The 189th Week of Trump's Downfall

Demands for removal of DeJoy intensify after Postmaster General shows he ‘doesn’t know the basics of his agency’

“The only thing you should be delivering is your resignation,” Rep. Ayanna Pressley told DeJoy.

Democratic lawmakers ramped up their demands for Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to step aside or be removed after the Trump megadonor on Monday demonstrated flippant ignorance of basic U.S. Postal Service operations, refused to cooperate with lawmakers’ requests for documents, and declined to commit to reversing policy changes that have impeded the timely delivery of mail, including life-saving prescription medications.

DeJoy is in way over his head in the USPS. His demand to run the trucks on time despite their being loaded has caused delays in the delivery and useless consumption of fuel. He has no clue how a bureaucracy works to fuck over the incompetent, by doing exactly what he says just to show how stupid his demands are.:) He doesn't understand when he's being ratfucked by his disgruntled employees!:D

‘An insult to voters’ intelligence’: Conservative slams Trump’s 2nd-term agenda as nothing more than ‘a magic wish list’

Writing in the Washington Examiner this Monday, former House GOP candidate Quin Hillyer says that President Trump’s 49-point second-term “agenda” is a huge insult to the intelligence of his base.

“It’s not an agenda,” Hillyer writes. “It’s a magic wish list. Trump might as well be promising voters he’ll sprinkle fairy dust on them to make them all princes and princesses.”

Ultimately, the lack of specifics signifies that the GOP platform is simply a call for “supporting President Trump” and nothing else, according to Hillyer.

“Without a platform, the party becomes even more of a cult of personality, and Trump’s outlandish agenda promises make him even more like the Wizard of Oz, pledging things he cannot practically deliver while his Republican allies stand slack-jawed in ill-merited awe,” Hillyer writes.

It's all horseshit and no ponies!:eek:
The bombshell report on Trump and Russia is flying under the radar — here are 5 reasons it shouldn’t

#3: During Trump’s Impeachment, Congressional Republicans Knew the Truth and Didn’t Care

Trumps treason and manslaughter of 180,000 Americans can be laid a the feet of the Republican party. It is all their fault!

#4: The Cover-up Continues

The final chain of influence is still running — from Putin through Trump and Senate Republicans to the general public:

Putin→Trump→GOP→American voters

There was already plenty of other news dominating the media when, on the second day of the Democratic National Convention, the Senate Intelligence Committee released its 940-page volume of findings. With the ongoing convention, pandemic, post office crisis, economic recession, and widespread racial unrest, the Report did not receive the wide and deep coverage that it deserved. Within hours, a handful of the Committee’s findings became brief filler material for cable news programs. Within days, the story was hardly mentioned at all.

Is the MSM also in the grip of the Russian mafia?

#5: It’s Happening Again

The treason continues and the press is complicit as well!:eek:
one of the reasons that trump keeps beating on the 'rigged election' is that he already knows, first hand, how easily it can be done.

CDC faced pressure ‘from the top down’ to change guidance on COVID-19 testing: CNN

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently changed its guidelines for testing for the novel coronavirus in a way that could mean fewer people get tested — and now CNN is reporting that the agency faced pressure from “the upper ranks of the Trump administration” to make the change.

An unnamed federal health official tells the network the new directive on testing, which advises that people who aren’t experiencing symptoms may not need to be tested even if they’ve been exposed to the virus, is “coming from the top down.”

Most medical experts believe that mass testing is vital to controlling the spread of the novel coronavirus, as many asymptomatic people are still capable of spreading the disease. Trump, however, has repeatedly said that he would like to see testing slowed down so that the number of COVID-19 cases doesn’t make America “look bad.”

Speaking of which:
Box Scores
United States

Coronavirus Cases: 5,968,642

Deaths: 182,886

Recovered: 3,257,962

These numbers from Worldmeter seem to be higher that the Johns Hopkins numbers, but maybe it's just a few thousands here and there.
BUSTED: Postal Service board chair under fire over little-noticed RNC appearance backing ‘four more years!’ for Trump

More Republican Fuckery Exposed!

