That's it

Chicklet, we also gave you advice re. your job and your bio. I am not complaining, just saying it seems to me the AH is working out for most except Mab. and a couple others who periodically speak up. Otherwise authors come and go; I don't see the big deal. I will go someday. No big deal.


p.s. IMO Ogg makes the most sense so far.
I like Dr. M,

I honestly think (LOL)(it is the internet) he appears to be an educated man. The Dr. in my opinion has a tollerance to many posts that others and I do not.
I have noticed his thoughts are good for my own writeings. More importantly Dr. M does ask or present many topics that I myself do not wish to address because of the flack that will be thrown back in ones face.

Yes, I tend to not post at the A H for quite a few reasons none of which are important in this post.

I do want to stress to the good Dr.M that I think the A H should remain a useless banter of Authors! I do not want to see the self expressions of Authors dribbling into the story Ideas. I would believe this is why the Authors Hangout came to be?

"Can't we all just get along?"
"You know we could use a little less talk and a little more work."

I think it would be better if personalities and specific names were left out of this 'discussion'. It would be nice to keep respect amongst us.

I think that unfortunately when the last poll was done, there were a lot of authors who 'used' to frequent the AH that simply weren't included in the poll.

The inclusion of a sub forum for the AH will be an improvement, an enhancement. Not something that any of us should be afraid of, in my opinion.
Doc, I like you and I'd be sorry to see you leave. I like the fact that you're articulate and thoughtful. Wherever you go--and I've encountered you on a few boards here--you do a yeoman's job of raising issues that get people thinking. I sure don't always agree with you, but I've seen enough of your postings to know you're not looking for sheep-like agreement. You seem to like a good controversy--fine. I also have observed that you get pretty pissed about things sometimes--then you get over it. Big deal, who doesn't?

I get a little crazed sometimes here and at the poetry board myself when reading discussions that bog down in nit-picking (I should add I've done my share of it), and seem to miss the original point. In a way that's more bothersome to me than chit-chat.

Also some of us, like you, have been here for a while. We're people, not bots--I think. I can't have discussions with the same people over time and always be serious. Neither can you, lol. I seem to recall discussing blues and the Schmenge Brothers with you (in the same thread, too). So is your beef that frivolity occurs to the exclusion of discussion of writer's craft? Is there an acceptable level? What is it?

And just my two cents, but I doubt other sites are so different in this.

Just to add more confusion to the smoke...

I have been doing the opposite of what we are being accused of here in the GB. Specifically I have been writing a story in the Incest is Best forum of the Playground - and, I might add, with the encouragement of the thread participants. They do an awful lot of IM like conversations, just as you find in much of the GB. But in this case, I am getting PM's from some of their participants and some of their lurkers making very good suggestions about details in the writing (not the sex).

Seems that forum corruption can go both ways.

-FF' (what do you call it if you reconvert the apostate?)
ps. Chicklet - don't listen to detractors - post away - like the pics and like the telling.

pps. Perdita :eek: please don't ever go. You are the stabilizing, sane voice that keeps us from disintegrating into bad little boys and girls. Besides, how could we improve our art without your Venetian backdrop? (sorry, I think you told us something like Venesian, but that's not in my spell checker)

ppps. wildsweetone, I think names are necessary in a thread when you are directing comments in response to more than one person and want to make it easy for them to see the connection to their own post. I also agree that names should be left out of the response whenever the response is to the subject and not to the individual. There is no need to offend on purpose, I for one have found it far too easy to offend without any intent beyond wordplay. I do respect the writers who post to this forum, I also respect many participants who have not posted a story on the site, but who participate and add their occasional insight from which I learn (and I like your posts and your stories and I'm still trying to figure-out how to slip into participation in Snippittsville). I don't know how a subforum would affect or be affected by the AH, I guess I'm just afraid of losing track of any of my friends here at the board.
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ffreak said:

pps. Perdita :eek: please don't ever go. You are the stabilizing, sane voice that keeps us from disintegrating into bad little boys and girls. Besides, how could we improve our art without your Venetian backdrop? (sorry, I think you told us something like Venesian, but that's not in my spell checker)

Eff, I rather think 'dita is more talking about the natural ebb and flow of these things than any desire to leave outright. People come and go, as in all social circles. It's the natural order of things.

Raph, wandering off humming the theme tune to The Littlest Hobo.
Raph, wandering off humming the theme tune to The Littlest Hobo. [/B]

AHHHHHHH! Now I'm going to have to try to find a source for an episode of London's adventures - just to keep my mind from flipping through all the dang theme songs. This ran for what - twenty years?

-FF (I am not a stalker, I only follow people around whom I like. I'm more of a lurker and a runner - good track shoes are important to the health of the wearer)

ps. Hey Doc, here's a legitimate question that may start a new thread: What are some of the better devices a writer can use to prepare their audience for a cultural memory trigger?
Raff always gets me (thank god one bloke does), but I want to ask Eff to please not say things like I am a "stabilizing, sane voice". I know it was meant well but it's not true and I wouldn't want that responsibility even among a very few. I truly do not want or need flattery (except from maybe two people in my life) despite the opinions of one or two people on the AH.

