The Bunny Thread

Just a :heart: and a :nana:


I like the honesty of "I'm not going to be ok for a long time".

Shows remarkable self awareness.

Thanks, y'all. I take things hard and don't get over them easily. I know this about myself.

It's so fucking hard. It really is. Hang on until it's easier.

I'm kind of partial to this, and especially the last line for you:



Stopping in to say hey to Bun Bun

Hey there, sweets.

Bunny...DGE speaks truth.
This is not to say that living through this pain is not hard. It is. And it's gonna be.
Keep plodding forward. Be kind to yourself.
Try not to drink too much.
It WILL get easier. I know it doesn't feel like it now. But it will. Honest.


I so wanna kick this guy's ass for Bunny.
But that would probably get him in the hospital, me in jail and Bunny more upset.

The sentiment is there though. :heart:

You want his address?


Hugs for you Bun-miester.

I've looked in from time to time on you here.

I wish I had, or anyone had, anything that would wrap this up and make it all better for you. I do.

Quite a few folks here have some good words and fine feelings here for you. Lean on them, on us.

As an aside, Azul has a really great voice, may be he can be convinced to do a happy song for us all? And not the Barney song like last time, eh?

Get it all out, dear.

You are doing the best you can. :rose:


Thank you so much.

I prolly dont belong on this thread, but its interesting. I am in no position to give anyone advice, but lemme tell U a story of me and my woman. I became a widower suddenly, at 69. Met her on dating site; she had been widowed and dating for 14 years. A mismatch. We travelled, loved it, took her all over USA and to Paris, where she broke a hip. She travels well, is sexy, pretty, and not a mean bone in her. In March 2016, she "set me free." But, I had a trip to Germany booked, and wanted her to see Europe a bit. Did it, got back about a year ago, and decided she needed to see Ireland. Did it in April, now still breaking up. There isnt any sex; I am unfit for a commitment.

I am determined to be her friend; and we still date. I talk, email, txt or chat on IM daily. I keep in touch with my friend. She is hurt more than me, but I wont go away. In many ways we are good for each other. I keep thinking, why cant she have a friend? Her kids hate my guts, of course. So now, on a date, we sneak around so as to hide from her kids; which is funny as hell. I should write a note, and ask if its OK for a friend to take granny on a roadtrip, if I promise not to fuck her.

The point: she was a friend first. Excellent character and personality. I think you are lucky to be rid of this selfish bozo. You are young, the world is a big place and your dating pool.Lit is a peach. I suspect you did not pick well. I think the reason B and I are so close is that we are, and shall remain, dear friends. Maybe we are both fools, but we do for each other, and every man needs a lady friend with whom to share.

I never pick well, tbh. I have terrible taste in men. Women, too, for that matter. Thank you for sharing your story.

It seemed to me that it was built for female Litsters, after I read it a bit.

It's not, I promise.
I'll echo dacoach's sentiments. I don't belong in here, nor do I presume to have answers for anyone, but I think what he said rings true. Chemistry and physical compatability are important, but if it's going to last, you need something more profound as a foundation. Those that would so casually cast aside the affection and adoration of others without a second glance, never deserved them in the first place. You got invested in the wrong person and didn't realize it until they showed their true colors. It happens to the best of us.

As for feeling like you're being dramatic or not getting better, and having issues dealing with switching back and forth between hate and love... So what. Did someone tell you that you can't? This is yours. You do whatever you need to and deal with it however you want. You can't just turn emotions like that off because the situation has changed, and anyone who would tell you to forget him or get over it, obviously isn't aware of their own privilege, so who gives a shit what they think. Be tragic, be dramatic, be hurt, be pissed, there's nothing wrong with it. Internalizing, quietly self destructing, slapping hands offered away, going out with a whimper and shutting down, those are the wrong ways to handle it. None of which are what you're doing. This thread is evidence of that.

Realize the difference between mourning the way you wanted things to be, and mourning the reality of what was. When you lose something you thought was good, it's easy to romanticize it into being something to be placed on a pedestal. But, if it truly was, then how did it get here? Not seeing and not wanting to see are two vastly different things, especially when we are imposed upon and only able to recognize red flags in hindsight. In my experience, once you've traveled every avenue and examined it inside and out, you'll realize that you didn't deserve this. That exhale will feel good. You will come out the other side eventually, just can't see it yet.
Hello Bunny. I know I'm not in your circle of friends, but I wanted to check in. I've been away, so I had a bit of catching up to do....oh boy.

