The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Yesterday was quite the day. Started home and met my boss who is RVing in Massachusetts for lunch.

Zipped down to the Mew London Ct ferry which we took to orient point on the north fork of Long Island. Eastern LI is beautiful and very rural. Farms, tractors etc.

Got stuck in traffic and go to the Mets game late. They soundly beat the Phillies (sorry @RJ). Then drove home and got in at 1230.

Working today.

Missed you all!!
Fantastic day. Take it easy on your first workday back from vacation.
Morning all. Hope you’re all getting ready for the weekend. All the home remedies in the world haven’t cleared my ears so off to the doc to get an Anti-B🙄. I try to avoid if I can but this has been a stubborn little virus.

Is the coffee brewed yet? Off to find the healing powers of the bean…oh, and the Morning Z…

Happy Friday. Looks like a quiet night here at teh Sp000n. I know that folks need to sleep sometimes, and that Life bites us on the nethers other times. The h000man slept pretty well here. May ride the bike to work today. Feels like a good idea. The tore out the front retaining wall at the new house next door and Allah knows what they intend, but it's looking like a piss-poor idea. The old wall kinda went with the character of the neighborhood. Oh well, and so it goes.

Still on the first cup.
Morning dear friend 😊
Yesterday was quite the day. Started home and met my boss who is RVing in Massachusetts for lunch.

Zipped down to the Mew London Ct ferry which we took to orient point on the north fork of Long Island. Eastern LI is beautiful and very rural. Farms, tractors etc.

Got stuck in traffic and go to the Mets game late. They soundly beat the Phillies (sorry @RJ). Then drove home and got in at 1230.

Working today.

Missed you all!!
We missed you too....
Morning all. Hope you’re all getting ready for the weekend. All the home remedies in the world haven’t cleared my ears so off to the doc to get an Anti-B🙄. I try to avoid if I can but this has been a stubborn little virus.

Is the coffee brewed yet? Off to find the healing powers of the bean…oh, and the Morning Z…

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Good morning HDH. I’m sorry the virus is stubborn. It seems to be similar to the one my GF has. After this many days you probably have an ear infection and need the Antibiotics. I know this too well as every cold I get results in a bacterial infection either in my ears or sinuses.

Thanks for the Z. And here is your ☕☕
Happy Friday, dearest! Here’s hoping you plan to do something fun this weekend. I’m not sure what’s on my agenda just yet. I’ll think of something.
Haven't decided.... but it will be computer free!! I have some house work to do...but i love when I can sit and relax with candles burning and truly relax with a cup of hot tea... makes me feel good....
It's like we weren't even there.... thank God I know the recycling comes on Monday here..🤫🤭 Soooo many bottles.
You guys did a good job.

There was only this much left when we got home and picked up this morning.

I’ll have @Missk_2022 come over with her new vacuum cleaner later so I can finish
cleaning up!


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