The Fat Man

The thought of sex with a very fat guy

  • is a turn-on, I'd be on top

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • is a turn-on, He'd be on top

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • totally depends on what he's like -- fatness is irrelevent

    Votes: 15 65.2%
  • Is a turn off - Sorry, I find fat unattractive

    Votes: 7 30.4%

  • Total voters
Pixie, yes, after it being a "taboo" subject (he'd get all defensive about it when I tried to talk to him) , he's finally talking openly about what is clearly an eating disorder.

Of course most fat people don't have eating disorders, (they just like to eat!) but in his case, it is a disorder. He eats tons of chocolates when no-ones looking. Then when I go out with him for a meal, he says he's on a diet. Yeah right.

I guess the first thing to do when you have a problem (alcohol is pretty similar) is to actually admit to it. That's the first big step. I know it seems sort of crazy when it's so obvious from your size that something is wrong, that you still need to be able to talk openly about it before you can do anything about it.

I have been trying for years to give up smoking -- I still chew those disgusting nicotine gums after nearly 20 years! So I know that giving up a habit can be really hard. In my case I don't think it's psychological, it's more like a physical addiction. I underwnet hypnosis, and stopped chewing the gum for 6 months after that. But the effect faded, and I'm back on those stupid gums.

Pervert that am, I found the hypnosis really enjoyable and really erotic (it was a lady hypnotist). So maybe I'll go for another session...
Regarding the hypnosis, I have no faith in that.

One of my regular hangouts is this hotel bar where they often host various seminars. One time they had a hypnotist there: For $250 I'll cure your smoking habit!!!

Well, he had about thirty people come in and frankly, none of them smoked right after the session. I asked the hypnotist if he had been a smoker. He said that he had, but he had used self-hypnosis to quit.

As soon as the people that were in his session left, he started bumming smokes from anyone who would give him any.

When that dried up, he bought a pack. Yee haw for hypnosis.

PixieSteph said:
"Fattered" - quite the typo there :)

Dear Pixie,
That was NOT a typo. Neither was "adipose."

Just can't resist it, can you, SubJ?

Ps. I prefer that a man not have boobs larger than mine. There's a lot of that out there, though.
Re: $%^(*&!!Joe

MathGirl said:

Ps. I prefer that a man not have boobs larger than mine. There's a lot of that out there, though.

Rules me out. Dang.
If Diane's whining is anything to go by everyone in the world, male or female (over 18 on Lit) has bigger boobs than her.

I can't offer any opinion on whether males who carry extra luggage are fanciable or not. Having been as skinny as a rake for the first 30 plus years of my life apparently made no difference to the opposite sex. I unfortunately inherited long teeth and short gums, so I was ugly and the bird population round these parts (as in most parts) went first on looks.

Continually taking the piss of all and sundry didn't help matters either.

These days, approaching 50 with my pot belly, 20 odd years of marriage and long, straggly, grey hair I'm beating them off with a stick.

This, I believe, is all down to confidence, in myself, in my life and in my approach. (Not being the least bit interested in any other relationship seems also to be quite magnetic somehow.)

C'est la vie, je suis

Re: $%^(*&!!Joe

MathGirl said:
Dear Pixie,
That was NOT a typo. Neither was "adipose."

Just can't resist it, can you, SubJ?

I was debating whether to call it a Freudian slip or typo . . . I liked 'adipose'.
I don't think it's the fat that matters, so much as the attitude that can sometimes go with it.

Gaining weight particularly in a short time, can have a devastating effect on people psychologically. It can can positively shatter their confidence, and that's a shame because it's the person that matters.

My other half isn't 'fat' , but he is 'big'. He's like a big, cuddly, hairy bear, and I won't want him any other way.

Alex (fem) :)
My big furry cuddly teddy bear is exactly how I'd describe my other half :)
Gaining weight particularly in a short time, can have a devastating effect on people psychologically. It can can positively shatter their confidence...

That's what happened to me when I had my daughter. I'm 5'8" and before I got pregnant, I had never weighed over 132 lbs. in my entire life. In fact at one point I had gone back down to something like 116. There was something going on in my life that made me too nervous to eat. I don't recommend this; my eyelids itched maddeningly and I am convinced it was because of a vitamin deficiency, because when I gained back 10 lbs. or so the itching went away.

