Thanksgiving Challenge

:cool: Thanks Tess and Lauren... that makes sense to me.

Links at the botton are what I wanted to originally do, but I read some where in the submission guidlines that links were not permitted...

So, I guess it's all right if it's a Lit link to another poem for proper crediting?

- neo
neonurotic said:
:cool: Thanks Tess and Lauren... that makes sense to me.

Links at the botton are what I wanted to originally do, but I read some where in the submission guidlines that links were not permitted...

So, I guess it's all right if it's a Lit link to another poem for proper crediting?

- neo
Yes, I never had problems posting internal links. I have plenty of them, and ALL the poems posted under "The Poets" have lit-links :)
OK, lemme see if I can do it.

Hell hath no Fury

Razor poems for your unpardonable flirtation. [sup] 1 [/sup]
Acid word-baths for your barefaced lies.
Poisoned letters for every faithless message
And ground glass in your roasted crow.
Threats of retribution, murmurs of murder
Chains of regret will bind you rigid,
No need to hold you accountable for
Every foozle and infraction
I have them listed – all
And you become a prisoner
Willingly.[sup] 2 [/sup]

[sup] 1 [/sup] in [a href
="]Slither[/a] by [a href="]Lauren Hynde[/a]2002

I'll have to pull out my little copyrigt thingy. Here goes. :confused:

Edited to add ..... Arrrgggghhhh!
Tristesse said:
OK, lemme see if I can do it.
No, those things I posted are html code, to use on the submission form exactly as I posted, with < and >, not [ and ] ;)

The <sup>...</sup> code doesn't work in the boards, but the result in html pages is the same as here
Lauren Hynde said:
I couldn't resist! If the point is to have people reading our poems and then discover the poetry of others, I want all the newbies to find about some of those of us who aren't posting as much as they used to or as they should! :D

By the way, the codes I'm using to get the results above are these:

Quickened pace betrays my careful plans<sup>1</sup>
I'll untie me
from your cerebellum<sup>2/sup>
<sup>1</sup> <I>in <a href="">"By Night's Sweet Darkness"</a>, by <a href="">JUDO</a> ©2003.</I>
<sup>2</sup> <I>in <a href="">"Still"</a>, by <a href="">Cordelia</a> ©2004.</I>

If I didn't know you were being helpful, I'd think you were showing off......;)

Thanks for forseeing the inevitable questions!

Lauren Hynde said:
No, those things I posted are html code, to use on the submission form exactly as I posted, with < and >, not [ and ] ;)

The <sup>...</sup> code doesn't work in the boards, but the result in html pages is the same as here

Sorry - I'm clueless.

*puts on pointy hat and stands in the corner*
Tristesse said:
Sorry - I'm clueless.

*puts on pointy hat and stands in the corner*
Nonsense! :D

If you trust me and follow those codes I posted exactly (all you need to do is change the url addresses), you'll see it works. Use the preview button on the submission form just to make sure. ;)
Tech question for submissions

Lauren Hynde said:
Nonsense! :D

If you trust me and follow those codes I posted exactly (all you need to do is change the url addresses), you'll see it works. Use the preview button on the submission form just to make sure. ;)

How do we make a copyright mark? I used to know the ASCII for such things, but I would bet it's something else on here, right?
Lauren Hynde said:
Well, the code is &copy; but I usually just copy/paste it from just about any Lit page... :D

If I called you Lauren the red-nipped brain dear....would you get upset.....:eek:

<sup>1</sup> <I>in <a href="">"By Night's Sweet Darkness"</a>, by <a href="">JUDO</a> ©2003.</I>
<sup>2</sup> <I>in <a href="


I am a poet not a freakin programmer

can't we just put their name in and maybe just paste the link?

I know I am going to fuck it up

Copy and paste I can do.

I have yet to write the poems or pick the poem and now Miss Lauren has opened up the entire poetry community???


y'all are killin me!!!

where is Ange? this is out of hand!


alright I have had my whimper for the day

off for a new hair cut

ps Lauren, okay not a bad idea to introduce newcomers to those who have not been around as much as they used to, some really good stuff out there.

And it works double, having their work cited may inspire some "oldies" to read more of the new poets who are making a history of their own.


how about those of us who are so damned computer illirerate it's a miracle they make it onto the internet at all just say "Here's my poem _______, line one from "Blah blah" by Mr. Blah, last line by "Blah BLah Blah" by Mrs. Blah. Is that ok? (And no jokes about the Blah couple, please.) I mean seriously, I am not even going to attempt any link-aging simply because I am going to wind up f***ing up somewhere in a huge way and pissing some people off. Not something I particularly want to do.

Also, if I post my poem the 23 it probably won't make it onto the new poems posts on the 24. For some reason my stuff takes almost three days to post. Why don't we all keep it simple and just post the poems for the challenge on this thread with the appropriate credits to make sure we make the deadline. I mean, the deadline and Thanksgiving and all is a part of the point if I read the original rules correctly. (Unless somehow these particular poems are being posted super fast as part of the challenge. Bare in mind I'm one of the illiterates here!)

