The AH Bible

Icingsugar said:
"I'm cuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmiiiiinnnnnnngggggggg!!!!!!"

Lovers of the world, let me ask you. Does anyone ever say this?.
Nyet. Can't recall a man ever saying it to me either.


p.s. Cakebloke: I had no idea you were so young!
Dear Perdita,
Re your new AV. Is that a fez hanging upside down on a clothes line? If so, that hat is badly in need of blocking. I'd see to it before the next Shriners convention.
Ever helpful,
Ps. Is there any item more useless than a fez?
Pps. Never mind. You changed your AV on me. )&(*&(&%*$##
Sorry, Maths, just changed back to new year monkey. And NO, it wasn't a fez.


p.s. I was trying to write a limerick about you but can't find a second rhyme for Sacto.
Icingsugar said:
"I'm cuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmiiiiinnnnnnngggggggg!!!!!!"

Lovers of the world, let me ask you. Does anyone ever say this? I mean, in my 26 years alive and the opportunity to either cause or witness that special moment with a small but fondly remembered handful of women, not one have ever said those words. They and I have either cummed (come, cameth, comet, comma?), or occationally not (Hey, we all have bad days, right? ... Right?), but noone have ever felt the urge to with such eloquence inform the partner about the current status all the time.

I mean dammit, they barely even say it in porn. I thought that's where all the bad erotic clichés came from.

My only experience with that type of vocalization was Meg Ryan's fake orgasm scene in "When Harry Met Sally."

Now about your "com"jugations: come, cameth, comet, comma--what about "coming" as in, "Coming for to carry me home," or maybe the old joke about customers leaving the burning whore house--some came a running and some run a coming.

Rumple Foreskin :cool:
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Icingsugar said:
"I'm cuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmiiiiinnnnnnngggggggg!!!!!!"

Lovers of the world, let me ask you. Does anyone ever say this? I mean, in my 26 years alive and the opportunity to either cause or witness that special moment with a small but fondly remembered handful of women, not one have ever said those words. They and I have either cummed (come, cameth, comet, comma?), or occationally not (Hey, we all have bad days, right? ... Right?), but noone have ever felt the urge to with such eloquence inform the partner about the current status all the time.

I mean dammit, they barelyt even say it in porn. I thought that's where all the bad erotic cliché³_came from.

I would believe that you have not heard it much from women, but in speaking with my girl friends it is apparently a faux pas made quite commonly by members of your gender. Bless you, if you are not one of them. I have had the displeasure of being 'alerted' and let's just say it was a mistake never made again :devil:

At any rate, if your lover needs a status report I'm thinking there have got to be better ways to send a message.

Sorry, lucky-E-leven. I always thought it only polite to warn my partner of the imminent flood, in the event that s/he wanted the discharge external, rather than internal.

I humbly stand corrected.
The_old_man said:
Sorry, lucky-E-leven. I always thought it only polite to warn my partner of the imminent flood, in the event that s/he wanted the discharge external, rather than internal.

I humbly stand corrected.

Suppose it's a personal preference thing, but always seemed a bit annoying to me and even a bit insulting. Hopefully I'm paying enough attention during the 'fun' to know when the end is near, but I suppose there are many women who do tune out to make their grocery lists and mentally conjure up images of a T-minus countdown clock that just keeps starting over making it extremely difficult to predict blast off. (Okay, I know women do this because let's face it, husbands sometimes get drunk and will follow you to the bed easier when you are naked rather than bitching them out for vomiting in your flowerbeds, but there is typically much to be desired on these nights and so condiments and ingredients push to the forefront of thought.) But I guess I can see where some would appreciate it a little warning...ovulating secretaries looking for promotions, insecure white house interns that want dna memorabilia to wear home, etc...

You should be commended on your thoughtfulness, though. Maybe I'm the one who should add that to the list of topics to be discussed before sex with new person. Thanks for the heads up.
