Thanksgiving Challenge


I'm just gonna do it my way

it'd take me longer to figure out all this bullshit than it will to write the poem...

One More Post

to clarify. :D

Ya wanna use code, see Lauren. She's the code queen. Ya don't need code? Don't sweat it.


There is no need for anything other than:


First Line of your poem (taken from any line of any poem by Poet X)
Lines whatever through whatever (which you write yourself)
Last Line of your poem (taken from any line of any poem by Poet Y)

Poem Title by Poet X
Poem Title by Poet Y


That's it. Just write the poem and have fun. :)

(And if I get a vote, it's just the Thanksgiving Challenge, ok?}

Angeline (who lurked in and said ohmygosh, too many questions in this threadsky, and had to reply)

This message has the approval of Angeline: :D

1. Just write the fuckin poem and stop yer whining;

2. After the poem is written and it's time to submit, there are two choices:

a) Use the codes - PM me if you need to; I just did postobitum's in less than a minute.

b) If you're allergic to codes, don't use them. Just do something like:
Quickened pace betrays my careful plans *
I'll untie me
from your cerebellum **

* in "By Night's Sweet Darkness" by JUDO ©2003.
** in "Still" by Cordelia ©2004.
(You should be aware, though, that if you don't use the codes, you're making it difficult for people to go look at the poetry you're trying to honour :eek:)

3. (and this is a direct order :D) NOWHERE in the poems should the expression "Angeline's Challenge" appear.
Hey, Lauren...

I'm a basic idiot when it comes to fancy computer language, etc. But I followed your instructions, (okay.... it took longer than ten seconds, but it was my first time), and I used the preview on the submissions page to double-check.

It came out perfect!!!

Then I simply deleted the submission. If this old dog can do it, so can the others. Now, if I could just conquer the indentation code thingy!
jd4george said:
Hey, Lauren...

I'm a basic idiot when it comes to fancy computer language, etc. But I followed your instructions, (okay.... it took longer than ten seconds, but it was my first time), and I used the preview on the submissions page to double-check.

It came out perfect!!!

Then I simply deleted the submission. If this old dog can do it, so can the others. Now, if I could just conquer the indentation code thingy!

fuckin' showoff
okay thanks for the remediation! I know it looks harder than it is, I am going to practice submitting one tonight :)

Lauren Hynde said:
We don't have Halloween or Thanksgiving here, so... ;)

The short answer is no. There are mountains of code that FrontPage will add that the submission algorithm won't like. Sorry. :rose:

Only character codes and very basic html is acceptable, such as <i>, <b>, <u> and <sup>

It's not as difficult as it seems, really. I can do it in 10 seconds flat.

<sup>x</sup> for the superscripted footnote references;

<i>x</i> for italics;

<a href="html://...">x</a> for links.

It's only a matter of keeping track of what you're doing. ;)
I solemnly swear to honor and obey

oh gosh, we are supposed to be honoring poetry?? DAMN you just raised the bar again!!!!


oh wait
I forgot
stop whining

but now I have all this pressure to *honor* which I DO but to actually show it with my lines in between gosh.

I am getting performance anxiety.

flaccid brain

Lauren Hynde said:
This message has the approval of Angeline: :D

1. Just write the fuckin poem and stop yer whining;

2. After the poem is written and it's time to submit, there are two choices:

a) Use the codes - PM me if you need to; I just did postobitum's in less than a minute.

b) If you're allergic to codes, don't use them. Just do something like:(You should be aware, though, that if you don't use the codes, you're making it difficult for people to go look at the poetry you're trying to honour :eek:)

3. (and this is a direct order :D) NOWHERE in the poems should the expression "Angeline's Challenge" appear.
jd4george said:
Hey, Lauren...

I'm a basic idiot when it comes to fancy computer language, etc. But I followed your instructions, (okay.... it took longer than ten seconds, but it was my first time), and I used the preview on the submissions page to double-check.

It came out perfect!!!

Then I simply deleted the submission. If this old dog can do it, so can the others. Now, if I could just conquer the indentation code thingy!
Re: I solemnly swear to honor and obey

annaswirls said:
oh gosh, we are supposed to be honoring poetry??
Well, I thought it sounded better than "the poetry you're stealing blind" ;)
Re: Re: I solemnly swear to honor and obey

Lauren Hynde said:
Well, I thought it sounded better than "the poetry you're stealing blind" ;)

Now's not blind theft...that's why we're putting the codes in...hehehe

But, you're right, thinking of it as a homage sort of thing might be nicer sounding...<BG>
I'm just a lazy bum. I didn't want to have to type the code. I woke up this morning and said to myself "Hey! I don't have to type the code! I can copy (CTRL+C) and paste (CTRL+V) the information into Lauren's code!" I worked for a few hours on this post and, dad gum it, I'm going to post it! I hope this helps the code-challenged. I am a code-challenged person, but hopefully you will be able to follow it this way.

Gosh, I hope this helps.

