The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Why the hell not!

Let’s go for broke!
Order up - one ice cream float made with Jolt Soda and Vanilla Ice Cream made w/ vanilla whey protein
I'm feeling a lot of guilt right now. Never knew about this. This is what I get for being an old fart mom. I don't know about a lot of mom stuff. I'm so glad that she's still alive...
haha - no guilt
unless you're a new parent/grand or the holiday involves food, booze, or a day off work... it flies under the radar of most IMO
all good...
I’ll haveta catch up later.

Was a good day and got a lot done. I feel like I got everything I could outta the day.

Sex. (See my other thread for gory details)

Suzie and I a cut up a bunch of wood for kindling. Filled woodbins at the farmstand. We sold a lot of wood the last few days. Then picked up my side by side from the dealer (had maintenance done). Then mowed the lawn.

When the rain clouds came in I visited my mom. I couldn’t find her anywhere. But she was playing bingo in the activity room. She’s such a solitary and private person I was pretty (pleasantly) surprised. She won a game too.

Then back home. It was still raining, so Is been meaning to paint two signs for the farmstand addition I made earlier this year. So painted the signs.

Then skinny dipped (trying to get everything I can in before I close the pool next week. It was “refreshing.”

Made dinner and watched tennis and the very end of old school.

And now… on recommendation from a great friend here on lit, I am gonna watch a pinball documentary.
🤗 to your brother
that sounds awful
hope it doesn't happen often - or at all anymore
Thanks, it has been a long time since I heard of any reaction. So hopefully he is much more careful and/or the medication works. It has been so long I forget exactly how the medication works, it may be something he takes all summer long. I will have to check.