Robert Duncan, the Trump-appointed chairman of the U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors who previously served as head of the Republican National Committee, is facing backlash over his little-noticed appearance in a prerecorded GOP convention video Monday night and calls to resign for his past role in the party’s nationwide voter suppression efforts.

Duncan’s participation in a convention clip alongside other supporters of President Donald Trump was first highlighted by House Oversight Committee Chairwoman Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), who noted in a press release Tuesday that the board chair “appeared in a prerecorded video shown at the Republican National Convention in an effort to help President Trump get reelected.”

In the seconds-long clip, which aired just hours after the board chairman testified before the House Oversight Committee, Duncan claps and gestures with four fingers as others chant, “Four more years!”

Remember that Republicans (Moscow Mitch) obstructed Obama's USPS appointments for years cause the board to lack a quorum and then rushed to fill the board with sycophants as soon as Trump was elected!:rolleyes:

‘Hold on a second’: MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle stunned as Republican tells her USPS problems are ‘fake’

On MSNBC Wednesday, anchor Stephanie Ruhle clashed with Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) after he tried to claim that the slowdowns at the Postal Service are “fake.”

“You know, I was really disappointed that our small businesses, our unemployed workers were just ignored for Congress to rush back for a fake Post Office crisis that didn’t exist,” said Brady, a former House Ways and Means Committee chairman who was instrumental in writing the GOP corporate tax cut bill. “Meanwhile, look, I will tell you, our small businesses—”

“Excuse me, Congressman … a fake postal crisis?” said Ruhle. “We see images from postal facilities in the state of Texas that are in crisis. Would you say it’s made up to veterans who aren’t getting their prescriptions on time? Do you think it’s made up?”
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“I do, absolutely,” insisted Brady. “As far as the Post Office is working, as they’ve made it clear, they can easily handle the mail-in balloting process. They have $14 billion in the bank, solvent through next year. They are going through a bipartisan reorganization that, by the way, has some glitches and needs to be addressed. But, yeah, I find it offensive that our small businesses and unemployed workers basically have been ignored by Speaker Pelosi while we go rushing back to Washington for the Post Office. I’ll just tell you, I think—”

“Hold on a second, sir,” said Ruhle. “Wouldn’t you say she did that, what was it, six weeks ago with the HEROES Act, that provided way more support for small businesses, and it was Republicans who wouldn’t sign off on it, sir?”

Republican liar Lying, and getting caught! :D:D:D:D:D
‘Literally copied from Putin’: Intelligence expert blasts Trump’s RNC performance

Intelligence and counterterrorism expert Malcolm Nance is criticizing President Donald Trump’s Republican National Convention performance from Tuesday night, noting the extreme similarity to images of Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin.

President Trump inappropriately if not illegally used uniformed members of the U.S. Military in video of him walking in the White House to attend a citizenship naturalization ceremony for five immigrants, staged for the RNC. (Ethics experts say the use of the White House for a political campaign is unprecedented, a gross abuse of power, and entirely inappropriate. There are also concerns of violations of the Hatch Act.)

Darlene McDonald @VoteDarlene
If this moment looked odd to you, it's because you don't have authoritarian tendencies. Compare ceremonial guards swinging open the Kremlin's golden doors to reveal Russian President Putin to Donald Trump's use of Marines in the White House for Naturalization Ceremony. #RNC2020 Image


These are Donald Trump’s 40 biggest broken promises


Trump voters. Nearly 4 years in, here’s an updated list of Trump’s 40 biggest broken promises.
Texas braces for an ‘unsurvivable’ storm as Hurricane Laura strengthens to an ‘extremely dangerous’ Category 4

Hurricane Laura strengthened into a powerful Category 4 storm in the Gulf of Mexico on Wednesday, prompting warnings of “unsurvivable” storm surge of up to 20 feet (six meters) and evacuation orders for hundreds of thousands of coastal residents of Louisiana and Texas.

