The Big Question

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Big Question

wildsweetone said:

Not all men are comfortable with 'who they are' to the point of laying themselves open to rejection.

What the hell, rejection? If you don't want you feelings hurt you would keep them in your pocket.
OK serious head back on

Most women and teen girls dress to the modern fashion whatever that may be, and because they want to look nice and feel good about themselves. Maybe they want hubby/BF to feel proud of them.

They stand and look in the mirror before going out and think, 'nice, yes that's the style'.

They don't dress to be whistled at and hear obscene remarks made behind their back as they pass, they don't look in the mirror thinking 'God I'll pull today, and get some nice whistles' (Well some might, but a minority).

I personally have never nor would I ever lower myself to the red neck level of whistling and cat-calling after girls/women, I would embarrass myself doing so never mind the recipient of the verbal abuse.

Having said this however, there will always be the red neck macho men with their brain in their dick who will perform these manly tasks of whistling and shouting abuse, takes all sorts.
Most think they are impressing their friends by doing so.

There will also always be my type of more sedate letcher, hehe!!, I must admit to casting a glance, (more than a glance sometimes) in the direction of pretty girls and ladies, and why not, they want us to, but a glance only, not a full blown stare or the silly whistles.
I have had some of the sweetest dick twitching smiles from girls who've caught me looking, they prefer it that way.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Big Question

BlackSnake said:
What the hell, rejection? If you don't want you feelings hurt you would keep them in your pocket.

WSO had said: Not all men are comfortable with 'who they are' to the point of laying themselves open to rejection.

BS had said: I do wonder why the guys just look.

It was just a thought on my part as to why 'guys just look', that's all dear. Nothing more. :)

It's interesting isn't it, the different perspectives that are coming to light since your first posting? A real indication of the differences amongst not only males and females, but also between the same sexes.

We'll all gain a huge amount if we can stay respectful and openminded. :)
WSO: you really are a sweet heart; glad you're wild too.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Big Question

We'll all gain a huge amount if we can stay respectful and openminded. :) [/B]

I apologize if I came off as militant and bitchy but, BlackSnake, all you addressed out of those 2 responses I'd made, were the portions that were intended to display those traits. Why didn't you apologize for the offensive way you'd described how you would treat the young ladies in question? I don't see being "slapped up side the head" as anything but threatening and unneccessarily violent towards women, even if it is JUST A FIGURE OF SPEECH, much like my own Lorena remark.

I am on a very northern campus, most of the scholastic year is too freakin' cold to dress provocatively and hang out in the shade grabbing a smoke; hearkening back to your first post. Your scenario is less likely to occur here. There has been enough co-ed rape and abuse in the news in recent years that all faculty advisors and campus police officers advise against dressing in the manner you've described and they also discourage groups of men to cluster about busy pathways.

Another thing I'd like to address is why should I have to be careful if I dress in shorts and a short top? That's scary to think I cannot without the possibility of some man thinking I'm a snob who should get slapped up side the head because I wrinkled my nose at the cigarette smoke coming out his nose...

'Nuff said?

My Scribbles
Thanks Perdita, I seem to have an urge to 'do my bit for the good of mankind' still not quite under control *grin*

Tone on the internet is very very difficult to get across. There are ample smilies etc to place everywhere on our posts to help convey our tone and there's tons of ways of letting other know we're not meaning to sound 'nasty'. Doing the *hugs* or *smooch* thing can help too.

If we all re-read our posts and discern (privately) where we inserted our own 'tone' into another authors posting, then we might shed a little light on how the room temperature rose.

This has the potential to be a hugely interesting topic of discussion, and as an author and party to the interesting psychy (how the hell do you spell that word?) of humankind, I'd like to keep the discussion going. :)

BlackSnake has raised a really interesting point. It made me sit and think seriously about Antecedents, Behaviour and Consequences, a subject that I deal with constantly as a teacher not only of special needs children but also others. That it relates to adults enhances my interest.

It also relates to how I observe other people. I can sit and write a factual observation that covers everything from limb movement to eye movement over a ten minute period and miss nothing out of what happens.

It's a good scenario to imagine, what do a group of men look like when they are sitting together? How do they sit? Where are their hands? Do they make eye contact?

When a physically fit woman walks past, what do the men do with their eyes? Do they look at her directly? Do they look at each other directly, or do they pretend they didn't notice her? Does it depend on who else is sitting in the group with them? eg, if there was a Church Minister sitting at the next table, would they make vocal comments about the woman?

Do you see what I mean? This has the potential to be really interesting, especially because we are writers.

Svenskaflicka said:
I still think there are too many ***'s. Are you sure you spelled that correctly?


You da man pops. I do understand that women wish that some of the boys would grow up. But, like not all women are not out to get hit on, not all guys are out to hit on them.

I'm not saying that a woman should have to take any crap from any man, I'm saying that not all men are out to give them crap.