The Economy

You continue to miss the point...... no, social security wouldn't have collapsed.... but by "kicking the can" down the road the cancer mastastasizes larger and more unmanageable
The "government needs to increase revenue to pay the debt" is absolutely utter bullshit they government needs to stop deficit spending, in simple terms don't spend/live beyond your means.... the social money programs that virtually give money away.... ie reward the unproductive, punish the productive are in fact bleeding us out ie all the benefits given to the illegal aliens, to name just one .. and if Obama had let "nature take it's course" the system would have cleared out the dead wood but no, no force good productive people to pay for their poor choices. F@#k them, they can eat sh#t and die for all I care....
Oh and I just checked, the link is dead go figure 🤷‍♀️
Here's a few questions for you, answer them or not. Has your grocery bill gotten more costly, are homes more costly or rent is it higher? , how about the cost of eating in a restaurant? More expensive? A set of tires maybe more expensive? Credit card interest rates rising? How about electricity, heating gas or gasoline more expensive than it was 4 years ago? Have your wages kept up?
Welp enjoy your day, paying for other people's debt and poor life choices...
Here's one more tip.... fiat currency always collapses, always......

Yes. Inflation rose when money was borrowed from the Federal Reserve and not paid back in collected taxes.

(If social security were privatized it very well could have collapsed)

The Trump Tax Reduction and Jobs Act - still in effect today, reduced taxes for the wealthy, creating more billionaires as the Covid era stimulus money trickled up to the wealthy. These windfall profits were not used to repay the loans they came from, instead it has been used to increase the cost of living through higher rents and mortgages.

“As the cost of essential goods rises faster than it has in decades, billionaires in the food and energy sectors are increasing their fortunes by $1 billion every two days.”

Do you not understand how the wealthy buying up property affects cost of living inflation and how it puts greater demand on social services?

“States with more expensive rent tend to have higher homelessness rates.“​


Notice how the sources I’m using aren’t bullshit propaganda outlets? You’d do well to read them. 😉
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Welp enjoy your day, paying for other people's debt and poor life choices...
Here's one more tip.... fiat currency always collapses, always......

I agree that the Federal Reserve and banking industry are a burden, but having a non-elastic monetary system means devastating consequences whenever the higher end of the economy fucks up.

When the general population suffers at the hands of the wealthy you get social movements towards the extreme left. Communism has usually been born out of extreme wealth disparity. For better or worse, the Federal Reserve helps smooth over the rough spots.

Why should those who benefit the most from the financial markets not pay taxes high enough to pay for the system that enables them and bails them out when they fuck up?

Don’t kick the can down the road. Have those who have collected the fiat wealth pay up.
Welp enjoy your day, paying for other people's debt and poor life choices...
Here's one more tip.... fiat currency always collapses, always......

Our recent inflation surge (which is over now) wasn’t caused by bailing out banks. It was the side effect of keeping the economy afloat during the pandemic. It’s not a coincidence that the US economy came out of the pandemic stronger than any other nation.

Every currency in the world is a fiat currency. Are they collapsing left and right? No, they are not.

Here’s your economic illiteracy award. 🏆 Congratulations.
Our recent inflation surge (which is over now) wasn’t caused by bailing out banks. It was the side effect of keeping the economy afloat during the pandemic. It’s not a coincidence that the US economy came out of the pandemic stronger than any other nation.

Every currency in the world is a fiat currency. Are they collapsing left and right? No, they are not.

