The Big Question

The girls are dressing that way to get noticed. Plain and simple. They have no idea what to do with a man once they get him, hence the look of "disgust". They want the attention, they want the looks, but they don't want the guy.

You don't mention ages, but it's easy to discern the age of the girls involved. Hell, I did the same thing. It's an awkward time in a girl's life and the fact of men looking on appreciatively tells her she is attractive. That's all. Nothing more. If they were truly as "disgusted" as the look implies, they would leave - and fast. By virtue of the fact they hang around, walking back and forth, they are looking for that affirmation that they are attractive and sexually desirable. They are practicing the fine art of teasing without knowing that they are teasing. Make sense?

And men? Hell, men look. Always have, always will. If they don't want to deal with the disgusted looks, it's simple. Admire the women walking by and leave the girls to their strutting. Um, nah, I don't think that's gonna happen either! :)
SexyChele said:

You don't mention ages, but it's easy to discern the age of the girls involved....

Most of my time is spent on a University campus the girls in question generally range from 17 to 25. The women that go to school here strut their stuff also, but have a different reaction.

Most of the guys are students, but some are faculty and staff. There not hanging under the shade scratching their balls, they are staying out of the no-smoking areas.
BlackSnake said:
Women like you get and deserve the most respect. Of the two differences I would see a woman like you being carried around on the shoulders of men none of which would try for the cheap feel on the ass, the other however could easily be a victim of "I'll show that bitch..."


Thank you and you are entirely correct. I can also flirt and exchange witty comments without offending the male. They generally leave me with a smile and a freely given hug and a kiss on the cheek from me, if I feel it appropriate. There is always a way to gracefully exit a situation if one thinks about it.

*chuckling* I have to say you are right. I have actually been carried on the shoulders of men without one of them ever even giving a sign that they would want to cop a feel so to speak. One of them who was my college professor actually asked me for a date as he helped me down from my classmates shoulders. (I went back to college at age 37!) He also looked beyond my handicap to the person I am and that got him a resounding yes and a smile that he knew was very real.

Quite a few women have asked me how I have so many friends who are male and who do not "manhandle" me in any way. I tend to be able to socialize with both sexes but when I hang out with my guy friends...they don't treat me any different nor do they speak any different when I am around either. I simply tell them that treating people and that means all people in the same way with respect, honesty, trust and logic will go much further than treating them like shit because of their sex or comments.

*shrug* "Girls" on the other hand haven't figured it out yet. Some women try to say that my being handicapped is why. That's when I tend to simply let them be and let them think what they want because they really don't want to know anyways. (I didn't become handicapped until my late 30's) So as for the "hottie gazing"...go for it...please don't stop!! Smile at them because they will really wonder and perhaps one of those "hotties" will have enough brains to come over and ask you why you are smiling and thereby giving you another opportunity to meet some very luscious ladies. How's that for advice eh?? *smiles*

The whole scene where a woman tells a man to go to hell, and he smiles and says to his friends "oh, yeah - she WANTS me!", reminds me of the classic scene in Pride & Prejudice, when that thick-headed mr what's-his-name, who became a priest, refuses to understand when Lizzie says "no, I don't want to marry you", and insists that she must be saying so only because she doesn't want to seem to eager...:rolleyes:

What part of "no" is so difficult for these guys to understand?

I'm home. I'm finally together with my kitty, whom I haven't seen for a whole week (she's so fat she looks like a furry piglet - what has mum been feeding her???), and I've got my Ootp. Well, actually, I don't, because my best friend has borrowed it from me.

I feel cold-hearted and bitchy and amused... :devil:
MathGirl said:
How nice for you. Whazzat?


Order of the Phoenix I'll be betting on. LOL Did you enjoy it Svens?? I read it in one sitting although I will admit to having one sore ass afterwards!!

*looking around for a blast-ended screwt to sick on OneGoddess...*

Don't... call... me... Sven! Please?

*eyes rolling wildly*
Re: Re: Re: The Big Question

BlackSnake said:
I love the explination, except for the last bit.

I've seen who have stopped in full conversation at the site of an attractive woman, and then react strongly to an unspoken dismissal. Something along the lines of "Well, fuck you to bitch!"

