The Administrative State May Soon Be Devastated

The EPA is the absolute worst.
Says a guy who obviously likes drinking polluted water, breathing poisoned air, and eating contaminated food- and more power to the corporations who can dump poisons into the water and air and sell contaminated food.

I mean, you should HEAR yourself. Do you have ANY concern for public health and welfare AT ALL?
Don't like the EPA? How about, putting a couple drops of gasoline in your drinking water next time you pour yourself a drink and tell us how it tastes, and then think about how great it would be if everyone had to drink that shit.
Says a guy who obviously likes drinking polluted water, breathing poisoned air, and eating contaminated food- and more power to the corporations who can dump poisons into the water and air and sell contaminated food.

I mean, you should HEAR yourself. Do you have ANY concern for public health and welfare AT ALL?
Don't like the EPA? How about, putting a couple drops of gasoline in your drinking water next time you pour yourself a drink and tell us how it tastes, and then think about how great it would be if everyone had to drink that shit.

I suppose he wants to see the return of leaded gasoline and paints, mercury dumped from chemical plants, scrubbers removed from those pesky coal plants. How about PPE mandates for workers. Oil drilling in wetlands. It's a long list of stupidity, because he doesn't understand regulators need to be insulated from the Government over the policy's Government writes.

Be pissed at the government for writing the policy but not the people charged with implementing those regulations the policy contains, ican't.
Is the Administrative State devastated yet 🤔
Just MAY BE.

I cannot understand why any common, decent person would support dismantling environmental laws. I simply cannot understand it. Wealthy corporate boards who dont' give a fuck about health, humanity, or anything but profits- soulless and cruel- yeah maybe. But for a common person to think it is GOOD to have leaded drinking water, polluted air, envionmental destruction- you are an enemy of the common people and of America.
I cannot understand why any common, decent person would support dismantling environmental laws. I simply cannot understand it. Wealthy corporate boards who dont' give a fuck about health, humanity, or anything but profits- soulless and cruel- yeah maybe. But for a common person to think it is GOOD to have leaded drinking water, polluted air, envionmental destruction- you are an enemy of the common people and of America.
It's obvious that the environment only includes tree-hugging libtards. Duh.