Here’s your economic illiteracy award. 🏆 Congratulations.
Actually your statement regarding every currency is a fiat currency isn't entirely correct, I'll elaborate....Russia/Putin has guaranteed the ruble @ iirc somewhere around 58 ruble to the gram of gold. In effect backing the Russian ruble with gold... note, it didn't take long for the hidden hand to embroil the Russians in a blood bath with the plan to destroy Russia and break them up into 40 smaller states and rape the population of their valuable resources.....
Now according to the above article these 159 countries are linking up to have their currency backed by gold. In addition to the fact they are abandoning the US dollar and the swift payment system. A few weeks back o'l two scoops was on bended knee in the presence on the Saudis begging them to renew the 50 year contract to exclusively sell oil in US dollars aka petro-dollar ...the Saudis refused and stated , in so many words "go pound sand" thus putting to end to a scam that allows for the United States to export our inflation (fiat currency)....technically the dollar has died.... I'll break down further, as of a few weeks ago we lost the ability to just print dollars out of thin air to pay for oil, it'll take a little time but this will drive the price of oil higher in US dollars and it'll reach a point where they/them will refuse us dollars for payment of oil... the "plan/strategy" was named operation sand man....
FYI the federal reserve is not a government entity, the federal reserve is a private "corporation" that's never been audited. If I remember correctly for every dollar that is created "out of thin air" the federal reserve keeps 15 cents thus making the loan absolutely impossible to pay off...
Hey Bubba, there's no need to be a smart ass, I'm not being combative. anyway enjoy your day paying off other people's debt.....🤷‍♀️
Actually your statement regarding every currency is a fiat currency isn't entirely correct, I'll elaborate....Russia/Putin has guaranteed the ruble @ iirc somewhere around 58 ruble to the gram of gold. In effect backing the Russian ruble with gold...
Haha. Russian propaganda is not informative about economics! 😆

The Ruble is on a fake gold standard. Russia will pay rubles for your gold, but not gold for Rubles!

note, it didn't take long for the hidden hand to embroil the Russians in a blood bath with the plan to destroy Russia and break them up into 40 smaller states and rape the population of their valuable resources...

More Russian propaganda. A “hidden hand” didn’t put Russia at war. Runty Putin invaded Ukraine in an attempt to grab their resources for his oligarch pals.

Why are you so gullible in consuming Russian propaganda?
Actually your statement regarding every currency is a fiat currency isn't entirely correct, I'll elaborate....Russia/Putin has guaranteed the ruble @ iirc somewhere around 58 ruble to the gram of gold. In effect backing the Russian ruble with gold... note, it didn't take long for the hidden hand to embroil the Russians in a blood bath with the plan to destroy Russia and break them up into 40 smaller states and rape the population of their valuable resources.....
Now according to the above article these 159 countries are linking up to have their currency backed by gold. In addition to the fact they are abandoning the US dollar and the swift payment system. A few weeks back o'l two scoops was on bended knee in the presence on the Saudis begging them to renew the 50 year contract to exclusively sell oil in US dollars aka petro-dollar ...the Saudis refused and stated , in so many words "go pound sand" thus putting to end to a scam that allows for the United States to export our inflation (fiat currency)....technically the dollar has died.... I'll break down further, as of a few weeks ago we lost the ability to just print dollars out of thin air to pay for oil, it'll take a little time but this will drive the price of oil higher in US dollars and it'll reach a point where they/them will refuse us dollars for payment of oil... the "plan/strategy" was named operation sand man....
FYI the federal reserve is not a government entity, the federal reserve is a private "corporation" that's never been audited. If I remember correctly for every dollar that is created "out of thin air" the federal reserve keeps 15 cents thus making the loan absolutely impossible to pay off...
Hey Bubba, there's no need to be a smart ass, I'm not being combative. anyway enjoy your day paying off other people's debt.....🤷‍♀️

Fucking check your sources. You’re buying shit sandwiches and telling other people how good they taste.

You don’t have to take the word of Media Bias Fact Check. You can read critically and check the source material within the articles you read, though honestly I wouldn’t trust any of the links on that site. The sources you post show you’re either a dupe or a shill.
Questionable Reasoning: Propaganda, Poor Sourcing, Failed Fact Checks
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
MBFC Country Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

The Federal Reserve has always taken 10%. Maybe they gave themselves a raise?

Also, it’s a lot harder to get other countries interested in trading oil in US dollars when the US isn’t importing much petroleum.