I'm not talking about those guys, nor the guys who act like the dog on the cartoon who's eyes bug out and tongues roll out like a red carpet.

I'm talking about the regular joe who see something that catches his attention. Like the sound of heels on a hard floor. I've seen many guy's head snap around at that one even if the woman is no where in sight. Yup, I'm guilt too.

My thought to ladies is that some guys are going to look even if there's nothing but ankle showing. Expect it. You don't have to be mean about it.

Reason: Some guys get hurt by that crap, and I hate hearing about fuses being lit over bullshit.

To address the she deserved it because of what she was wearing. I willing to bet that wasn't the reason. I willing to bet in some of the cases, some babe some where told him "Fuck off creap"

Okay just thinking further here...

You're saying that for example, a woman walks along the road and she's in good fit physical health, right?

You'd watch her walk and maybe smile a little because she looks good, right?

She'd turn and see you looking at her and notice that most likely you enjoyed looking at her, right?

Maybe you'd wolf whistle, or maybe you'd grin a little wider, right? Or perhaps make a low voiced comment to a mate sitting beside you, right?

With me so far?

Now, if she turned and saw you looking at her, she would assume you are 'staring', she would assume that any conversation you were having whilst still looking at her would automatically be about her, she could assume that any look, hand movement, comment, etc would be about her - if you were still looking at her whilst doing it.

It's not just your thoughts that a woman can see, it's the entire body language. One small movement that doesn't sit right with her, will make her think you're staring at her because you only want one thing from her.

This is particularly noticable when there is a group of men sitting together.

If there is only one man, then the 'animal instinct to mate' is not too difficult to handle. It's when there's more than one that a 'pack instinct' is conveyed to the woman.

Make sense.

(aside to Weird Harold - god, i see what you mean!!! it took me a while to figure that out.)
Svenskaflicka said:
*looking around for a blast-ended screwt to sick on OneGoddess...*

Don't... call... me... Sven! Please?

*eyes rolling wildly*

*chuckling* I meant no offense Svenskaflicka...although I would like to point out I did use the "s" and I do realize that what I used is a guys name and was playing with words in using the plural. Never meant to offend. My apologies.

*sitting calmly petting her hippogriff and idly waving her wand at the keyboard whilst sipping tea*

Yes, I think HP is a good read and am looking forward to the next one already :)
*Attempting to steer thread back on topic...*

Black Snake, I'm just a little confused. Are you saying that girls dressed like that should not look at the men in a disgusted way? Do you feel that the girls should be more friendly? Or at least open to conversation?

I don't quite think I'm catching where you want to go with this.
I still think that my first response holds water. We dress to look our best before we go where we're going, and then we hear guys calling and whistling as we walk by, and we turn around to look at them, and if we don't like the guys calling after us, for whatever reason, then we'll show that we're not interested.

You really don't think that girls should be GRATEFUL for attention from guys they don't want attention from, do you???
Re: Re: Re: Re: The Big Question

wildsweetone said:

...Now, if she turned and saw you looking at her, she would assume you are 'staring', she would assume that any conversation you were having whilst still looking at her would automatically be about her, she could assume that any look, hand movement, comment, etc would be about her - if you were still looking at her whilst doing it.

It's not just your thoughts that a woman can see, it's the entire body language. One small movement that doesn't sit right with her, will make her think you're staring at her because you only want one thing from her.


Again you make great since. I do wonder why the guys just look. I say hey, and say a quick truth to see if I should be on my way or have an opportunity to utter another sentence.

No lines, just truths:

"It's ok to smile yah know"


"I was walking up and saw you, I knew I was staring, so I thought I better come over here and speak, so I wouldn't feel like a jerk"

"I had to come over and speak otherwise I would never forgive myself"

Things I've said, because it's too hard to make up something.

O' and "nice shoes" - I did get that one from a movie. :devil:

I'm not into holding up walks, I would dance by myself. Glad I don't have to though.
I think the only one of those lines that would work with me would be "nice shoes", especially if it was uttered in a gay way. The others would just make my lunch come up.
SexyChele said:
*Attempting to steer thread back on topic...*

Black Snake, I'm just a little confused. Are you saying that girls dressed like that should not look at the men in a disgusted way? Do you feel that the girls should be more friendly? Or at least open to conversation?

