The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 09

That's rough Millie. Lots of real hugs from Jo and Donnie will help, and virtual hugs here.

I'll share a cup with you.
Hey gang, a month back, right after my birthday, my birth mother died. I hadn't seen her since (whenever it was) when Jo and I visited. Things went to shit on that one because she wanted me to visit my birth father's grave and tell him I forgive him. It became a shouting match, and Jo packed up the car and made me leave. That was before Donnie, so she had never met him. Why would she even want to? She didn't. He was white, Jo's white, my adoptive family is white, and while she was alive, she hated them all.

Dad and I flew down for the funeral; we were almost the only ones who attended it. I paid for the thing. But we didn't even go to the interment, because I didn't want to. She gave me life but didn't protect me from my father. Even so, I've been depressed because now, like my father, I can't fix what's broken between us. If there is an afterlife, maybe I can have the opportunity to forgive them. Perhaps they can try to make it better.

Anyway, I've had some rough weeks with writing since then. I've written only dark stuff I can't publish here.

I'm about to drink my third cup of caffeinated tea. Does anyone want to join me? Irish Cream, without adding cream or any sweet stuff.
I'd sit the table with you, if it helps. And I'm sure everyone else here would, too.
You can talk it out here all you want, Millie.

In Detroit and the women are all in the next room talking wedding. The guys are here on phones. It's quieter here.
The Aurora Borealis is putting on a show around here. We stopped outside the restaurant after dinner and I got this shot from the parking lot:


I could have done better from a darker location, and there were lots of people out watching the aurora from dark areas here in suburban Detroit. Might see it again tonight.
The coffee's a little mild this morning -- at least by my standards. The AirBnB came with a Nespresso machine and a few Starbucks pods, but all but two of the pods were 7-oz espresso pods, and they're gone now. We borrowed a coffee maker from my niece's SO and I made the coffee, so there's no-one else to blame.

We bought Tim Horton's coffee. They don't sell it at home, and I've never had it before. Is it supposed to be good?
So does Tim know you pinched his coffee?

The Aurora Australis has also been lighting up the skies here. We're lucky that we're on the southern coast, and relatively dark. Just wish the best skies weren't at 3am.
Timmy's coffee (and here I draw a veil over my face to hid my identify so I don't get nationalistic hate mail) is about average. Personally, if I have to go for a mass-market brand, I'll buy McDonald's dark roast.
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Had breakfast out with a friend this morning. Conversation was positive and lively, but the coffee... ugh. You know, the kind of stuff so thick and bitter you have to rush home to clean your mouth out with a paint scraper.
My mum buys a coffee from Angeleno's called Breakfast Blend, which Dad hates. He says it's just Maxwell House, and he hates Maxwell House. He says Nasty Bitter to the Last Drop!
Had breakfast out with a friend this morning. Conversation was positive and lively, but the coffee... ugh. You know, the kind of stuff so thick and bitter you have to rush home to clean your mouth out with a paint scraper.
Timmy's coffee (and here I draw a veil over my face to hid my identify so I don't get nationalistic hatemail) is about average. Personally, if I have to go for a mass-market brand, I'll buy McDonald's dark roast.
I made the coffee weak. I'll use more grounds tomorrow and give it a better test.
Hey @Duleigh

How's things looking over there?
Working on a Sci-fi novel
It started out as a prequel to my Captain Scarlett series, an origin story to the Legend of Captain Scarlett but it went from story, to novella, and is now verging on the edge of Novel and my muse won't let go! I'm shouting at my muse, begging for a break:

"MUSE! LET ME GO! I HAVE A NEW RASPBERRY PI TO PLAY WITH!" and my muse gently tells me, "What if Captain Scarlett's parents actually made the virus that is threatening the Martian colonies?"

"MUSE! THAT DEMANDS A REWRITE OF EVERYTHING!" and my muse gently tells me, "And what if Captain Scarlett's mysterious handler that's feeding him information is actually his sister on earth?

And so it goes...
Okay. I'll admit it. I very rarely have sexy dreams. Even when my LitE characters show-up in my sleep, it's about daily life, not the fun stuff. Part two of this is I don't care for New York-based sitcoms like Seinfeld and Friends. I find dwelling on the constant parade of neuroses annoying.

That said, I had a strong (and obviously memorable) dream last night about participating in an orgy featuring the Seinfeld characters. WTF, as in where in the hell did that come from? It's sort of disturbing, actually. And not something I'm going to write fan-fic about, that's for sure.

Reaction to my meds, maybe? No, I've been taking this stuff for a year. Puzzled.
What really has me scratching my head is Julia Louis-Dreyfus is nowhere near "my type". Yet there she was. Ugh.

Sounds like a two-margarita lunch is in order, but unfortunately I have other commitments this afternoon. ๐Ÿคช
Sounds like a two-margarita lunch is in order, but unfortunately I have other commitments this afternoon. ๐Ÿคช
For my active patients on the go, I prescribe
Take four and call me in the morning
I may not be a real doctor, but I play one in my head
Beautiful day here, 80ยฐ and sunny. I even washed the truck. This is the best time of the year down here, it's not too hot, hurricanes are about blown out, and the snowbirds are starting to head south with full wallets.
We might be looking at our first frost Wednesday morning. C has snipped the cuttings from her coleus just in time, and lined them up along the window sill in the bathroom.

Last spring, and despite C's pleading to put "that stuff" away for the summer, I never quite got around to closeting the heap of coats, sweatshirts, and windbreakers hanging on the coat rack in the entry. So all I had to do this morning to meet with a contractor was grab one as I flew out the door. "How convenient!" I joked to C. She just scowled.
Mid - October, which means summer is coming, which means the winter comp is on it's way. Anybody keen on stepping up and duleighing a copy/paste on a previous years support thread?