The US is the now the largest oil producer in the world. “Drill baby drill” has the side effect of lowering our economic influence over the Middle East and other oil producing nations. It’s been one of the economic problems with going green but now it’s happening even if we don’t get off of fossil fuels. We’re keeping the environmental degradation right here at home.
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Fucking check your sources. You’re buying shit sandwiches and telling other people how good they taste.

You don’t have to take the word of Media Bias Fact Check. You can read critically and check the source material within the articles you read, though honestly I wouldn’t trust any of the links on that site. The sources you post show you’re either a dupe or a shill.
Questionable Reasoning: Propaganda, Poor Sourcing, Failed Fact Checks
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
MBFC Country Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

The Federal Reserve has always taken 10%. Maybe they gave themselves a raise?

Also, it’s a lot harder to get other countries interested in trading oil in US dollars when the US isn’t importing much petroleum.

The US is the now the largest oil producer in the world. “Drill baby drill” has the side effect of lowering our economic influence over the Middle East and other oil producing nations. It’s been one of the economic problems with going green but now it’s happening even if we don’t get off of fossil fuels. We’re keeping the environmental degradation right here at home.
You're still missing the point but that's okay.... as far as the federal reserve? 15% or 10% okay will go with your number that's 10% interest on the money being borrowed, a little high would you say maybe? The point is no matter what the loans can never be repaid, ever.... because there is only 90% of the money loaned in existence. You'll always come 10% short of the full amount.....
As far as US oil production..... Google where the majority of your gasoline and diesel are being refined....
whether the oil is produced in America or abroad the only thing that has kept the fiat us dollar from completely spiraling out of control (inflation wise) is it reserve currency status. All of that has changed.... one is with the Saudis, two with the brics nations, three, there wasn't an alternative currency for the brics until now that being crypto currency now they have one....... and the solution to this war it's always war.....enjoy your day paying off other people's debt.....
You're still missing the point but that's okay.... as far as the federal reserve? 15% or 10% okay will go with your number that's 10% interest on the money being borrowed, a little high would you say maybe? The point is no matter what the loans can never be repaid, ever.... because there is only 90% of the money loaned in existence. You'll always come 10% short of the full amount.....
As far as US oil production..... Google where the majority of your gasoline and diesel are being refined....
whether the oil is produced in America or abroad the only thing that has kept the fiat us dollar from completely spiraling out of control (inflation wise) is it reserve currency status. All of that has changed.... one is with the Saudis, two with the brics nations, three, there wasn't an alternative currency for the brics until now that being crypto currency now they have one....... and the solution to this war it's always war.....enjoy your day paying off other people's debt.....

There are gerbils that understand more about the world than you.

You might want to turn off the Russian propaganda for a week or two. Maybe that will clear the fuzziness in your head.
There are gerbils that understand more about the world than you.

You might want to turn off the Russian propaganda for a week or two. Maybe that will clear the fuzziness in your head.
Welp, OK..... enjoy your day paying off other people's debt......
You're still missing the point but that's okay.... as far as the federal reserve? 15% or 10% okay will go with your number that's 10% interest on the money being borrowed, a little high would you say maybe? The point is no matter what the loans can never be repaid, ever.... because there is only 90% of the money loaned in existence. You'll always come 10% short of the full amount.....
As far as US oil production..... Google where the majority of your gasoline and diesel are being refined....
whether the oil is produced in America or abroad the only thing that has kept the fiat us dollar from completely spiraling out of control (inflation wise) is it reserve currency status. All of that has changed.... one is with the Saudis, two with the brics nations, three, there wasn't an alternative currency for the brics until now that being crypto currency now they have one....... and the solution to this war it's always war.....enjoy your day paying off other people's debt.....

So you are another Anti American shill, spouting Russian propaganda. ✅

Look, I’m not a fan of the Federal Reserve Bank. I’m perfectly aware that it is neither Federal, nor a Reserve, nor a Bank.

Still you seem to ignore the fact that the Fed can be repaid if we tax the money back out of the economy to make the payments. Money grows, especially when invested in productivity. Conservatives have this fairytale that by not taxing the rich you are encouraging more people to get outlandishly wealthy and that this is somehow a good thing.