Copy the following:

the first line<sup>1</sup>
your absolutely brilliant poetic content
the last line<sup>2</sup>

<sup>1</sup> <I>in <a href="the"first line" poem link">"the "first line" poem title"</a>, by <a href="the "first line" poet's submission link">the "first line" poet's name</a> ©the "first line" poem's year, check the last column on the submissions page for that.</I>
<sup>2</sup> <I>in <a href="the "last line" poem's link ">"the "last line" poem's title"</a>, by <a href="the "last line" poet's submission link">the "last line" poet's name</a> ©the "last line" poem's year, check the last column on the submissions page for that.</I>

Paste it on body of the submit page. (THE GREEN WILL DISAPPEAR. DON'T YOU FRET, BECAUSE YOU ARE A SMART PERSON AND YOU CAN DO THIS! If you open a separate window, you can use this page as a reference.) Replace your information. It helped me to have all of the information on the same page as the poem is on in my Word document. The safest way to remove the stuff I typed is just put the cursor before the first line and press the delete button. If you 'over delete', just use CTRL + Z to undo.

I did it and it came out great. Now I just have to rewrite the poem. The first line I picked didn't deserve the poem that I put under it.

Thanks Lauren, for putting up the information. I get it!

Okay, so I over did it. I'm sorry. I really hope that this helps someone. After trying really hard to do this, I'm sure that I've confused someone. :( :(
Dammit, Lauren...

Okay. You told me you were gonna use my poem. Now I think I need to try this. I hope you all know this is a conspiracy!


Ohhh Lord I'm sooo lost....

I know no whinning.. Got that part. Just err well this code thing..
Gracious me.....Errr Lauren... Gina.. Thinkin I will be knockin on one of your alls e-mail door fairly soon..
Thanks for the help. I realllly mean that..~~!!!!:)

Re: Re: I solemnly swear to honor and obey

Lauren Hynde said:
Well, I thought it sounded better than "the poetry you're stealing blind" ;)

okay, gotcha!


I robbed four great ones already!
but two of them I think kind of liked being held up at knife point, sick bastards

Re: Dammit, Lauren...

Cordelia said:
Okay. You told me you were gonna use my poem. Now I think I need to try this. I hope you all know this is a conspiracy!

:D :heart:
You've got mine! Do I have yours?

I've had someone ask permission to use my lines. Here's my answer: "Yup! Sure you can!"

I haven't decided what I am going to use. I've picked so many great lines. Are we supposed to ask permission? Are there people here that would like to be asked directly to use their lines? I thought the understanding was that the people who are in the challenge were giving implied permission to use lines from their poetry (or I wouldn't have gone through the trouble of getting all those links, double dad gum it!). ;)

Let me know...
I don't mind, and I haven't asked anyone. I told Cordelia, and will use it whether she likes it or not. :p
Thank you Lauren and averagegina! I think I have made it work.

My first line is from jd4george and my last from Champagne1982. I'm hoping that is fine with both of you:D .

I will probably still tinker with it over the next few days before submission time. I like it but feel it is inconsistent.
Participants updated list...

Just in case people (like me) are still seeking out lines, here is the current list of participants. People in blue have dropped out but have given permission for their poetry to be used. I had not seen if BooMerengue gave permission to use her material even though she did drop out, so unless she says otherwise, you may want to ask her for permission directly.

I also put a link at the bottom for a member search.

average gina
denis hale
Lauren Hynde
Miss Oatlash
The Mutt

Member search page

Please let me know if I missed anyone. I tried to go from the last list, adding Cordelia and highlighting all the people who decided to not participate. I hope I helped! :D
~Starting now~

Gina just wanted to give you a BIG SHOUT OUT

Thank you for posting all the links and keeping them current and up to date. I really appreciate all the time and effort this must have taken for you. (((((((((((((Gina)))))))))))))))

Ok peeps the pressure is on now. I am officially starting my poem.

Also a side note here....(lol)
If anyone wants to use any of my poems /lines (ramblings) please feel free.

Best of luck to you all~~~ :)

Gina~~~ Thanks again for the offer of help. I will be in touch..soon..(err hopefully)..*Laughs*

Last edited:
Re: Dammit, Lauren...

Cordelia said:
Okay. You told me you were gonna use my poem. Now I think I need to try this. I hope you all know this is a conspiracy!


Where you been hotstuff? You are even more absent than me!!!

Power of Attorney

I hereby grant any and all participants in Angeline's Thanksgiving Challenge (hereafter referred to as "the challenge") unrestricted permission to use any line from any poem I have posted on the Literotica website (hereafter referred to as "Lit") for the purposes of the challenge provided the participant(s) 1) provide a shameless plug for the poem used in the form of a Lit link and 2) vote on the damned thing!

Signed and witnessed this day, November the 17th, 2004.

Re: Power of Attorney

flyguy69 said:
I hereby grant any and all participants in Angeline's Thanksgiving Challenge (hereafter referred to as "the challenge") unrestricted permission to use any line from any poem I have posted on the Literotica website (hereafter referred to as "Lit") for the purposes of the challenge provided the participant(s) 1) provide a shameless plug for the poem used in the form of a Lit link and 2) vote on the damned thing!

Signed and witnessed this day, November the 17th, 2004.


Yeesh. He must be a doctor or sumtin... ;)