The female orgasm

Since we are on the subject of faking, how many guys have done it? I myself have done it, but been caught just about more than half the times, those times being when there is no evidence or i couldn't get rid of the condom in time :rolleyes:

But what really freaked me out was a one night stand a good few years ago when i couldnt get quite there an was knackered, i faked it. She started accusin me of fakin, so I had to admit to it. but was there any real reason for her to cry??? I mean it was just a one night stand! Or am I bein insensitive?
daes althor: i think she was being overly sensitive, although were i you i wouldn't have admitted it!

but yes, i've faked. :>

Couldn't have not admitted it, she seen the condom. what could i say,i wanted it back so i ate it???
ah, well i didn't realize that...for all i knew, the lights might've been off. :>