The US constitution says it exists in part to “promote the general welfare.” Part of this is protecting the citizens from starvation and privation when economic catastrophe strikes.

Are you claiming that individual strength and self determination are paramount to all other societal issues?

We know where the Covid stimulus money is. It went into enriching scores of billionaires, some of whom are directly responsible for needing to borrow the money in the first place.

What exactly are you promoting besides the failure of the US economy and elected government?
So you are another Anti American shill, spouting Russian propaganda. ✅

Look, I’m not a fan of the Federal Reserve Bank. I’m perfectly aware that it is neither Federal, nor a Reserve, nor a Bank.

Still you seem to ignore the fact that the Fed can be repaid if we tax the money back out of the economy to make the payments. Money grows, especially when invested in productivity. Conservatives have this fairytale that by not taxing the rich you are encouraging more people to get outlandishly wealthy and that this is somehow a good thing.

The US constitution says it exists in part to “promote the general welfare.” Part of this is protecting the citizens from starvation and privation when economic catastrophe strikes.

Are you claiming that individual strength and self determination are paramount to all other societal issues?

We know where the Covid stimulus money is. It went into enriching scores of billionaires, some of whom are directly responsible for needing to borrow the money in the first place.

What exactly are you promoting besides the failure of the US economy and elected government?
Alex...... no, I'm not a Russian shill, nor am I a paid agent of any kind.... I'm a red blooded American first kinda gurl...
No, I believe I'm not ignoring the things you mentioned about the fed. But do some math here, if the fed prints 10 dollars that you borrow at 10 percent for a period of time and let say you need collateral to secure the loan. OK at the expiration of the loan how much money do need to satisfy the loan? 11 dollars is what you need in other words the loan becomes impossible to pay because there is only 10 dollars in existence and you need 11 dollars. Thus you will forfeit you collateral.
Yes, I'm saying individual strength and self determination is paramount to every thing within the confines of the constitution and the bill of rights.... I'm not promoting the failure of the US economy I'm warning folks of the impending failure of the US economy.... due to the events happening, and yes predatory corporations are somewhat to blame as well but mostly it's borrowed money that is killing our economy..... anyway all of this is just my humble opinion, more or less
Alex...... no, I'm not a Russian shill, nor am I a paid agent of any kind.... I'm a red blooded American first kinda gurl...
No, I believe I'm not ignoring the things you mentioned about the fed. But do some math here, if the fed prints 10 dollars that you borrow at 10 percent for a period of time and let say you need collateral to secure the loan. OK at the expiration of the loan how much money do need to satisfy the loan? 11 dollars is what you need in other words the loan becomes impossible to pay because there is only 10 dollars in existence and you need 11 dollars. Thus you will forfeit you collateral.
Yes, I'm saying individual strength and self determination is paramount to every thing within the confines of the constitution and the bill of rights.... I'm not promoting the failure of the US economy I'm warning folks of the impending failure of the US economy.... due to the events happening, and yes predatory corporations are somewhat to blame as well but mostly it's borrowed money that is killing our economy..... anyway all of this is just my humble opinion, more or less

So you don’t understand how money can grow? Do you even believe in capitalism?

Tell me you’ve never heard of how bankers make billions (that you don’t seem to be willing to tax) by lending out money they don’t actually have.

If you invest money into farming you can get more value out of the ground than you invested in it.

If you dig a mine you can harvest more value than you put into it.

You can get more value out of solar panels and renewable energy sources than the money you put into it.

Corporations get leases and contracts to pump oil from land - some of which they own, some they lease, some belongs to the US government. They harvest more value than they put into the process.

The oil industry and the banking industry are two of the most profitable sectors of the economy who profit far and above the costs they put in.

How do you not understand this?

The way our economy works all investments are in competition with all other investments. Grocery stores and consumer goods providers have to make competitive profits or else investors will simply put their money elsewhere.