The Miami-based National Hurricane Center said Laura was packing winds of 140 miles per hour (220 kilometers per hour) and was expected to make landfall along the Gulf Coast overnight.

As an “extremely dangerous” Category 4 hurricane — the second-highest on the Saffir-Simpson wind scale — Laura could pummel the Louisiana and Texas coast with storm surge, extreme winds and flash flooding, the NHC said.

An “unsurvivable storm surge with large and destructive waves will cause catastrophic damage from Sea Rim State Park, Texas, to Intracoastal City, Louisiana,” it said.

Storm surges could penetrate up to 30 miles inland along parts of the coasts, and peak surge coupled with high tide could see water as high as 15 to 20 feet above normal levels.:eek::eek::eek:

“The power of Hurricane Laura is unprecedented, and Texans must take action now to get out of harm’s way and protect themselves,” Texas Governor Greg Abbott said.

Will Trump bypass his acceptance speech to deal with the disaster? Does FEMA have any money left? :rolleyes:
WATCH: CNN cuts away from RNC Convention to warn viewers of Hurricane Laura

Current events stepped on coverage of the Republican National Committee Convention on Wednesday, as CNN cut away for an update on the devastating hurricane barreling towards Texas and Louisiana.

“This Hurricane Laura, it’s a Category 4, almost a Category 5, extremely powerful, extremely dangerous,” anchor Wolf Blitzer noted.

“We’re only 7 miles per hour away from Category 5,” meteorologist Tom Sater noted. “It’s already stronger than Hurricane Katrina, it’s in the top ten of the greatest hurricanes to ever make landfall in the continental U.S.”

Following the update on the hurricane, CNN did not return to the convention, instead discussing the other current event rocking America — the murder in Kenosha that is suspected of being committed by a Trump supporter.

Will anyone cover Trump's acceptance speech tomorrow with a click bait disaster on CNN?:)
A Trump country blowjob!

Hurricane Laura Moves Inland Across Louisiana With Damaging Winds, Flooding Rain and Tornadoes After Category 4 Landfall

Hurricane Laura made landfall early Thursday morning and is now tracking northward across western Louisiana with threats of destructive winds, flooding rainfall, storm surge and tornadoes.

At a Glance

Laura made landfall near Cameron, Louisiana, early Thursday with winds of 150 mph. Wind gusts of 100 to 135 mph have been recorded in southwestern Louisiana. Laura is now tracking inland across western Louisiana with damaging winds.Laura is also an inland flood risk as far north and east as Arkansas and the Ohio and Tennessee valleys.Isolated tornadoes are also expected from Laura.High water levels from storm surge will continue in coastal areas.

Winds and Rain expected to fill the land from Louisiana to Tennessee over the next few days! :eek:

‘He doesn’t get how weak this makes him look’: Trump installs massive fence around White House ahead of RNC speech

During the George Floyd protests President Donald Trump had fencing placed around the White House and even tear gassed peaceful protestors standing in the park across the street so he could have a photo-op.

But according to NBC News’ Garrett Haake and many people on the ground in Washington, D.C., the White House is putting up even more fencing than they installed a few months ago.

White House or... Green Zone. Trump acts like Saddam, fearful of his people!:D

White House threatens journalist with a ‘dossier’ over report exposing Trump’s self-dealing

During his 2016 campaign, Donald Trump promised that he would “completely isolate” himself from the Trump Organization if elected president. But the Washington Post and other media outlets have done a great deal of reporting on the many ways in which Trump’s properties — from Mar-a-Lago in South Florida to his hotels and golf resorts around the world — have profited from his presidency. Some of that reporting can be found in an article that was written by reporters David A. Fahrenthold, Josh Dawsey and Joshua Partlow and published by the Post on Thursday morning, and one of the article’s revelations is that a White House spokesman resented the Post’s investigation so much that he was willing to threaten Fahrenthold with a “dossier.”