I don't quite think I'm catching where you want to go with this.

I'm not saying that a girl has to speak, or anything even if she was butt-ass naked with toys hanging out her butt.

I'm saying that, they don't have to speak, but why be hateful when there is no need.

RUDE people suck

Svenskaflicka said:
I think the only one of those lines that would work with me would be "nice shoes", especially if it was uttered in a gay way. The others would just make my lunch come up.

Nithe shoes sweetieee!!

Do you know, I woke this morning feeling like a new man, couldn't find one anywhere.
Svenskaflicka said:
I think the only one of those lines that would work with me would be "nice shoes", especially if it was uttered in a gay way. The others would just make my lunch come up.

Some how, I doubt that's true. It's the way I talk. I haven't had anyone to be really rube to me. rolling their eyes and such. I'm not afraid to say hey, because it doesn't cost me anything. Neither do a smile or a wave. Yup, still wave at people when I past them. Momma said so.

I'm not looking to gain on this campus, I have way to much access to student information. My job is a safe one.
BlackSnake said:
I'm not saying that a girl has to speak, or anything even if she was butt-ass naked with toys hanging out her butt.

I'm saying that, they don't have to speak, but why be hateful when there is no need.

RUDE people suck

But if she doesn't show her dislike when guys shout vulgar words/sounds after her, they'll continue this.

Without even checking any statistics, I dare guess that a clear majority of women do NOT like having guys shout stuff like "Hey, baby, wants some fries with that shake?"

Act like a jerk, get treated like a jerk.
The Pride of Prejudices

Svenskaflicka said:
T. . . reminds me of the classic scene in Pride & Prejudice, when that thick-headed mr what's-his-name, who became a priest, refuses to understand when Lizzie says "no, I don't want to marry you"...:rolleyes:


Mr. Collins!

How could you possibly forget the indomitable Mr. Collins?


PS: Your PM is Full.
Haven't read the book in ages. :eek: OK, I'll go take care of the PM problem.

Oh, BS! I really DO dislike lines and clichées. One guy showed up at my door, saying that our eyes had met in town earlier that day, and he felt that "there was something special between us"...

Gee, I didn't know guys read Barbara Cartland...:rolleyes:
Svenskaflicka said:
But if she doesn't show her dislike when guys shout vulgar words/sounds after her, they'll continue this.

Without even checking any statistics, I dare guess that a clear majority of women do NOT like having guys shout stuff like "Hey, baby, wants some fries with that shake?"

Act like a jerk, get treated like a jerk.

lol, I've heard guys talk about saying some stupid shit like that, but I never heard one actually say it. That's a good one.

There are at least some social guidance people seem to follow, or fear not to follow around here. Over all, the campus is actually a good place to hang out. I wish I had less going on.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Big Question

BlackSnake said:
Again you make great since. I do wonder why the guys just look. I say hey, and say a quick truth to see if I should be on my way or have an opportunity to utter another sentence.

No lines, just truths:

"It's ok to smile yah know"


"I was walking up and saw you, I knew I was staring, so I thought I better come over here and speak, so I wouldn't feel like a jerk"

"I had to come over and speak otherwise I would never forgive myself"

Things I've said, because it's too hard to make up something.

O' and "nice shoes" - I did get that one from a movie. :devil:

I'm not into holding up walks, I would dance by myself. Glad I don't have to though.


A male by himself might just look without speaking because he feels 'unequal' to the female.

A group of guys would be more inclined to indicate their awareness of the female - again a kind of 'pack instinct' or 'peer pressure' - than a single male on his own.

Peer pressure and societal dogma has a great deal to answer for in our world.

Not all men are comfortable with 'who they are' to the point of laying themselves open to rejection.
Svenskaflicka said:
Haven't read the book in ages. :eek: OK, I'll go take care of the PM problem.

Oh, BS! I really DO dislike lines and clichées. One guy showed up at my door, saying that our eyes had met in town earlier that day, and he felt that "there was something special between us"...

Gee, I didn't know guys read Barbara Cartland...:rolleyes:

I'm more like: Hey, I saw you and I've been going all over looking for you. I'm B****** are you scared yet. (Would never chase a girl down- I still have a little bit of an ego).