Then when I got pregnant I was in a culture where eating-for-two was definitely encouraged, and I got up to 170. After the delivery I was devastated to find that only 10 lbs. of that had left: 8 lbs. 7 oz. of baby and the rest placenta and stuff. I felt as if I'd gone to sleep thin one night and awakened to find that a wicked witch had put a Fat Spell on me. I got back down to 140, and later on, back in the States I went to one of these Greek weight loss clinics that were popular in the late 70s and got down to 125. Gradually weight started to creep back, and of course once you get past 30 the harder it is to lose any of it. I would be delighted if I got back down to 150, and sometimes feel like all the extra flesh I'm packing--except for the muscles, I'm really quite muscular these days--is some kind of evidence I can't get rid of.
Fat city

the_bragis said:
Gaining weight particularly in a short time, can have a devastating effect on people psychologically.

I know what you mean. I once balooned up to 94 pounds. Two days of crash dieting and exercise got me back under 90.

I'll never let myself go like that again.
Re: Fat city

MathGirl said:
I know what you mean. I once balooned up to 94 pounds. Two days of crash dieting and exercise got me back under 90.

I'll never let myself go like that again.

Watch it Diane, if you keep taunting her like that the fat fairy is going to visit you while you're sleeping and inject lard into your thighs.

SlickTony said:
Diane, are you one of the ones who are under 5'4"? I hope so. Otherwise, Fuck You.:)

No need, Slick. Someone who's 5'4" towers over me.
SexyChele said:
Well, I'm actually one of those women who prefers her men to be more on the heavy side.

Plus, there is nothing quite like cuddling up to a guy who has a few extra pounds on him. Like a great big teddy bear! And yeah, I LOVE guys with tummys! Reminds me a bit of buddah, you know?

I wish your friend well, and tell him there are indeed women who like their men larger!

I whole heartedly agree no skinny guys for me! Now I have made an exeption or 2 for a guy who was a bit thinner than i prefer , just because he had a great personality. However as a rule the type I'm attracted to are any guy over 5'11 and a minimum of 200 lbs. Oh and no body builders either I want someone soft to hug.

Okay, I find men who are signifigantly overweight just as sexy as skinny guys.

It definitely depends on the person. I also know what ur friend feels like. I got divorced and wieghed over 240lbs for eight years,then decided I had had enough.

Mostly because I felt terrible health-wise,but i was not ready to be 75 lbs lighter emotionally.

I ended up gaining weight and I find now that I have more offers from men than I did when I was skinnier.

I am losing weight again for me,because I feel better about myself health-wise and I am ready for the physcological effects of losing weight .

Tell your friend, that if he wants to private message me, he can, would love to give any input I can and not to be so hard on himself.

He needs to heal,then believe he is worthy of being happy, healthy and sexy.

After that, its up to him.
The best to him and u as a very good friend. :kiss:
SlickTony said:
I went to one of these Greek weight loss clinics that were popular in the late 70s

Is that where they do something ..... to your bottom?
"All taste is different. Therefor, all food will be eaten, and all girls will be married."

Old Swedish saying
Is that where they do something ..... to your bottom?

Not at all; the reason I called 'em Greek weight loss clinics was that the guys who ran them more often than not turned out to have some kind of Greek name.

What they usually did was shoot you in the hip with some hormone, I forget which one, but I have some vague idea that it might have been Premarin; and they gave you a 'scrip for Ionamine (for appetite) and Lasix and/or Bontril (diuretic). I went down from around 140something to 126. However, those meds had some kind of weird effect on me; toward the end of my second round with the clinic, my tongue always felt weird. Nothing tasted or felt right.
From 'Mary Jane' (I think) by Alanis

"I see you're losing weight again Mary Jane

D'ya ever wonder who your losing it for?"

gauchecritic said:
From 'Mary Jane' (I think) by Alanis

"I see you're losing weight again Mary Jane

D'ya ever wonder who your losing it for?"


I'm more curious as to whom she's loosing it to!:p