not leaving in the foreseeable near future, Perdita
ffreak said:
ppps. wildsweetone, I think names are necessary in a thread when you are directing comments in response to more than one person and want to make it easy for them to see the connection to their own post. I also agree that names should be left out of the response whenever the response is to the subject and not to the individual. There is no need to offend on purpose, I for one have found it far too easy to offend without any intent beyond wordplay. I do respect the writers who post to this forum, I also respect many participants who have not posted a story on the site, but who participate and add their occasional insight from which I learn (and I like your posts and your stories and I'm still trying to figure-out how to slip into participation in Snippittsville). I don't know how a subforum would affect or be affected by the AH, I guess I'm just afraid of losing track of any of my friends here at the board.

firstly, geez i'm blushing. thank you. :)

you're right about the name thing. i'd just like to see a rational discussion amongst authors and i know this topic has the potential to go up in smoke. (i'm aware i haven't seen the good dr back on the thread yet, unless i missed a post).

slip into the SDC and jump on the gen disc thread and we'll tell you the gist of how Snippettsville works if you're hankering for a challenge. :D

i don't think it's possible to lose track of friends on Lit, mine always seem to manage to find me hanging around somewhere. ;)

i think a sub forum could be easy to work really. imagine two rooms, the first one you enter is the 'cafe' where authors can chill out and get hungover, then move on through it into a sideroom containing those already hung, drawn and quartered and licking wounds from being hauled through the critic queue and having enough sense to still continue on writing no matter what the odds. okay you know i am kidding. *wicked wink*

perdita said:
Raff always gets me (thank god one bloke does), but I want to ask Eff to please not say things like I am a "stabilizing, sane voice". I know it was meant well but it's not true and I wouldn't want that responsibility even among a very few. I truly do not want or need flattery (except from maybe two people in my life) despite the opinions of one or two people on the AH.

not leaving in the foreseeable near future, Perdita

if anybody wants to flatter me i'm available:devil: hiya perdy glad you aint going:D
Re: ummmmmm

LorriLove said:
hiya perdy glad you aint going:D
Hey, Love, even when I leave I'll stay in touch with you and hubby. As always, just your name and style of greeting makes me smile. :heart:
Ebb and flow. The signal-to-noise discussion comes up with regularity like all other questions here. Life is redundant. :)

Well, OK, Perdita, I will amend my earlier statement. You provide me with a stablizing force. You occasionally whack me with the life preserver, but you do haul me back to the boat when I do something stupid (I'm not going to list the number of times that happens). And I love you for it, maybe like I love my sister, but still, thank you.

Lorrie, love, you're just so damn beautiful most people are assuredly watching in awe, waiting for your next post just to read what you have to say so they can watch some more.

-FF (don't go there on the sister comment)

ffreak said:
Well, OK, Perdita, I will amend my earlier statement. You provide me with a stablizing force. You occasionally whack me with the life preserver, but you do haul me back to the boat when I do something stupid (I'm not going to list the number of times that happens). And I love you for it, maybe like I love my sister, but still, thank you.

Lorrie, love, you're just so damn beautiful most people are assuredly watching in awe, waiting for your next post just to read what you have to say so they can watch some more.

-FF (don't go there on the sister comment)

ff honey, flattery will get you everywhere:D

see dm and you other serious minded types, just harmless banter to brighten up an otherwise shit day;)
Re: hiya

LorriLove said:

see dm and you other serious minded types, just harmless banter to brighten up an otherwise shit day;)

Now that's a statement I find myself agreeing with. Not that I don't agree with a lot of other stuff in this thread, but Lorri, my love, you have a wonderful way with words.

I'm all for compromise, and everyone making an effort to accommodate others. It is great, that everyone with at least an ounce of sensibility can discuss heated topics like this in a civilized and rational way. There was a thread, here in the AH, not long ago, where we stated our reasons for being here; what we like about it; what we feel we get out of it. Maybe I'll find it and bump it up, in an effort to focus on the positive.

Lou, a woman who likes to have a bit of fun.
dr m.,

many of your points are good ones. and wso's idea is good in conception. in practice, it's a bit like telling a large group of people in the main area of a bar that their discussion is a bit too sports focussed; or doing whatever is the opposite of 'preaching to the choir.' the reception is pretty predictable, since that majority are likely talking about what they want to.

'serious'--i.e., less social-- threads could be maintained, or niches, or sub forums, as at BDSM where a majority--now at least-- find the subforum situation agreeable. But that a moderated forum.

in practice, what wso has actually done can serve as a model: establish a niche for the interested in another moderated forum, Story D.C. if one stays in a forum, it's probably best for one not even to use the term 'serious' thread, for everyone's thread is serious to him or her, whether it's the dog's sore foot or a term of shakespeare's vocabulary. Hence the term 'bdsm cafe' was chosen over 'bdsm lite'

irrespective of majority agreement, 'writing oriented' threads or niches can, at any time, be established by a group of like minded people, in any of a number of neutral-to-congenial environments.

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Well, every message board I've ever encountered comes
with a community of regulars, and a community tends to
discuss personal concerns. OTOH, if you haven't seen any
threads special to writing, you're blind.
I've seen threads on dirty writing without dirty words, on
what you do when you're stuck in the habits of commercial
magazine (non-erotic) writing, on giving examples of all
those kinds of writing which we learned technical names for
in high school, on which sort of words for genitalia to use.
If those are teh threads which you see as appropriate,
then contribute to them, and those threads will grow longer.
Starting a new thread to discuss the threads you see as
inappropriate doesn't increase the traffic in the areas
you see as the obligation of *everybody else* to discuss.