The Big Kahuna

glad to see you back TBK. missed ya bro! i only hope you had a fantastic time away. however...

TBKahuna123 said:
You ever have one of those vacations where all you do is work? :cool:
is this any way to talk about sex? :D
ggoof said:
So if there was no mountain sex, what about shocking the family then?
When you were a teenager did you ever make out with a girl(or boy) as quietly as possible becasue your parents were asleep in the next room? Let's just say it brought back some fond memories. But why, oh why did they have to put the sqeaky matress int he guest room? :rolleyes:

I think we're way past shocking the family, we already have a habit of doing that. A few years ago we went home and had the house to ourselves(we thought). So we really get into it, my wife is shall we say vocal at times, so we were grateful for the empty house. We finish, my folks come home and my dad introduces me to a friend of his. Apparently though, unbeknownst to us, this friend had been in the basement working in my dad's shop all evening. I don't know who was more embarassed, him or me. My wife, bless her heart, just busted out laughing and had to leave the room. No shame I tell you. :cool:

The best one though was when we went home last year. One early morning we woke up a little frisky and next thing you know my wife is going down on me. That's when my mom walked in to ask if we wanted anything for breakfast. Interesting...this visit she never came into our room without knocking. :D

You know, it's funny, but when you are in a situation like that I seem to forget that we've been married for 12 years. It still feels like my parents shouldn't know we're having sex next door! Silly, but true I guess. Too many years of sneaking aroudn trying to be quiet. :rolleyes:
TBKahuna123 said:
Well, I don't want to say my wife is high maintenance, but... :cool:
don't you dare even THINK it mister. i'm sure your wife is a fine, wonderful woman.

love your "shock the family" stories... roflmao!
ggoof said:
great avatar silver. Has MWY seen it, yet?
Thanks in large part (now there's a dose of irony for you) to EJ's av, MWY prefers to keep avatars turned off.
midwestyankee said:
Thanks in large part (now there's a dose of irony for you) to EJ's av, MWY prefers to keep avatars turned off.
*sticks tongue out in MWY's general direction*
midwestyankee said:
Thanks in large part (now there's a dose of irony for you) to EJ's av, MWY prefers to keep avatars turned off.

rofl :)
TBKahuna123 said:
When ... ... ... ...

Your posts alone make it worth while being on lit. I have to admit I'm a big fan of your humor. I'm looking forward to drink a wine (or chew a table with you) at the welcome party.
EJFan said:
ok... i have no clue for certain but i'd suspect that TBK's comin' back very soon. so everyone crowd into the kitchen. i'm gonna turn out the lights and when he comes in we all yell "surprise," ok?

and, uh, ed... i don't think the first thing tbk wants to see when he gets back is you in a leather speedo. put some pants on bro. :D

What? ed in a Speedo and I missed it? Oh, ed honey... :D

Welcome home, TBK. :)
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ggoof: thanks! some guys on another board i frequent put it together for me. :>

EJ: um...leather speedo?

[looks around nervously]

have you been peeking in my bedroom again?

no no no, that was a frighteningly-close-to-underage squeaking. :D


P.S. I hate all of you, especially in that I-don't-really-hate-you-but-find-you-hilarious-sort-of-way. :D
Are you trying to make me hurt you? Because I am not afraid to use asterix and cyber kick your ass!
o really? you and what army, sweetie? or are you gonna call in the yeti feet for this one?

[tickles bi until she squeaks repeatedly]