Am I making sense? :confused:
Lauren Hynde said:
I couldn't resist! If the point is to have people reading our poems and then discover the poetry of others, I want all the newbies to find about some of those of us who aren't posting as much as they used to or as they should! :D

By the way, the codes I'm using to get the results above are these:

Quickened pace betrays my careful plans<sup>1</sup>
I'll untie me
from your cerebellum<sup>2</sup>
<sup>1</sup> <I>in <a href="">"By Night's Sweet Darkness"</a>, by <a href="">JUDO</a> ©2003.</I>
<sup>2</sup> <I>in <a href="">"Still"</a>, by <a href="">Cordelia</a> ©2004.</I>

Well, Lauren, it's certainly cuter than what I had considered. I thought I would preface the posts with the poets, poems and links that I used--and simpler, even though the coding bites (Me no likee da codin, mon). :confused: :( :confused: :(
Re: concerns...

postobitum said:
how about those of us who are so damned computer illirerate it's a miracle they make it onto the internet at all just say "Here's my poem _______, line one from "Blah blah" by Mr. Blah, last line by "Blah BLah Blah" by Mrs. Blah. Is that ok? (And no jokes about the Blah couple, please.) I mean seriously, I am not even going to attempt any link-aging simply because I am going to wind up f***ing up somewhere in a huge way and pissing some people off. Not something I particularly want to do....Am I making sense? :confused:

Uhmmm... yeah. What she said.
Tell you what, people, if you want to, post your poem and details here, or PM me, and I'll take care of all the codes; all you'll need to do is copy and paste it, as is, in the submission form.

How's that? :D

Just don't leave it all till the last day. ;)
An Early ho ho ho! She lives up to that sexy get up!

Confession: of all the Playboys in my fathers closet, I always loved the Christmas editions best.

Lauren, if I use a publishing program, like FrontPage, get my poem to look like I want it, then view it in HTML, cut and paste it into lit's submission box, will it come out okay?

I might experiment with this. Nothing like learning as you go.... I should be thankful for this bar that you set :)

:bowing to the great web-mistress:


Lauren Hynde said:
Tell you what, people, if you want to, post your poem and details here, or PM me, and I'll take care of all the codes; all you'll need to do is copy and paste it, as is, in the submission form.

How's that? :D

Just don't leave it all till the last day. ;)
annaswirls said:
An Early ho ho ho! She lives up to that sexy get up!
We don't have Halloween or Thanksgiving here, so... ;)

annaswirls said:
Lauren, if I use a publishing program, like FrontPage, get my poem to look like I want it, then view it in HTML, cut and paste it into lit's submission box, will it come out okay?
The short answer is no. There are mountains of code that FrontPage will add that the submission algorithm won't like. Sorry. :rose:

Only character codes and very basic html is acceptable, such as <i>, <b>, <u> and <sup>

It's not as difficult as it seems, really. I can do it in 10 seconds flat.

<sup>x</sup> for the superscripted footnote references;

<i>x</i> for italics;

<a href="html://...">x</a> for links.

It's only a matter of keeping track of what you're doing. ;)
Last edited:
Lauren Hynde said:
Tell you what, people, if you want to, post your poem and details here, or PM me, and I'll take care of all the codes; all you'll need to do is copy and paste it, as is, in the submission form.

How's that? :D

Just don't leave it all till the last day. ;)

Methinks you just headed off a rebellion.

:D I ain't giving up. I'll try again.
Tristesse said:
Methinks you just headed off a rebellion.

:D I ain't giving up. I'll try again.

Dad gum it. I can do it. I can. I know I can. I'm gonna stay up all night until I get it right.

... Okay, until I get too sleepy. :D

Would the top half of the list or would anyone consider submitting early?

Have we decided that we would put "Angeline's Challenge" on the title?

Will the lemmings ever stop running off the cliffs?

Will I ever stop having bad hair days?

Sorry... my mind was running wild.
Lauren Hynde said:
The way I'm going to format my poem(s) when I submit it (them) is:

Quickened pace betrays my careful plans 1

[poem content that I'm still working on]

I'll untie me
from your cerebellum 2
1 in "By Night's Sweet Darkness", by JUDO ©2003.
2 in "Still", by Cordelia ©2004.

Originally posted by Lauren Hynde

By the way, the codes I'm using to get the results above are these:
Quickened pace betrays my careful plans<sup>1</sup>
I'll untie me
from your cerebellum<sup>2</sup>
<sup>1</sup> <I>in <a href="">"By Night's Sweet Darkness"</a>, by <a href="">JUDO</a> ©2003.</I>
<sup>2</sup> <I>in <a href="">"Still"</a>, by <a href="">Cordelia</a> ©2004.</I>

I just wanted to put the two together so I could see what code represented what effect.
with all this code talk I decided to try to add a link in my signature. (this after telling the world I would never attempt any of this stuff. Sorry world and sorry Lauren, I don't know what's come over me!)

Guess this is just a test run to see if it worked.
had to tweak it - but it worked!!!!

was there some talk about submitting early? Lauren is EVER so nicely 'coding' mine today or tomorrow, so I'm ready and volunteering. Better this way so I don't forget at the last minute that all this is going on, and that would be a monster shame.

post here and in new poems?