Techno-Fog On Jack Smith

Good article in Politico. The prosecutor’s hopes of a trial and conviction based on a political calendar are diminishing with each passing day.

“More than 50 days have elapsed since Trump’s criminal proceedings in a Washington, D.C., trial court — on charges for attempting to subvert the 2020 election — were paused indefinitely. They won’t resume until the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals and, most likely, the Supreme Court resolve the question hanging over the entire case: whether Trump, as a former president, is immune from criminal prosecution.”
Now they are still arguing the discovery phase in the classified documents prosecution. Smith is trying to hide evidence from the defense.
Now they are still arguing the discovery phase in the classified documents prosecution. Smith is trying to hide evidence from the defense.
The question of the legality of Smith's appointment has been laid before the SCOTUS and is part of the deliberation.
Good article in Politico. The prosecutor’s hopes of a trial and conviction based on a political calendar are diminishing with each passing day.

“More than 50 days have elapsed since Trump’s criminal proceedings in a Washington, D.C., trial court — on charges for attempting to subvert the 2020 election — were paused indefinitely. They won’t resume until the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals and, most likely, the Supreme Court resolve the question hanging over the entire case: whether Trump, as a former president, is immune from criminal prosecution.”
(Quoted for posterity and stupidity)

BabyBoobs continues their gaslighting bullshit by trying to suggest that it’s Jack Smith playing the political calendar, when EVERYBODY KNOWS it’s the corrupt orange traitor that is playing the political calendar by delaying the trial(s).


Just like EVERYBODY KNOWS the corrupt orange traitor is blocking a BIPARTISAN immigration reform and border security bill based on the political calendar. (The corrupt orang traitor is also blocking funding for Ukraine in the same bill - to help Putin and to hurt President Biden - based on the political calendar,…and treason.)


And just like EVERYBODY KNOWS the corrupt orange traitor is hoping that the economy crashes based on the political calendar.


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣

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The question of the legality of Smith's appointment has been laid before the SCOTUS and is part of the deliberation.

SCOTUS will hem and haw and eventually not decide the issue on his appointment unless that legality somehow directly bears on the outcome of their decision on immunity.