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What are 1K1P and 2K2P? Please and thank you. ☺️

Edit: duh, knits and purls of course, got it now. I’m so dumb. 🤦🏻‍♀️

No, you're not dumb! I could've actually written the words out, but I was lazy, lol.

Sock is still coming along well and actually still looks like a sock. I'm just worried I'm going to fuck it up when I get to the sewing up the toe part.
Well...the body of the sock came out fine, but the toe seam's all fucked up. I am ashamed to say the Kitchener stitch defeated me.

I may or may not actually give her these. But here's a pic of the finished first one, all the same.

Well...the body of the sock came out fine, but the toe seam's all fucked up. I am ashamed to say the Kitchener stitch defeated me.

I may or may not actually give her these. But here's a pic of the finished first one, all the same.

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It looks great! I love the stripes. ☺️

I looked up a video about the Kitchener stitch, looked complicated, but I’m very bad at following instructions or even videos. Is the stitching always necessary when you make socks on a loom? When I made my socks with the needles, I was able to decrease until I had just a few loops left and there was no real stitching needed. I guess with a loom you can decrease only so far?
It looks great! I love the stripes. ☺️

I looked up a video about the Kitchener stitch, looked complicated, but I’m very bad at following instructions or even videos. Is the stitching always necessary when you make socks on a loom? When I made my socks with the needles, I was able to decrease until I had just a few loops left and there was no real stitching needed. I guess with a loom you can decrease only so far?

I had never done the Kitchener stitch before today! The way I made the other socks I've done was the "take all the loops off the loom with a yarn needle and the yarn and then cinch it closed like a drawstring bag" method. That way is way easier!

I only did the Kitchener stitch method because the pattern called for it, but I screwed it up. I left a couple of holes in the toe I had to go back and sort of clumsily sew up. I will likely never be doing that ever again after I get the other sock made!
So I ended up changing my mind and not doing the socks for my mother's Mother's Day gift. Last Saturday (not yesterday, the one before), I decided I should do something else, so I bought a cross-stitch pattern.

Context: My mother has a red Jeep Wrangler, and she loves that thing. It's currently in the shop because the transmission died (it stopped going into fifth gear). So she was complaining that she wished she could have it this weekend, but knew she couldn't because it wouldn't be finished in time. So I decided I'd get a Jeep cross-stitch pattern and do that (in addition to some actual, purchased gifts, too). This is (part of) what she got today.


I am thoroughly sick of cross-stitch right now! I ran my ass off from Saturday to Saturday to get it done. And that's just as well because I have to go back to loom knitting now because my aunt's granddaughter asked for a pair of the slipper socks like I gave my aunt for her birthday. So that'll be the next project. After that, I'm thinking stuffed hearts for Pride month, maybe?
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He's just a prototype, so he's not perfect (will have to tweak the pattern a little and buy some yarn that's more accurate color-wise), but I made a bi pride heart!
This is so cute!

Long term crocheting goals for me: 1) learning to crochet a circle 2) learning to read a pattern so that I can do stuff like ^^that.

I have a little vacation currently and J is away, so I’ve kept myself busy in my hermitude with crocheting, because you can only do so much masturbating before you start to feel a little sore. If you know what I mean.

Anyway, I’ve been wondering what to do with the leftover yarn from the blanket project. Then, a few weeks ago our new coffee table finally arrived and with that arose the need for coasters for my tea mugs. So I decided to see if I can crochet coasters using the leftover yarn.

I tried to make a circle first. Epic fail. No pictures. Then I told a friend about what I was trying to do and she suggested I’d try felting with the yarn, because apparently it works for that, too.

Me being me, I didn’t bother with instructions, so now I have four semi-felted mini potholders that will act as coasters. I don’t know if I can somehow make them felt more? But would extra felting make them smaller, too? Might have been a good idea to read about this thing before jumping in. I should probably iron them, too, to make them look more square. I guess they’re okay even in this semi felted stage.

Surprisingly enough, they shrunk to about 10cm x 10cm (4”x4”), which I think is a pretty good size for them.

So, I just did a new craft method, yay.


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I finally finished the socks. I made the first around Easter but took my sweet time to make a pair for it.

