The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Wild day!

Had a lovely wakeup. Then off to work. Lots of meetings and connected with two colleagues (one from London and one from Germany) who I both happen to have work crushes on! (I know, I know…)

Then a shit ton of meetings, Altho I had lunch with a few people i used to work with.

Then more meetings, worked late. Trying to wrap everything up before I go on vacation next week.

G’night All! Same thing tomrrrow. Rinse and repeat.
Still a bit tired from last night's reading marathon
Finished the book
But now I must get started on another
And hopefully still get at least 7 or 8 hours sleep :LOL:
Sweet Dreams all...
I just heard James earl Jones passed away today. Such a great actor!

And a distinctive voice in all of his roles. My favorite was darth vader

My favorite role of his was the villain in thwnorogonal Conan the Barbarian, as Thulsa Doom.

RIP, to a great man, humanitarian and actor…

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Yes what a talent..... time is slipping on quickly.....i remember the young guy in doctor strangelove
Did just the heat of the cell phone burn you or did the battery leak and burn you?

Sorry for being nosy, but damn…

It over heated in one spot, it’s lithium, no leak. I initially thought it was a big bit, but it blistered like a burn , so I got it checked out… apparently it’s a very deep burn.
I was told I might need surgery if it doesn’t heal right so I’m happy it’s finally starting to heal.
Thank you, ma'am. You, too . . . .
I was really busy but don't feel I was all that productive. I spent HOURS on the phone with the cable company, or as I call them, ComCrap! We have a triple-play plan that includes a landline but the landline hasn't been functional since probably December of last year. I've been planning on dropping it and TV; I just hadn't done it yet.

Years ago, I froze both my and my husband's credit at all three credit reporting agencies. Now, I will need to unfreeze my credit in order to manage my it. Of course, I can't remember what the cryptic notes I wrote down for my user name and password mean. The phone number associated with the accounts is our landline. 😖😤 In order to recover my account, they need to call me to give me a code.

So, hence, the day spent with multiple agents at ComCrap trying to get my landline functional. They were not successful resetting it remotely, so I have the cable guy coming tomorrow.

That presented another conundrum. The router and main phone is in my office...

The office that is a hazmat site! Yeah, that one.

So, I just spent the last few hours cleaning in there. The tops of the desk can now be seen, trash, recycling, and general debris has been removed. It's dusted (sorta) and vacuumed (also sorta).

The housecleaning gene skipped me. So, whenever I fo something like this, it's a major endeavor for me. 🤨

Anyway, I think the cable guy can get in there to work now and not get lost. 🙄😖
Yesterday I was scunnered! Knackered even.

I started out by a long lawnmowing of our farm yard, and then the meadow in the woods where the junkyard used to be. It looked great.

Then we spend most of the afternoon replenishing the stream bank with red twig, Dogwood, willows, and for Cynthia to prevent erosion. Basically take cuttings of these little trees, and you plant them right into the stream bank.

Then delivered a cord and a half of firewood.

Then it was to the next town where my wife manages two properties and mow the lawn there. Thai takeout and drop the pick up truck off for service and maintenance.

We recorded the tennis final, but I fell asleep in the first set!😂
You were a busy boy, W! No wonder you fell asleep! 🥰🥰
It’s a great recipe for sure! I’m going to try your twist this week. Adding the seeds. I’ve basically just went by the letter of the law and haven’t added any twists of my own.

The Morning Z…

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I hope you like the bread, H!

I love the Morning Z! It looks like it could be someplace here! 😍😍