By not taxing the higher end of the economy they are drawing investment capital to make more profits for those who are already making lots of profits. Taxes not only can be used to repay the debt that enables financial growth, but they can also be used to discourage investment in things that raise the cost of living.

Regulation and taxation can help keep us out of a new form of feudalism.
Kelly-Moore paint.. is closing 157 stores, 700 people are/have lost their lively hoods.....thanks joe....
Excuse me. But isn't that exactly the way capitalism is supposed to work? Competition? This particular company lost because they couldn't compete against their rivals any longer. They were less effective than their rivals. Survival of the fittest in the corporate world. So I guess you're thanking Biden for allowing capitalism to work.

Either that, or you just didn't understand a word of what that article said.
So you don’t understand how money can grow? Do you even believe in capitalism?

Tell me you’ve never heard of how bankers make billions (that you don’t seem to be willing to tax) by lending out money they don’t actually have.

If you invest money into farming you can get more value out of the ground than you invested in it.

If you dig a mine you can harvest more value than you put into it.

You can get more value out of solar panels and renewable energy sources than the money you put into it.

Corporations get leases and contracts to pump oil from land - some of which they own, some they lease, some belongs to the US government. They harvest more value than they put into the process.

The oil industry and the banking industry are two of the most profitable sectors of the economy who profit far and above the costs they put in.

How do you not understand this?

The way our economy works all investments are in competition with all other investments. Grocery stores and consumer goods providers have to make competitive profits or else investors will simply put their money elsewhere.

By not taxing the higher end of the economy they are drawing investment capital to make more profits for those who are already making lots of profits. Taxes not only can be used to repay the debt that enables financial growth, but they can also be used to discourage investment in things that raise the cost of living.

Regulation and taxation can help keep us out of a new form of feudalism.
Good morning Alex, I'm apparently not getting my points across.... (I'm not being snarky) I very much understand creating wealth, I accomplish that every year with cattle and wheat and the profits I earn from my shop. So, to the point. Every dollar in existence is created through/from the federal reserve, no matter what commodity I produce we'll say, (just for argument sake) At the time of sale of the commodity I'm paid with a check, I want cash so at the bank I redeem my cash/federal reserve notes, that cash had to have originally been created at the fed, otherwise it's counterfeit every dollar I posses, at the time of it's creation the federal reserve keeps 10% or 15% as stated earlier. We'll go with 10% no matter how much taxes are collected, fees collected the money that the federal government has borrowed can never be paid back for the simple fact that we owe 10% more than the money in existence.....
This entire flat money system in a scam.. it's something for nothing and is crashing it's criminal for the federal reserve to manipulate the economy when "they" believe it going south ie raising interest rates to slow or stop investment thus causing unemployment ie you losing your job maybe your home, car difficultly by ing food utilities ect.. if you or I manipulate the market we'd go to jail...remember the house always wins. But only with borrowed money, you will serve the one you fear, that being the institution that loaned you the money
The prime example of the burden of borrowing money is student loans, these young people were fed a bucket of shit, go to college, you'll come out making top dollar they said. There is more but I gotta go for now.....
The Market had its best week in all of 2024 last week.

KABOOM! Goes Trump's mind over that note.

I recall Trump's ramblings along these lines:

The economy is the worst ever, the worst ever in all of the economies. All over the world. They are going to wreck the economies. She's going to destroy our economy. She and Crooked Joe. Elect them, and... it's going to be bad, really, really bad.

I told them what I would do. And they said, "No way!"

And I said, "Way!"

BTW, Don't worry. The price of 'Whey' is on the rise so it looks like we are going to be okay!
Best week of '24 isn't really saying a lot considering it came right after the worst week since '22 (or so). What's important is we're (S&P) up 800 for '24 and up 1,600 since the Orange Disaster.
Best week of '24 isn't really saying a lot considering it came right after the worst week since '22 (or so). What's important is we're (S&P) up 800 for '24 and up 1,600 since the Orange Disaster.