The checkered pattern I did on a whim was a little difficult, because I had to switch from one needle to another while purling and it ended up looking bad. I thought I was just generally not very good at purling (truth), but I was told that it’s actually difficult for even more experienced knitters to keep the tension even when switching from one needle to another while purling. So that made me feel better about it all. ☺️


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Last week I finally got brave and tore down the carport over the pickup that had collapsed due to the snow. I was glad to find only two small dents in the trucks roof. What a relief! I haven't done anything else towards finishing that project, however I have brought two vintage sewing machines back to life. It is amazing how tough old Singer sewing machines are. Most of them just need cleaning and oiling to have them working like new. Yes, I am a bit crazy! The machines in the loft windows are a small part of my collection/
I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with this thread, guys. Everything you're doing looks fantastic, though! I promise, I have looked at every pic. I'm just going through a lot of stuff and haven't been replying like I should. But y'all keep crafting because you're doing great. :heart:
Heyyyy, y'all. I'm thinking of wiping my website and putting a Shopify store on it so I can sell my stuff directly from my site, rather than going through Etsy. What do y'all suppose people might want? Home decor stuff was clearly not it, since I sold nothing, lol.

Thanks for your help!
Things y'all should know about me: I love Hello Kitty.

Other things you should know: So I decided to try to make her!


So she's just a head right now, but I'm trying to decide if I can live with the placement of the ears and whiskers. The eyes and nose are, unfortunately, pretty much stuck where they are, but the ears and whiskers can still be moved if necessary.

Also, I have to decide what color to make her dress. She's usually in pink or red, but purple and teal are my favorite colors. Or maybe I should do something totally different. What do y'all think?
I don't have a photo, but I just brought a dead Singer sewing machine back to life. I had to do some cleaning before I could get read the S/N. I was surprised to find that it was made in Scotland in 1962. It had a bad life going by the condition it was in. One of these days I need to actually make something with one of my vintage machines.
I don't have a photo, but I just brought a dead Singer sewing machine back to life. I had to do some cleaning before I could get read the S/N. I was surprised to find that it was made in Scotland in 1962. It had a bad life going by the condition it was in. One of these days I need to actually make something with one of my vintage machines.
We have an old sewing machine in our garage. Don’t know what to do with it.
We have an old sewing machine in our garage. Don’t know what to do with it.
Look on google to find your machine, Look where it needs oiling. Clean it up especially around the bobbin area, oil a drop or so on every place the parts move. If it is electric powered check the wires for cracks before you plug it in. If it is a treadle machine, you will have a wonderful machine that needs no electricity and will last for years to come.
Please excuse my lack of makeup and stupid facial expression in this pic, but I made an ear warmer! I have made them before, but they were crocheted, and this one is loom knitted. I'm also working on looming some fingerless gloves to match. (It looks purple because my camera is not great, but it's actually royal blue.)

Please excuse my lack of makeup and stupid facial expression in this pic, but I made an ear warmer! I have made them before, but they were crocheted, and this one is loom knitted. I'm also working on looming some fingerless gloves to match. (It looks purple because my camera is not great, but it's actually royal blue.)

*pic snip*
That’s great! I thought about maybe knitting something like that myself, too, once the fall is here. I wonder about how to make that twisty thing, but I’ll cross that bridge once I get there.
That’s great! I thought about maybe knitting something like that myself, too, once the fall is here. I wonder about how to make that twisty thing, but I’ll cross that bridge once I get there.

I watched a video to make that one, but there are written instructions for them, too. Basically, it's all in how you sew the ends together. :)
The pattern didn't look too hard, but I admit I just quickly skimmed over it. That one even has a key that tells you what the various abbreviations mean. :)

If you just need some help learning to read patterns, I could definitely help you with that.
Thanks! It may come down to that… 😁

I’ve never learned to do anything round, so maybe I should learn that first. And I’ve also never learned the names of any of the crocheting moves. I’ve just been told the very basic stitches as a kid and the rest I just figured out on my own when I was crocheting the mittens. So not understanding what the words mean is one hurdle. Oh the times someone has tried to explain to me what a slip stitch is… Apparently I know how to do it, I just don’t know I’m doing it.

I’ll have to practice first before buying the proper kinds of yarn. Maybe I’ll get it done by the end of the year.
I, of course, have four current works in progress. The Hello Kitty whose head I posted here, a table runner, a shrug, and a cross-stitch. If I'd just finish one project before starting another, I'd be doing good. :ROFLMAO: