The Economy

You forget it's their business.... they're in business to benefit themselves..... whether you or I like it or not....
Obviously you never owned or made payroll in your own business.....well I have..... I built my business to benefit me...
so, yeah, you are giving greed a pass and trying to blame their profit-boosting actions on shoplifters. got it. no surprises, of course.
You forget it's their business.... they're in business to benefit themselves..... whether you or I like it or not....
Obviously you never owned or made payroll in your own business.....well I have..... I built my business to benefit me...

What do you think about today’s good economic news? Strong retail sales and lower unemployment claims.

Good economic news really agitates MAGAs. Are you one of those people who want America to fail, or are you a patriot who celebrates the strength of the US economy?
A reminder about the national debt that you pretend to be concerned about: Trump added more to the national debt in one term than any other president.
Doesn’t matter who made it if you go to the Obama regime he pissed away more money in the first 100 days of his reign than all of the administration's before him all the way back to George Washington to his present time
We are stuck with it and the current crime family in power is just as guilty as any ......
Doesn’t matter who made it if you go to the Obama regime he pissed away more money in the first 100 days of his reign than all of the administration's before him all the way back to George Washington to his present time
We are stuck with it and the current crime family in power is just as guilty as any ......
i keep tellin' ya, trump is NOT the president

34 felonies

liable for sexual assault
jan 6th
ad infinitum
What do you think about today’s good economic news? Strong retail sales and lower unemployment claims.

Good economic news really agitates MAGAs. Are you one of those people who want America to fail, or are you a patriot who celebrates the strength of the US economy?
When the economy is good I make more money your kind seems to believe that we want America to fail your couldn’t be more mistaken....but believe what you will....
So Wall Street firms Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard and Schwab bought millions of shares of DJT recently. They wanted to buy more shares of Land Mines-R-Us, Mengele Weight Loss Clinics and Chucky-Jesus.
You forget it's their business.... they're in business to benefit themselves..... whether you or I like it or not....
Obviously you never owned or made payroll in your own business.....well I have..... I built my business to benefit me...
A street whore has to worry about shoplifters? Ok, god, what is this country coming to?
Kelly-Moore paint.. is closing 157 stores, 700 people are/have lost their lively hoods.....thanks joe....
Joe Biden caused them to use asbestos (in some way that led to $600M+ loss in litigation claims) and to not pay their taxes?

Direct quote from the article you linked:

Kelly-Moore Paints shuts down all stores​

Iconic paint retailer Kelly-Moore Paints has shut down all 157 of its retail locations and furloughed about 700 employees, as it plans an orderly, out-of-court wind-down of all of its business operations.

The regional paint store chain suffered financial distress for years from paying out about $600 million in asbestos litigation claims and still faces millions of dollars more in payments from future asbestos claims, as well as unpaid taxes, according to a statement.
Doesn’t matter who made it if you go to the Obama regime he pissed away more money in the first 100 days of his reign than all of the administration's before him all the way back to George Washington to his present time
We are stuck with it and the current crime family in power is just as guilty as any ......

Oh bless your heart.

Obama came to the presidency after the housing bubble and stock market crash caused by eight years of the Bush administration.

Bush had tried to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan while lowering taxes by coordinating with the federal reserve to lower interest rates and eligibility requirements to push the housing market. That’s right - cost of living inflation caused by higher housing costs. Housing prices soared and while there was a brief adjustment for purchases, rents never went back down.

Lack of financial regulation allowed predatory lending practices and created a speculation bubble that popped leaving banks holding unsecured debt.

Obama had to inject money into banks and industry to prevent a wider financial collapse. He did it. He bailed the county out of a republican low tax, easy money disaster.

Study the history of that era. You could learn something about the bullshit behind your economic beliefs.
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Oh bless your heart.

Obama came to the presidency after the housing bubble and stock market crash caused by eight years of the Bush administration.

Bush had tried to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan while lowering taxes by coordinating with the federal reserve to lower interest rates and eligibility requirements to push the housing market. That’s right - cost of living inflation caused by higher housing costs. Housing prices soared and while there was a brief adjustment for purchases, rents never went back down.

Lack of financial regulation allowed predatory lending practices and created a speculation bubble that popped leaving banks holding unsecured debt.

Obama had to inject money into banks and industry to prevent a wider financial collapse. He did it. He bailed the county out of a republican low tax, easy money disaster.

Study the history of that era. You could learn something about the bullshit behind your economic beliefs.
No, what Obama did with bailing out the banks was rewarding bad behaviors, your mostly correct on the lending, speculation and unsecured debt.... what your not seeing is that is very poor and or (illegal) management. Obama rewarded this sleazy behavior by not letting these sleazy, greasy institutions fail...
One more item Obama didn't bail them out, yours and mine tax dollars did!
One more question, how do you feel about Obama bailing out these sleazy people with your money, they live in high on the hog on your hard earned money while you scratch shit with the chickens.....
If you don't mind I'll remind you of this, every dollar you earn represents time, highly valuable, irreplaceable time when jackass's such as the democrats and the Republicans confiscate your money, (your irreplaceable time) then piss it away and/or give that money away to the undeserving how do you "feel" about that?
Oh, I saw what you did there...."well bless your heart" 🙄 I know what that statement translates to... enjoy your day paying off other people's debt...
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Here's another article ya might read while on break eating your dounut and drinking your coffee while your hard earned money is used to pay off other people's debt.......

