go to SCOTUS. He is a special counsel doing his job

Your only mode is histrionics
Yes, after the appellate process which will take weeks to months at best. He is an unlawfully appointed political hit man.
Yes, after the appellate process which will take weeks to months at best. He is an unlawfully appointed political hit man.
He is lawfully appointed special counsel. You are incorrect.
The man is a billionaire, dufus.
And you think he’s paying his bills with his own money? He stiffed his attorney of record Giuliani and the sap is now filing for bankruptcy. The reason he has to hire lawyers with funny haircuts is doesn’t pay them but they’re desperate for attention. That, and reputable lawyers think he’s toxic and want nothing to do with him. Dufus.
And you think he’s paying his bills with his own money? He stiffed his attorney of record Giuliani and the sap is now filing for bankruptcy. The reason he has to hire lawyers with funny haircuts is doesn’t pay them but they’re desperate for attention. That, and reputable lawyers think he’s toxic and want nothing to do with him. Dufus.
You don't know much, do you? He has some of the best friggin' lawyers in the country. Right now the ACLJ is taking his case to the SCOTUS. The same who defended him in front of the Senate twice and won.
You don't know much, do you? He has some of the best friggin' lawyers in the country. Right now the ACLJ is taking his case to the SCOTUS. The same who defended him in front of the Senate twice and won.
ACLJ doesn’t charge for representing its client.

“As a not-for-profit organization that does not charge for its legal services, the ACLJ is dependent upon God and the resources He provides through the time, talent and gifts of people who share similar concerns over the erosion of religious and civil liberties.”,of religious and civil liberties.

Ergo, trump gets representation using other people’s money, as usual. Which was the point. Reputable white shoe firms want nothing to do with him anymore.
ACLJ doesn’t charge for representing its client.

“As a not-for-profit organization that does not charge for its legal services, the ACLJ is dependent upon God and the resources He provides through the time, talent and gifts of people who share similar concerns over the erosion of religious and civil liberties.” a not-for-profit,of religious and civil liberties.

Ergo, trump gets representation using other people’s money, as usual. Which was the point. Reputable white shoe firms want nothing to do with him anymore.
That is only one of his firms and Trump has probably made large donations. He probably has a dozen or more lawyers.
The below link will most likely be the final nail in Smith's self-constructed coffin.

Edwin Meese brief before the SCOTUS.

The nut of it is is that Smith has NO status under law to conduct any prosecution and that Garland illegally appointed Smith to a position that does not exist under law.
All SCOTUS did was punt it back, but you want to crow about it,fill your boots. None, zero, ziltch of the 9 Justices made any statements, for or against. I expect they didn't so as not to influence the DC court.
It exposes Smith for the slime bag he truly is. Smith demonstrated a political bias that the high courts want nothing to do with. The courts saw right through Smith’s agenda. Waiting for three years to move on this case is obvious and only after Trump announced his candidacy is also obvious. Back to to DC appellate court where it belongs in the first place.
Good article in Politico. The prosecutor’s hopes of a trial and conviction based on a political calendar are diminishing with each passing day.

“More than 50 days have elapsed since Trump’s criminal proceedings in a Washington, D.C., trial court — on charges for attempting to subvert the 2020 election — were paused indefinitely. They won’t resume until the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals and, most likely, the Supreme Court resolve the question hanging over the entire case: whether Trump, as a former president, is immune from criminal prosecution.”