The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Mornin impy. You feeling better?
Yes, sir

I was better by Friday night. I ate hot wings yesterday when I took the kid to a local favorite bar and did well :D We didn't drink. I just like the atmosphere and music.
We have the Mother Coven. I bust up the Bitch About It Coven dynamics however.

Got in the 10K steps. Last week was the first full 70K week, so there's that.

Fixin' to go shooping (which is still more steps.) We're going to make meatloaf today. Have I shared that recipe yet? It's damned fine.
you said meatloaf.

(I actually like meatloaf, and so do my kids… at least now… they wouldn’t eat it, so then we started calling it super burger.)
Everything OK, Tom?
Getting there. We had COVID hit (and all of us are high risk) and we had one person end up in the hospital a couple days all during the first couple of weeks of the school year which is always super busy when everyone is a student or works for the schools but we also had two starting at new schools, including one moving in to college. It's been long and stressful and exhausting. But I think we're finally coming through on the other side now