Find a source that doesn't have a 'conspiracy/pseudo-science' rating with low factual reporting.

If the material is factual then it should be very easy to find sources that don't have a reputation for publishing nonsense.
No, what Obama did with bailing out the banks was rewarding bad behaviors, your mostly correct on the lending, speculation and unsecured debt.... what your not seeing is that is very poor and or (illegal) management. Obama rewarded this sleazy behavior by not letting these sleazy, greasy institutions fail...
One more item Obama didn't bail them out, yours and mine tax dollars did!
One more question, how do you feel about Obama bailing out these sleazy people with your money, they live in high on the hog on your hard earned money while you scratch shit with the chickens.....
If you don't mind I'll remind you of this, every dollar you earn represents time, highly valuable, irreplaceable time when jackass's such as the democrats and the Republicans confiscate your money, (your irreplaceable time) then piss it away and/or give that money away to the undeserving how do you "feel" about that?
Oh, I saw what you did there...."well bless your heart" 🙄 I know what that statement translates to... enjoy your day paying off other people's debt...


What do you think would have happened if the US economy had actually failed?

Pensions, social security, retirement savings and benefits wiped out, unemployment in the double digits, industrial collapse … Real people, real problems on a very wide scale.

That’s what the low tax, easy money, low regulation leads to. The Federal Reserve Bank was started after similar collapses were wreaking havoc on society to provide ‘elasticity’.

Bring it down from macro to micro scale. Imagine you’re living paycheck to paycheck and your car’s transmission goes out. If you have no cash to fix it how do you get to work without help or without credit? The problem is credit needs to be paid back. That requires tightening the belt or earning more. Back to macro scale now- the government needs to increase revenue to pay the debt.

Conservatives won’t do it. They hang on to the fairytale of trickle down economics. They would rather create more billionaires than pay down the debt. Rich people, you know those guys who “live high on the hog” who conservatives want to tax at a lower rate than laborers? They push up real estate prices, raising the cost of living, creating a greater need for public services, creating a need for more debt, needing bale outs when they fuck up the next time…

Bless your heart.
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Felon explains how good he is at Economy, by standing outside his golf club (because he owes money at every known indoor venue) surrounded by groceries he's likely never bought in his entire life.

Then gets weirdly distracted by the thought of school lunches and Cheerios. Mmm, school lunches.

“Wow school lunches up 65 per cent, how can a family afford this? But look at this over here, what a nice job...” he trailed off.

“I think I’m going to take some of them back to my cottage and have a lot of fun.

“Like the Cheerios, I haven’t seen Cheerios in a long time, I’m gonna take them back with me.”

What do you think would have happened if the US economy had actually failed?

Pensions, social security, retirement savings and benefits wiped out, unemployment in the double digits, industrial collapse … Real people, real problems on a very wide scale.

That’s what the low tax, easy money, low regulation leads to. The Federal Reserve Bank was started after similar collapses were wreaking havoc on society to provide ‘elasticity’.

Bring it down from macro to micro scale. Imagine you’re living paycheck to paycheck and your car’s transmission goes out. If you have no cash to fix it how do you get to work without help or without credit? The problem is credit needs to be paid back. That requires tightening the belt or earning more. Back to macro scale now- the government needs to increase revenue to pay the debt.

Conservatives won’t do it. They hang on to the fairytale of trickle down economics. They would rather create more billionaires than pay down the debt. Rich people, you know those guys who “live high on the hog” who conservatives want to tax at a lower rate than laborers? They push up real estate prices, raising the cost of living, creating a greater need for public services, creating a need for more debt, needing bale outs when they fuck up the next time…

Bless your heart.
You continue to miss the point...... no, social security wouldn't have collapsed.... but by "kicking the can" down the road the cancer mastastasizes larger and more unmanageable
The "government needs to increase revenue to pay the debt" is absolutely utter bullshit they government needs to stop deficit spending, in simple terms don't spend/live beyond your means.... the social money programs that virtually give money away.... ie reward the unproductive, punish the productive are in fact bleeding us out ie all the benefits given to the illegal aliens, to name just one .. and if Obama had let "nature take it's course" the system would have cleared out the dead wood but no, no force good productive people to pay for their poor choices. F@#k them, they can eat sh#t and die for all I care....
Oh and I just checked, the link is dead go figure 🤷‍♀️
Here's a few questions for you, answer them or not. Has your grocery bill gotten more costly, are homes more costly or rent is it higher? , how about the cost of eating in a restaurant? More expensive? A set of tires maybe more expensive? Credit card interest rates rising? How about electricity, heating gas or gasoline more expensive than it was 4 years ago? Have your wages kept up?
Welp enjoy your day, paying for other people's debt and poor life choices...
Here's one more tip.... fiat currency always collapses, always......