As to your ex and new male friend being best friends; I don't believe in coincidence. People make connections, and whether conscious or not, these 2 men are in your life. I'm sure at some point Mr. Asshole told his friend about you, maybe not by name, but at least that you existed. And if you are traveling in the same fetish circles, it may have been inevitable to run into the friend. Was this an evil master plan to further hurt you? I don't know. But be extra careful, protect yourself at all costs, and if things seem hinkey....bail.

As to the living situation; I have lived with my parents off and on over the last decade, sometimes for my benefit, sometimes for theirs. It is never easy. But setting clear boundaries early is much easier than trying to do so later on. Let your dad know that YOU need space in YOUR home, too.

As to the relationship; I know it's not easy moving on. I've fucked up and been hurt more times than I can count. I've tried booze, sex, anything to escape the pain. But then, when I was at my lowest, I found some that loves me for me. I know it won't be a cakewalk.....but there is hope. And you have friends, like cookie, Fara, elle, Azul, DGE...You are NOT alone, and you will get thru this...:rose::kiss:
I'll echo dacoach's sentiments. I don't belong in here, nor do I presume to have answers for anyone, but I think what he said rings true. Chemistry and physical compatability are important, but if it's going to last, you need something more profound as a foundation. Those that would so casually cast aside the affection and adoration of others without a second glance, never deserved them in the first place. You got invested in the wrong person and didn't realize it until they showed their true colors. It happens to the best of us.

As for feeling like you're being dramatic or not getting better, and having issues dealing with switching back and forth between hate and love... So what. Did someone tell you that you can't? This is yours. You do whatever you need to and deal with it however you want. You can't just turn emotions like that off because the situation has changed, and anyone who would tell you to forget him or get over it, obviously isn't aware of their own privilege, so who gives a shit what they think. Be tragic, be dramatic, be hurt, be pissed, there's nothing wrong with it. Internalizing, quietly self destructing, slapping hands offered away, going out with a whimper and shutting down, those are the wrong ways to handle it. None of which are what you're doing. This thread is evidence of that.

Realize the difference between mourning the way you wanted things to be, and mourning the reality of what was. When you lose something you thought was good, it's easy to romanticize it into being something to be placed on a pedestal. But, if it truly was, then how did it get here? Not seeing and not wanting to see are two vastly different things, especially when we are imposed upon and only able to recognize red flags in hindsight. In my experience, once you've traveled every avenue and examined it inside and out, you'll realize that you didn't deserve this. That exhale will feel good. You will come out the other side eventually, just can't see it yet.

I needed to hear this. :rose:

Hello Bunny. I know I'm not in your circle of friends, but I wanted to check in. I've been away, so I had a bit of catching up to do....oh boy.

As to your ex and new male friend being best friends; I don't believe in coincidence. People make connections, and whether conscious or not, these 2 men are in your life. I'm sure at some point Mr. Asshole told his friend about you, maybe not by name, but at least that you existed. And if you are traveling in the same fetish circles, it may have been inevitable to run into the friend. Was this an evil master plan to further hurt you? I don't know. But be extra careful, protect yourself at all costs, and if things seem hinkey....bail.

As to the living situation; I have lived with my parents off and on over the last decade, sometimes for my benefit, sometimes for theirs. It is never easy. But setting clear boundaries early is much easier than trying to do so later on. Let your dad know that YOU need space in YOUR home, too.

As to the relationship; I know it's not easy moving on. I've fucked up and been hurt more times than I can count. I've tried booze, sex, anything to escape the pain. But then, when I was at my lowest, I found some that loves me for me. I know it won't be a cakewalk.....but there is hope. And you have friends, like cookie, Fara, elle, Azul, DGE...You are NOT alone, and you will get thru this...:rose::kiss:

Thank you so much. :rose:


Hang in there creepy fairie.

It gets less difficult with time.

Does it? I hope so.

Thank you. :rose:
Ok, first of all, I just want to say that if this thread has made anyone feel unwelcome, I'm really, really sorry. That wasn't my intent. Anybody is welcome to post here, even if we've never spoken before. I just wanted to make sure that was clear. I love all of you for caring enough to read. :heart:

Secondly, it's interesting that friendship has come up a couple of times in the last few posts. It's something I've been thinking about, too.

I honestly thought that he and I were friends. Unconventional friends, sure, but friends. And that's one reason it hurts so much. Not only does he not want me as a sub, but he also doesn't even want me as a friend. He got what he wanted from me, and then he was done.

I'm so tired of not ever being good enough.
Ok, first of all, I just want to say that if this thread has made anyone feel unwelcome, I'm really, really sorry. That wasn't my intent. Anybody is welcome to post here, even if we've never spoken before. I just wanted to make sure that was clear. I love all of you for caring enough to read. :heart:

Secondly, it's interesting that friendship has come up a couple of times in the last few posts. It's something I've been thinking about, too.

I honestly thought that he and I were friends. Unconventional friends, sure, but friends. And that's one reason it hurts so much. Not only does he not want me as a sub, but he also doesn't even want me as a friend. He got what he wanted from me, and then he was done.

I'm so tired of not ever being good enough.

You are.
He may not think so, but you are.
I know it's easy to tell someone else that, and really hard to truly believe. I still don't believe I'm worth love at times...which hurts the person who does love me.
He's great, and I'm working on it. Healing takes time.

The thing that killed me the most with my ex was when the friendship ended. Even without the sex, I would have held on. If he talked to me. If he wanted to hold my hand. Be a companion. Walk by my side. He didn't want any of it.
You know it's over when the pet names stop.

I haven't loved him like that in years, but the friendship part still left a big hole.
Its so funny..

You are.
He may not think so, but you are.
I know it's easy to tell someone else that, and really hard to truly believe. I still don't believe I'm worth love at times...which hurts the person who does love me.
He's great, and I'm working on it. Healing takes time.

The thing that killed me the most with my ex was when the friendship ended. Even without the sex, I would have held on. If he talked to me. If he wanted to hold my hand. Be a companion. Walk by my side. He didn't want any of it.
You know it's over when the pet names stop.

I haven't loved him like that in years, but the friendship part still left a big hole.

My x lover B has decided to tell her kids that we are friends. I ended the romance since it wasnt right for her. So, still dating.
I'm so tired of not ever being good enough.

Bunny, you are good enough.
You need to believe that for yourself first though.

I don't say this much, but I'm not just some overly positive goofball that hugs and kisses everyone in sight. I believe in people. I believe in the people that allow me to do goofy shit like that to try to brighten up their day. Truth is you are a treasure.

Remember the PM chat we had soon after you started this thread and we talked about comic books and stuff? I do. I spoke to an intelligent, cool badass of a woman that night about stuff. I chatted with a person who deserves better than she has. And a person worthy to be cared for. Cared for not only by Lit friends on here, but by others as well.

I get it. It sucks right now. It doesn't mean it's gonna stay that way. You'll get through this minor crap because it is all small stuff in the grand scheme of things and you'll find something to laugh about. That asshole isn't worthy of your time or your tears.

I'm gonna hold my arms out in a hug for you. You know you can get hugs from me whenever you want. You can also tell me to fuck off also. The thing is, it's your choice just like choosing to wake up every morning is a choice. It sucks now, but it will get better. :heart:
You are.
He may not think so, but you are.
I know it's easy to tell someone else that, and really hard to truly believe. I still don't believe I'm worth love at times...which hurts the person who does love me.
He's great, and I'm working on it. Healing takes time.

The thing that killed me the most with my ex was when the friendship ended. Even without the sex, I would have held on. If he talked to me. If he wanted to hold my hand. Be a companion. Walk by my side. He didn't want any of it.
You know it's over when the pet names stop.

I haven't loved him like that in years, but the friendship part still left a big hole.

I understand this so well.

My x lover B has decided to tell her kids that we are friends. I ended the romance since it wasnt right for her. So, still dating.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Bunny, you are good enough.
You need to believe that for yourself first though.

I don't say this much, but I'm not just some overly positive goofball that hugs and kisses everyone in sight. I believe in people. I believe in the people that allow me to do goofy shit like that to try to brighten up their day. Truth is you are a treasure.

Remember the PM chat we had soon after you started this thread and we talked about comic books and stuff? I do. I spoke to an intelligent, cool badass of a woman that night about stuff. I chatted with a person who deserves better than she has. And a person worthy to be cared for. Cared for not only by Lit friends on here, but by others as well.

I get it. It sucks right now. It doesn't mean it's gonna stay that way. You'll get through this minor crap because it is all small stuff in the grand scheme of things and you'll find something to laugh about. That asshole isn't worthy of your time or your tears.

I'm gonna hold my arms out in a hug for you. You know you can get hugs from me whenever you want. You can also tell me to fuck off also. The thing is, it's your choice just like choosing to wake up every morning is a choice. It sucks now, but it will get better. :heart:


Thank you. It really does suck. And it's not getting any better. I know I lived through 33 years without the bastard, but the next 33 look pretty fucking bleak from where I'm standing.

I'd also just like to say that it pleases me how many people all over the world think this small-town shithead is an asshole. I wish he knew how widely he's reviled. ;)
Bunny, you are good enough.
You need to believe that for yourself first though.

I don't say this much, but I'm not just some overly positive goofball that hugs and kisses everyone in sight. I believe in people. I believe in the people that allow me to do goofy shit like that to try to brighten up their day. Truth is you are a treasure.

Remember the PM chat we had soon after you started this thread and we talked about comic books and stuff? I do. I spoke to an intelligent, cool badass of a woman that night about stuff. I chatted with a person who deserves better than she has. And a person worthy to be cared for. Cared for not only by Lit friends on here, but by others as well.

I get it. It sucks right now. It doesn't mean it's gonna stay that way. You'll get through this minor crap because it is all small stuff in the grand scheme of things and you'll find something to laugh about. That asshole isn't worthy of your time or your tears.

I'm gonna hold my arms out in a hug for you. You know you can get hugs from me whenever you want. You can also tell me to fuck off also. The thing is, it's your choice just like choosing to wake up every morning is a choice. It sucks now, but it will get better. :heart:

Bunny, listen to this man. He is wise beyond his years, has a heart the size of Texas, and is a good friend to one and all. I am so glad that I met this blue dragon, and he is one of the reasons I keep coming back. He's here for you, as are so many others. You ARE loved, you ARE wanted, you ARE needed....never doubt that this place is better because of YOU.

Now what's this about comic books????? You talked comics, and didn't invite me? :eek:
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Bunny, listen to this man. He is wise beyond his years, has a heart the size of Texas, and is a good friend to one and all. I am so glad that I met this blue dragon, and he is one of the reasons I keep coming back. He's here for you, as are so many others. You ARE love, you ARE wanted, you ARE needed....never doubt that this place is better because of YOU.

Now what's this about comic books????? You talked comics, and didn't invite me? :eek:

You were busy with Kat watching, bud. ;)

And thank you. :)
Bunny, listen to this man. He is wise beyond his years, has a heart the size of Texas, and is a good friend to one and all. I am so glad that I met this blue dragon, and he is one of the reasons I keep coming back. He's here for you, as are so many others. You ARE loved, you ARE wanted, you ARE needed....never doubt that this place is better because of YOU.

Now what's this about comic books????? You talked comics, and didn't invite me? :eek:

He's good people.

And we might as well talk comics here. That'd be more interesting than the current topic.

Small update: I think I've finally gotten rid of clingy dude, and I also turned down another guy today who was trying to get me to come over for sex. Maybe I'm getting better at that part, at least.
He's good people.

And we might as well talk comics here. That'd be more interesting than the current topic.

Small update: I think I've finally gotten rid of clingy dude, and I also turned down another guy today who was trying to get me to come over for sex. Maybe I'm getting better at that part, at least. don't have to fuck if you don't want to. :)

*blushing* Thank you by the way. :)

not comics... but I found this and thought it might belong here... just a thought.
proud of you bunny... for deciding you don't have to fuck if you don't wanna.
Thank you both so much. :rose:

I'm trying, I really am.

We know you are honey bunny. You are doing just fine.
BTW ~ no one said it would get easier right away.
it will get easier eventually. Maybe not this week. or next week. Or even next month. But it WILL. Hold on to that as a truth.
We know you are honey bunny. You are doing just fine.
BTW ~ no one said it would get easier right away.
it will get easier eventually. Maybe not this week. or next week. Or even next month. But it WILL. Hold on to that as a truth.

I sure hope so because this sucks .

I know this feeling all too well.

Speaking of things that suck, this does, too. I'm sorry you're feeling this way.