In a written statement to the Post, the journalists report, Deere said: “The Washington Post is blatantly interfering with the business relationships of the Trump Organization, and it must stop. Please be advised that we are building up a very large ‘dossier’ on the many false David Fahrenthold and others stories as they are a disgrace to journalism and the American people.”

“Trump has now visited his own properties 270 times as president, according to a Washington Post tally — with another visit planned for Thursday, when he is scheduled to meet GOP donors at his Washington hotel,” the Post reporters explain. “Through these trips, Trump has brought the Trump Organization a stream of private revenue from federal agencies and GOP campaign groups. Federal spending records show that taxpayers have paid Trump’s businesses more than $900,000 since he took office. At least $570,000 came as a result of the president’s travel, according to a Post analysis.”

Can the new AG use "Civil Forfeiture" on the Donald?:)
Ratings, Trump's got ratings!

Ratings disaster: Dems trounced GOP on convention night 3 – ‘America’s Got Talent’ beat RNC, Harris beat Pence

The Republican National Convention by many accounts was a snoozefest, lacking interest or even what some thought were possible-drug-induced hyperbolic performances, and now the numbers prove that Americans tuned out the Trump-Pence show, bigly.

Fox News Sports’ executive vice president Michael Mulvihill, Head of Strategy and Analytics, just posted overnight ratings numbers, and they are as bad as you might have expected, if not worse.

Overnight ratings for night three of the conventions. Six networks combined, 10-11p ET:

Democratic - 16.2
Republican - 10.5

In a matchup of VP nominees, Harris outrated Pence by +54% in America’s biggest markets.

NBC’s “America’s Got Talent” drew more viewers on just one network than the RNC did on three, delivering “the night’s biggest audience.”

TV Star is waning!:)
US surpasses 180,000 virus deaths: Johns Hopkins

8-28-20 AM
Box Scores

Per Johns Hopkins Data
Cases 5,867,785

Deaths 180,824 3.1%

But Per World Meter Shows
United States
Coronavirus Cases: 6,055,675

Deaths: 185,051 5.1%

Recovered: 3,349,080

A difference surely, but is that really significant to the point that Trump has done a bad job and it's getting worse?
Last edited:

‘Trump failed, 180,000+ died’: Protests surround White House as president delivers RNC nomination speech

“This is the most important election in history. And you are the most dangerous president in the history of our country. That’s why you’re going to lose,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders during Trump’s remarks.

Closing out a GOP convention that featured rampant law-breaking, fascistic hysteria, and cynical distortions of the current administration’s record, President Donald Trump delivered more of the same Thursday night as he formally accepted the Republican Party’s presidential nomination while protesters rallied near the White House blasting music and spotlighting Trump’s deadly failure to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.

Trump’s hour-long address before an audience of 1,500 largely mask-less cabinet officials, Republican lawmakers, and other supporters of the president was jam-packed with fearmongering, “law and order” dog whistles, and lies about the administration’s efforts to fight the coronavirus, which Trump repeatedly called the “China virus.”

Trump greeted with ‘one-fingered salutes’ on his way to New Hampshire: ‘Too many middle fingers to count’

President Donald Trump is traveling to New Hampshire Friday evening where he will hold a short rally then head back home to the White House.

As the presidential motorcade made its way to Joint Base Andrews to board Air Force One the White House press pool released some very descriptive details.

Most press poolers try to capture the scene wherever they go, delivering descriptions including information about the weather, sometimes what the president is wearing, if there are supporters or protestors and what they’re doing.

“Many of the protesters along the avenue greeted the motorcade with raised middle fingers,” it notes.

“There were far too many middle fingers to count. Several of the people in the crowd opted to raise both of their middle fingers in a double barreled one finger salute,” it continues. “Some of the protesters waved signs. A few that were clearly legible read ‘BLM’ and ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER.’ One man’s sign that was visible from the motorcade said, ‘WHITE SILENCE = BLACK DEATH.'”